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Browning Ultra XS Prestige Stock Cast Help!


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I live just outside Wolverhampton nowhere near Doveridge,


I grew up near Wolverhampton. Can i suggest you contact another instructor for a second opinion.








Have a chat to a couple before handing over any money and also see about a recommendation.

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Simon knows his stuff and is quite right the browning adjustable combs are very hard to bend and highly likely to snap. Any bend is at the owners risk, some more so than others.


Re head the stock is possible and will gain between 1/8 1/4" depending on the heading now and condition.


You fired a lot of cartridges at the plate was any comment made about your mount or stance?


Also what discipline are you looking to shoot?

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Yes, been told that my head position needs to be more forward and pushed tighter onto the comb, my left eye appears to also be coming in even though I am right eye dominant, all of this has been picked up and currently trying to shoot with both eyes open but my left eye taped, feels weird but been told to stick with it and that my shooting may drop off even more before it gets better.


I always shot with a flat rib but this to has been raised after the pattern plate on my gun fit, just the cast that still needs sorting,

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I always shot with a flat rib but this to has been raised after the pattern plate on my gun fit, just the cast that still needs sorting,


The RIb on the gun? or your head position to see more rib ? Has he seen you shoot at anything other than the plate?

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Welsh warrior, I shoot predominantly sporting but have not improved at all over the last 18 months or so and probably got worse, I want to improve and want to see a coach twice a month to help, budget of £100 p/m for coaching etc.

Hi, i dont know how far away you live from Daf ( welsh warrior) but i am sure he would help you out loads. A gun fit and a go at a few clay i am sure he can help you loads. I took my wife to see him last year. He set up his gun and had her bashing clays. Gave her loads of confidence. She shoots a lotter better now he said near 2 inches needed taken of her stock i did this when i got home.now her gun fits her and she shoots loads better, please dont spend any more money. If you can get to see daf then take it from there. I am sure we all on here want to help you just keep asking.

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Hope I can clarify:

HDAV only shot at a pattern plate at present,

My gun was initially set up by me to shoot flat, the way i like when looking down the barrels, but advised that this was not correct and as such the comb raised to suit to allow 70% of the shot pattern to be above the clay and my head position on the comb should be more forward a little, this is now all set up apart from more cast being required, once this has been sorted I can then move forward with lessons, but advised pointless having further lessons until this has been addressed.

What do I do risk having the stock bent (would suggest 6mm would suffice) or change my gun to an adjustable 692 which I am told should have more cast than the adjustable browning.

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Impossible to say without seeing you and the gun shoot some targets, i need a fair cast (cant remember the measurements) so had an isis adjustable Xpad put on my trap gun (very straight in the stock miroku) which helps ideally need a tad more than the 6.5mm it offers but my gun is fixed comb so next step would be an adjustable cob or buy a different gun. I can regular hit 23-24/25 with it so i don't think the gun is holding me back. I'm holding me back.....


Your experience so far is not what i have experienced (i've had lessons/gun fits with a few coaches over the last 5 years) i would suggest a second opinion before you buy another gun or get the stock bent.


Welshwarrior isn't too far away and knows how to check gun fit.

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With the greatest of respect I know people that have had lessons with Dave Beardsmore and have found him to be an excellent coach. I am struggling as to why PW members are questioning him and his credentials. It is my understanding that he is England manager for one of the shooting disciplines so that alone would make him more than capable of gun fit, patterning etc. As an avid clay shooter I would also like to make the following points.


1. UNICAD, presumably on the discovery that the gun was not suitable in terms of fit, you could have either ended the lesson or cut it's duration in half maybe?


2. The point made about not shooting targets being absurd having paid all that money is in my mind incorrect. If you were to go and have say a diving lesson and turn up in a pair of clogs only to be told " those are no good for diving mate" would you still want to dive in them because you were paying for a lesson?!!


Maybe a second opinion is required or returning to the shop where you purchased the Browning and ask them their thoughts might be wise.


Good luck, hope it gets sorted

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I despair of coaches advising that shooters should see more rib. It works for rising targets, but adds another dimension to almost every other shot.


The man might shoot skeet at World level, but that approach can't be applied as a blanket solution to sporting targets.

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I despair of coaches advising that shooters should see more rib. It works for rising targets, but adds another dimension to almost every other shot.


The man might shoot skeet at World level, but that approach can't be applied as a blanket solution to sporting targets.

I despair of coaches advising that shooters should see more rib. It works for rising targets, but adds another dimension to almost every other shot.


The man might shoot skeet at World level, but that approach can't be applied as a blanket solution to sporting targets.


How is a crossing skeet target that much different to a crossing sporting target? Okay so perhaps a bit closer but if you had a 'high' shooting gun then surely you would miss both?

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Impossible to say without seeing you and the gun shoot some targets, i need a fair cast (cant remember the measurements) so had an isis adjustable Xpad put on my trap gun (very straight in the stock miroku) which helps ideally need a tad more than the 6.5mm it offers but my gun is fixed comb so next step would be an adjustable cob or buy a different gun. I can regular hit 23-24/25 with it so i don't think the gun is holding me back. I'm holding me back.....


Your experience so far is not what i have experienced (i've had lessons/gun fits with a few coaches over the last 5 years) i would suggest a second opinion before you buy another gun or get the stock bent.


Welshwarrior isn't too far away and knows how to check gun fit.

Taking a rest from casting your pearls of wisdom on Shootclays forum?

Unfortunately UNiCAD probably believes you especially when you tell him that you regularly hit 23-24/25. That's not quite true though is it?

From your CPSA registered scores for the current period you've shot at 450 DTL targets and hit 367. That's an average of 20.38 per round. You then go onto to say you've had lessons/gunfit with a few coaches over five years.

I'd say none of it has worked and you should be the last person doling out advice.

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Hi all.

You can put cast on or off with adjustable comb guns. I have done it on 2 Mirokus.

It goes in the sweat box ...bent to what you want....jobs a goodun. If it is done properly, it does not return to original positions.


I have also had cast taken back off 2 stocks made at Essevierre.....again both adjustable combs....because I had them made with too much cast. (Langtons did mine)


Unicad.The point is that when doing any of these technical alterations to stocks, you really need to know and understand clearly what you want and how much change you need. The worker will only do what you tell them to do. From what you have put on here i think that you will need help. Can i suggest you go and see a gun fit expert rather than take views from people who you do not know on a forum. They may not be able to hit a barn door at 10 paces. Many talk a good talk but cannot walk a straight line.


As far as coaching goes, there are many times that a lesson can involve technical discussion time or pattern plate time and few shots taken at targets, if, you have specific problems to understand or adjustments to be made. It is not all banging away in the general direction of a clay and hoping to hit one. For some who have been sold unsuitable kit, it is all about helping them to get it right.

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How is a crossing skeet target that much different to a crossing sporting target? Okay so perhaps a bit closer but if you had a 'high' shooting gun then surely you would miss both?


Big difference. Skeet is shot at targets which should follow the same trajectory and at the same speed. Sporting targets can be almost anything.


A high shooting gun would have less of an impact at 20 yards than at 60 yards.


I agree with Nutcracker - the OP need to go to someone who can actually achieve more cast off with his present gun. I believe it is possible.


What happens if he buys a Beretta 692 and that can't be modified either? I have owned many Miroku / Browning and Beretta, but don't recall any real difference in cast off - on their trap models or sporters.


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Dave knows his stuff and I would be confident in recommending him as the best skeet coach in the country.

If he says it, I would be inclined to believe it. Without anyone being present at the lesson we cannot second guess him.

As for seeing no rib, have a look at the top 50 sporting shots and see how many have a flat picture. A handful if you are lucky.

Carry on...

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Dave knows his stuff and I would be confident in recommending him as the best skeet coach in the country.

If he says it, I would be inclined to believe it. Without anyone being present at the lesson we cannot second guess him.

As for seeing no rib, have a look at the top 50 sporting shots and see how many have a flat picture. A handful if you are lucky.

Carry on...

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Dave knows his stuff and I would be confident in recommending him as the best skeet coach in the country.

If he says it, I would be inclined to believe it. Without anyone being present at the lesson we cannot second guess him.

As for seeing no rib, have a look at the top 50 sporting shots and see how many have a flat picture. A handful if you are lucky.

Carry on...[/quote


Edited by Mr Potter
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i think its starting to get a bit to personal now , people having a pop at each other, the guy is just wanting to get his gun/ shooting right .. it will not be helping him people having a go at each other. will just cause him more problems . i trust daf of here and i am sure many others do to and he wont rip you off please go see him and you will have a chance to bash a few clays a good way to make you feel better . i do hope you get sorted and start to enjoy your shooting again , maybe your confidence has gone a bit , time will sort it keep us informed how you get on.

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Just catching up on comments,


All I wanted from this discussion was help with getting additional cast on my gun "NOTHING AT ALL TO DO WITH COACHING TECHNIQUE !"


Dave Beardsmore called me this morning catching up on how my shooting went on Sunday and also expressed to me his upset with some of the blatantly negative feedback towards his coaching techniques that have been posted.


Can I say that i am COMPLETELY happy with the advice he has given me to date and that with his experience he must be the number one rated competition coach in the country and no one should be questioning his coaching techniques!


The topic of this subject was to get advice on how to get additional cast on my gun to help my shooting needs nothing more, please can all concerned stick to the topic in hand.


I really wish I hadn't bothered now.



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