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Hanging makes the flavour stronger. Hanging for 24 hours makes for easier preparation IMO.



I shot a few geese last year ,Canada's & gray's which tasted ok, but have seen a few post's when hanging the bird has been mentioned. Is it best to hang the birds for a few day's before cooking them?

ATB Paul.

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Following on, if you hang ducks and geese do you hang them by the head or the feet? Many moons ago I saw a cookery programme where the chef said that due to wildfowl's basic digestive system, it should be always hung by the feet to allow drainage and prevent spoilage of the meat. I don't hang anything for long as I'm not keen on 'gamey' meat, but have always hung ducks and geese from the feet ever since.

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Following on, if you hang ducks and geese do you hang them by the head or the feet? Many moons ago I saw a cookery programme where the chef said that due to wildfowl's basic digestive system, it should be always hung by the feet to allow drainage and prevent spoilage of the meat. I don't hang anything for long as I'm not keen on 'gamey' meat, but have always hung ducks and geese from the feet ever since.


I have no technical answer but I have always hung birds by the neck and rabbits by feet, got me wondering now. :hmm:

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Using logic and common sense I'd want to keep the viscera away from the edible meat; hanging by the neck does that, the guts drop towards the vent.


Following on, if you hang ducks and geese do you hang them by the head or the feet? Many moons ago I saw a cookery programme where the chef said that due to wildfowl's basic digestive system, it should be always hung by the feet to allow drainage and prevent spoilage of the meat. I don't hang anything for long as I'm not keen on 'gamey' meat, but have always hung ducks and geese from the feet ever since.

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Using logic and common sense I'd want to keep the viscera away from the edible meat; hanging by the neck does that, the guts drop towards the vent.


+1 some years ago on week long trip to the northern firths I hung some of the birds i'd shot by their feet having read somewere that they would taste better ! well when it came to packing the birds up after the customary photo shoot it wasn't hard to tell which birds were mine they were the ones that stunk :no: ! if you think about it the part of the bird that receives the killing pellets will be in the upper body, breast ,hart,lungs ,ribcage and the lower parts will also get damaged causing posible leakage that can run into the flesh that has been opened up by the pellets passing through it if you hang by thier feet. so heads up feet down .


atb tony

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I have always hung my game and fowl by the heads when the butchers were allowed to have game in the feather they would always hang birds by there heads and Rabbits and Hares by there legs , why by the legs I don't know weather it was for the blood to go through the head Im not sure but you can bet there will be a member who will know.

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