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How sad it is that none of you know the living God. He came as a baby to die in your place (and mine). He gave His life that you might live. You say there is no God, but you only have to see the beauty in the world of creation, the birth of a baby, the miracle of the body. The Old Testament speaks of the earth and everything in it - creation. Darwin, was a bitter man, blaming God for the death of his Christian wife. He lived a life trying to disprove God, died admitting he couldn't and people today are still trying the same thing. Strange how God is still evident in this world today. You just have to open your eyes and hearts to see Him. He is God, and will always be God. I hope this Christmas you will find the true meaning of Christmas and Jesus Christ.

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Atheist here,just live your life treating others as you would expect to be treated,except the bloke who lets his dog defecate on the pavement outside my Mum and Dad's house,the camera will catch you one day. :good:

How sad it is that none of you know the living God. He came as a baby to die in your place (and mine). He gave His life that you might live. You say there is no God, but you only have to see the beauty in the world of creation, the birth of a baby, the miracle of the body. The Old Testament speaks of the earth and everything in it - creation. Darwin, was a bitter man, blaming God for the death of his Christian wife. He lived a life trying to disprove God, died admitting he couldn't and people today are still trying the same thing. Strange how God is still evident in this world today. You just have to open your eyes and hearts to see Him. He is God, and will always be God. I hope this Christmas you will find the true meaning of Christmas and Jesus Christ.


Sorry to disappoint you but you are talking a load of old codswallop,could i interest you in some magic beans?

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Bible is a story book...


I agree and support Christian values.


Not an atheist, just select the best bits......

I am afraid that I just do not understand the need that people have for gods it just as doctor spock would say it is not logical having said that it is for the most part the Christian values that we in this country live by that makes it a place that we are happy to live in.

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Atheist here,just live your life treating others as you would expect to be treated,except the bloke who lets his dog defecate on the pavement outside my Mum and Dad's house,the camera will catch you one day. :good:


Sorry to disappoint you but you are talking a load of old codswallop,could i interest you in some magic beans?

is that it

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How sad it is that none of you know the living God. He came as a baby to die in your place (and mine). He gave His life that you might live. You say there is no God, but you only have to see the beauty in the world of creation, the birth of a baby, the miracle of the body. The Old Testament speaks of the earth and everything in it - creation. Darwin, was a bitter man, blaming God for the death of his Christian wife. He lived a life trying to disprove God, died admitting he couldn't and people today are still trying the same thing. Strange how God is still evident in this world today. You just have to open your eyes and hearts to see Him. He is God, and will always be God. I hope this Christmas you will find the true meaning of Christmas and Jesus Christ.

I am an agnostic. My creed is I try to treat others how I would want to be treated.

I respect others right to believe in their God.

Well done for speaking out for your Beliefs and Faith.

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i dont believe in organized religion its ******** but admit there could be something else as i cant explain the universe with just science and im sure theres stuff we dont understand.

This is another thing that I do not understand why do people seem to think that there has to be a reason why stuff happens as in what is the meaning of life to me there is no meaning to it all we are borne we live for a bit then die why does there have to be a reason I say enjoy it while you can and that is it.



Another thing people look out at the countryside the fields and woods it all looks so peaceful when in fact if you go in to it deeper it is utter carnage bugs and animals fighting for there life being killed in the most horrible ways and all for what to keep your species going on.

Edited by four-wheel-drive
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Religious people always act like there in 'the know' and the rest of us are foolish for not believing it. Anyone with an iota of common sense can see the bible was a moral guide made up thousands of years ago.


I personally don't need a 'book' to tell me how to live my life. MY parents are there for that. I was taught what's right and what's wrong from an early age. All religion does is cause death and untold misery across the globe. Even the most blinkered religious person must admit if there was a god he/she would come and show up at least once to settle all the different religions arguing about it. I'm sure a 'god' wouldn't sit back while millions of people are slaughtered in the name of religion. Or maybe he/she is too busy.


Let's not forget all the catholic priests doing fantastic work in the lords name. Abusing kids and being protected from those highly involved in religion. I'll stick with the morals my parents taught me thanks.

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How sad it is that none of you know the living God. He came as a baby to die in your place (and mine). He gave His life that you might live. You say there is no God, but you only have to see the beauty in the world of creation, the birth of a baby, the miracle of the body. The Old Testament speaks of the earth and everything in it - creation. Darwin, was a bitter man, blaming God for the death of his Christian wife. He lived a life trying to disprove God, died admitting he couldn't and people today are still trying the same thing. Strange how God is still evident in this world today. You just have to open your eyes and hearts to see Him. He is God, and will always be God. I hope this Christmas you will find the true meaning of Christmas and Jesus Christ.

I admire your standing up for your Faith, and for the gracious way you've expressed it (apart from the carp about Darwin, that is). I was a believer for a large part of my life, but now I'm an atheist and, I confess, a pretty bitter one. Am I any happier? No, I'm not, but I'm consoled by the certainty that I'm now facing up to reality. So, my advice is: if you believe that stuff and it gives your life meaning, hang onto it. I agree with Welsh1 and I wish you, sincerely, a happy Christmas.

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All religion does is cause death and untold misery across the globe. Even the most blinkered religious person must admit if there was a god he/she would come and show up at least once to settle all the different religions arguing about it. I'm sure a 'god' wouldn't sit back while millions of people are slaughtered in the name of religion. Or maybe he/she is too busy.

That is a very simplistic view and while common completely misses the point. Religion (established and organised) do far more that invite wars and violence. There are plenty of examples of religion doing good, sometimes misguided true. The reason there are problems is the failings of man, not a deity...


If a deity turned up it would either change nothing (they did that and look what happened! ) or would remove faith (faith being the basis of the 3 big religions (not Buddhism or Sikhism IIRC)



The fact religion exists and has done pretty much since the dawn if civilisation must mean we are predisposed to need it.


So why would that genetic anomaly exist? The need to believe? Are those without this need more evovled? Or less?


Man is capable of causing great pain and suffering. Why is that?

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