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Scottish Freebies


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Its a vote for Scotland so no offence but you in Yorkshire need not worry.

I wouldn't bother reading the vast majority of bigoted, uneducated posts on the other thread:- there were some well written posts I would add.


If Scotland is such a bunch of scroungers then why are Westminster (all parties) desperately trying to keep us? We may have been portrayed for years as scroungers by your government BUT the truth is you need Scotland. We on the other hand do not need appear to need you and the Scottish people (and vast numbers of white settlers from England) will vote on the 18th.

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Its a vote for Scotland so no offence but you in Yorkshire need not worry.

I wouldn't bother reading the vast majority of bigoted, uneducated posts on the other thread:- there were some well written posts I would add.


If Scotland is such a bunch of scroungers then why are Westminster (all parties) desperately trying to keep us? We may have been portrayed for years as scroungers by your government BUT the truth is you need Scotland. We on the other hand do not need appear to need you and the Scottish people (and vast numbers of white settlers from England) will vote on the 18th.



thankyou for your contribution


but you did not even attempt to answer the question............

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I said all that was needed to be said in my 1st sentence.



and for a second time you fail to even attempt to answer the question


which if you are to read it again is not about the independence referendum but about the current Scottish Goverment's tax and spending regime.


Or maybe you just do not know the answer ? Which is fair enough, neither do I !

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Scolopax, the funding for both education and prescriptions comes out of the block grant allocated to Scotland. This the much talked about Barnett formula number.


About 60% of prescriptions in Scotland were free anyway due to exemptions and such like.


In the case of prescriptions that is indeed money denied to the NHS in other ways, so difficult to say exactly what has been cut, but it has resulted in less spend elsewhere.


The free university fees came at the expense of 130,000 higher education places. They dropped the total number of students. Argubly they have denied 130,000 chances of getting higher education to those with lower grades, statistically, typically those from areas of higher economic poverty and less opportunity.


The short answer is Yes, in order to pay for these two things then other things lose out.


As part of the block grant there was £1bn allocated to help introduce anti poverty measures as part of a Westminster policy on poverty action. That money has gone on freebies which typically benefit the middle classes more.


Of course there is claim and counter claim around all of this.

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There is a Q and A section on the BBC which seems quite rounded (if you scroll to the bottom of the Article there are a few more Articles (NATO Membership, NHS, Tax)




Hope that helps

Quite rounded ! since when has that been desirable in the Scottish debate, it does make interesting reading though cheers

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Its a vote for Scotland so no offence but you in Yorkshire need not worry.

I wouldn't bother reading the vast majority of bigoted, uneducated posts on the other thread:- there were some well written posts I would add.


If Scotland is such a bunch of scroungers then why are Westminster (all parties) desperately trying to keep us? We may have been portrayed for years as scroungers by your government BUT the truth is you need Scotland. We on the other hand do not need appear to need you and the Scottish people (and vast numbers of white settlers from England) will vote on the 18th.

So ,how will you vote ?



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Scolopax, the funding for both education and prescriptions comes out of the block grant allocated to Scotland. This the much talked about Barnett formula number.


About 60% of prescriptions in Scotland were free anyway due to exemptions and such like.


In the case of prescriptions that is indeed money denied to the NHS in other ways, so difficult to say exactly what has been cut, but it has resulted in less spend elsewhere.


The free university fees came at the expense of 130,000 higher education places. They dropped the total number of students. Argubly they have denied 130,000 chances of getting higher education to those with lower grades, statistically, typically those from areas of higher economic poverty and less opportunity.


The short answer is Yes, in order to pay for these two things then other things lose out.


As part of the block grant there was £1bn allocated to help introduce anti poverty measures as part of a Westminster policy on poverty action. That money has gone on freebies which typically benefit the middle classes more.


Of course there is claim and counter claim around all of this.


Having a doctor and other medical related relations in the family,the NHS is suffering badly due lack of funding.Whoever thinks prescriptions really are free are deluded and dont see the big picture.

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Having a doctor and other medical related relations in the family,the NHS is suffering badly due lack of funding.Whoever thinks prescriptions really are free are deluded and dont see the big picture.

It is perceptions though isn't it, people only see they don't pay at the chemist, they don't see what else isn't getting bought or where else money is being denied.


It can be argued that there is a policy of engineered poverty in Scotland in order to be seen to be giving away 'free' things like prescriptions, uni fees, council tax freezes, etc.


The truth is though, as your family can see, is that it just means spend being denied elsewhere, but because that isn't a single ticket item it is hard to quantify.

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that is exactly why i did not put it into the Scotland thread


I wanted factual answers to the current situation


not for it to degenerate into a point scoring competition for the two respective referendum camps.


I,nor anybody else on here can answer the "how does it work" question.

I dont believe it can/does work because other things have to suffer to cover for these freebies.

As can be seen in the Scotland thread,there are what ifs,buts,imagines and loads of other scenarios being bandied about when us the public can not say what will happen and some of the keech spouted is verging on the retarded and the amount of hatred shown from certain folk is unbelievable.

At the end of the day,it will be what it will be,and the divide wont just be between Scotland and the UK,but also within Scotland as it will be far from a landslide either way.

Edited by sako751sg
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I,nor anybody else on here can answer the "how does it work" question.

I dont believe it can/does work because other things have to suffer to cover for these freebies.

As can be seen in the Scotland thread,there are what ifs,buts,imagines and loads of other scenarios being bandied about when us the public can not say what will happen and some of the keech spouted is verging on the retarded and the amount of hatred shown from certain folk is unbelievable.

At the end of the day,it will be what it will be,and the divide wont just be between Scotland and the UK,but also within Scotland as it will be far from a landslide either way.

Couldn't agree with you more mate. The Scotland thread is a disgrace, some opinions are childlike to say the least. ATB
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I think the spending issue should be aimed more at government wasted expenditure. If this was stopped and we had less leeches in government then this country could have a fantastic Health service and free prescriptions well as free as you pay your taxes for them in the first place only wouldn't need to pay twice.


As a youngster there was no where near the amount of managers and non medical staff in Hospitals, that is what's crippling the spending budgets.


As to how Scotland will fair if they do end up alone, I haven't a clue how Salmond intends to fund it all.


As an I dependant country I think they should have their own armed forces back as they did in the past. Be Truly independent with reinstated borders. It would be the only way to be fiscally independent then the Scottish can spend what they want where and answer only to their own populace.



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Its a vote for Scotland so no offence but you in Yorkshire need not worry.

I wouldn't bother reading the vast majority of bigoted, uneducated posts on the other thread:- there were some well written posts I would add.


If Scotland is such a bunch of scroungers then why are Westminster (all parties) desperately trying to keep us? We may have been portrayed for years as scroungers by your government BUT the truth is you need Scotland. We on the other hand do not need appear to need you and the Scottish people (and vast numbers of white settlers from England) will vote on the 18th.

Wow, that's a pretty horrible attitude - lucky they don't show you on the Scottish tourism adverts... Lol.

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