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Storage heaters


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Is there anyone around who could give me a bit of advice about storage heaters?


I've just agreed to rent a property and it's heated by storage heaters positioned under the windows.


Do I need to be concerned about the curtains touching or being very close to the heaters, will they cause a risk of fire?


Many thanks


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I would ask for them to be ripped out and replaced, we had them in the first house we rented. Only hot during the day, so cold by the time we got in from work and our leccy bill for the first quarter (NOV-FEB) was extortionate!

Can't imagine a landlord would rip them out, what would you replace them with? Maybe a brand new heating system boiler, radiators, tank and all the plumbing, I know I wouldn't. We have them in a property and once fine tuned work well enough and we don't get any moans about them, ours are fairly modern ones about 2 years old.

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Mine are under the window and yes the curtains do touch them and yes they get hot but my house hasn't burnt down, they are **** tho, and expensive to run, as already stated house lovely during the morning and early afternoon but by the time evening gets here the house goes cold.

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make sure your on Eco 7 tarriff ,... keep asking for new tariifs so your not on stander rates as missus has got it cheeper for day and night rate then it was 2 years ago :) got to be ecoish also and use i think 35 to 45% in the night rate to work out cheeper,. 3 bed house £240ish winter and 120ish in summer., recommend instaling a 2ndry sorce of heating ie electric fire as they do only charge at night' iv been caught out on cold aha, but today the opersit as i charge it last night and it sunnie today :( lol

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What sort are they ? are they combination units ie storage and fan convector ?


Modern Night storage heaters running off the Economy 7 tarrif are in fact reasonably efficient.


Some are also controllable so that the stored heat is only released through the convector on demand and can be turned up or down.


The surface temperature of heaters is regulated so as prevent combustion of soft furnishings however covering them will reduce their efficiency the same way as curtains would a conventional wet radiator.

Edited by Fisherman Mike
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Have them in the property I rent (electric only, no gas around here) but simply cannot afford to run them. Even on Eco7 they are horribly expensive. You might just as well burn fivers on an open fire. Plus they make the place hot as hell first thing in the morning, but by the time you get home at night the warmth has dissipated any you're chilly.


I bought a couple of De Longhi 1.5kw oil-filled electric radiators instead, and run them on time-clocks. Nice and warm when you get up, and in the evening, with a quick 10 minute burst from a fan heater if you need a top up. Much more economical. Apart from the lounge & bedroom the rest of the house goes unheated. .... You soon get used to it.

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