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Lofting decoys

Matt Gould

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lofting decoys really do work......i dont do it much as it is a pain to carry around alll the poles...and it takes more time to put them up...if you can be bothered with all that palava...then it usually works.......


if i were to start doing it again, i would leave all the nets at home, and just take gun ...cartridges....cammo gear...and poles and decoys...and get snuck in behind the lofting tree....

Edited by ditchman
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A less cumbersome but a little fiddly way is a catapult, an old fixed spool reel on a stick loaded with 15LBS line and around a 1 ounce ball weight , and a couple of full bodied decoys.

Stick the reel in the ground pointing towards you chosen branch, flick tha bale arm open and standing behind the reel fire the weight to get it over the branch.

find the weight if successful and tie it off, attach the decoys to the line on the reel side around 4 foot apart from one another, add a light branch if you wish into the underside peg hole as though the bird was perched, haul the birds up and try to get them facing into the wind, tie both ends of the line off if happy with their position.

A little fiddly as said but an easier carry with the kit when on a trek and not so much of a circus act if on your own in a good wind.

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Easiest way I find is by using telescopic roach poles. Have a look on bay, ive just found some 3mtr £7 up to 10mtr £28.

Take off the top section beef up the end with some thicker tuffer stuff, then use something like coat hanger wire and mount a pair if deeks. Rest up against a tree and anchor using guys.


10mtr is a long pole a bit ott

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I use them a lot and think they do work.I use 2 x full body decoys and tie a small loop on the back of them and just hook them on to the T bar of the lofting poles.I then lift them up leaving them on the poles,( don't worry about the pole looking unnatural it doesn't matter)the last pole either sits on the ground or tied to a branch/trunk.

Simple to take down and work brilliant on corvids,that said only use them if I can drive to my hide.



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