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Gun ideas for Game


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Hi guys.

Any advice or ideas appreciated.

I have been looking for a 12G Beretta for around the £600 mark .

I appreciate this is the very lowest bracket for a second hand beretta but have found a few but unfortunatly they have all been a bit too short.

I am now thinking of alternatives . I really like the solid feel to a beretta and have seen some nice scroll work on rizzinis.

This gun will be for game / wildfowling.

Any suggestion would be great.

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I did a similar exercise about a year ago. I love my beretta 20 ga, and I wanted a matching or similar 12, but since i shoot the 20 for most everything couldn't justify spending too much. So I kept my eyes open for a 12 in the price range you're suggesting and they don't really come up. Every now and then you see a S56 model in the 750-900 bracket, but that was about the best. I ended up buying a bettinsoli for £400 or so here on PW. I kinda wish I had waited a little longer and put some more cash into it. The bettinsoli is a nice gun and perfectly functional for what I need. But it doesn't feel the same as my beretta and I don't shoot it as well. I might get it bent to my dimensions, but it still won't be the same.


If you're set on a beretta, try to wait a little little longer, set a little more cash aside, and keep your eyes open.


Worst case if you find one cheap with a short stock, you can get it extended at first and then replace the stock later to one better suited.




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Have you looked at a Browning 525, good reliable gun and usually slightly longer in the stock than a Beretta. This is not meant to kick off the Browning/Beretta argument.




Also have a look at the Miroku 6000/7000 or MK60/MK70, similar to the Browning but nearer to your budget

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And no spares for any of them ,Not the guns to recommend to a mate .Lengthening a stock is not a problem .

Yet the 101 holds its price amazingly well. I've had quite a few of them and apart from one pitted firing pin have had no issues with them at all. The last two I owned were sold for more than I bought them. They are good guns. Buy a Beretta or a Browning by all means, they are very good guns also, but don't disregard the 101 simply for fear of it breaking down.

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Hi guys.

Any advice or ideas appreciated.

I have been looking for a 12G Beretta for around the £600 mark .

I appreciate this is the very lowest bracket for a second hand beretta but have found a few but unfortunatly they have all been a bit too short.

I am now thinking of alternatives . I really like the solid feel to a beretta and have seen some nice scroll work on rizzinis.

This gun will be for game / wildfowling.

Any suggestion would be great.


Err, get one extended perhaps?

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While parts aren't available from the maker they can be made adapted or scavenged.... If you find a good condition one that fits you and your budget I would rather an old 101 or 800 than a brand new wobbly & snot which will undoubtedly need parts... A well done extension isn't cheap and will change the handling!

Edited by HDAV
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You said about a rizzinis you can buy them for around 300 to 400 max a nice e rizzin with scroll or game seen side plate muti choke gun that will cover game and get a beretta Al 391 urika can get the mark 1 for around 350 to 450 for wildfowling two guns for little over I say you shop wisely get thevpair for 700

Edited by littlerob
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Fit on older Browning/ Miroku is different to the fit of Berettas. I have had 3 Mirokus over the years, all tended to shoot left for me. You may be different.


Newer Browning 20 bores are pretty much the same as Beretta 12s fit wise as are Nikko's and some older Winchesters such as the 101 lightweight game.



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