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Olympic cock up


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So the government has admitted they could find enough money (£9.3 billion) to build 31 new hospitals or

186 new schools over the next 5 years. :blink: :lol:


So what do they spend it on? Why that's easy ....Olympic Games 2012.


What a total and utter waste of money, how on earth can this waste of space government even start to

justify this. :D:lol::/

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Totally against them. A huge waste of money for 1 months activities and which we as a country will be paying off for years to come.


There will be no long term benefit and the buildings will be under used and will fall into disrepair as the long term funding and commitment to sports is just not there.


Athens was nearly bankrupt following their shambles...


It's not as though our hospitals, schools and other civic amenities are tip top and that the money couldn't go to better causes / projects.


Given that we are now lumbered with the Olympics I do rather hope that the Government nick the whole lot out of the lottery and off Camelot - mind you the lottery was just another labour indirect tax (aka the moron tax).

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Most countries that host the Olympic games, end up losing a lot of money, usually money they can't afford to lose.


For a long time I have thought that there should be a permanent Olympic facility, say in Greece.

All of the competing countries could pay some pro rata contribution to its upkeep.

This would spread the cost very nicely.


I fear this is part of Blairs Legacy...............just like the Millenium Dome. :D

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The system of politics in this country placates us by assuring the masses they have the opportunity to vote for what we want, yet we only get that choice once roughly in every four years.


In between elections the elected party lie, cheat and steal as much as they possibly can and there isn't a damn thing we can do about it.


Electoral reform is the only way out of this mess.



Most countries that host the Olympic games, end up losing a lot of money, usually money they can't afford to lose.


For a long time I have thought that there should be a permanent Olympic facility, say in Greece.

All of the competing countries could pay some pro rata contribution to its upkeep.

This would spread the cost very nicely.


I fear this is part of Blairs Legacy...............just like the Millenium Dome. :D


A good idea, but lets not forget that Ken, Tony and their cronies stand to make personal fortunes from the Olympics. Look into it sufficiently deeply and you will find a line back from every major construction project, infrastructure improvement or anything else - right back to companies favoured in government tenders and back yet further to minsters who sit on the committees who approve these things.


It stinks.

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Horrified. Just seen this on the news and the interview with Tessa Jowell showed her to be just like all the rest of her colleagues. :D







Totally agree. What a waste of money it seems as long as it is for London it doesn't matter what it cost's they seem to get it. :blink: :lol::lol:

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A good idea, but lets not forget that Ken, Tony and their cronies stand to make personal fortunes from the Olympics. Look into it sufficiently deeply and you will find a line back from every major construction project, infrastructure improvement or anything else - right back to companies favoured in government tenders and back yet further to minsters who sit on the committees who approve these things.


It stinks.


Pin, you hit the nail right on the head !

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I'm sure that all the additional tourism will help eventually balance the books.... :D


£10 billion quids worth of tourism? Hmmmm I must be in in the wrong game....


As an aside they are saying £9.3 billion now when they really have no idea what it will cost all told.


Whatcha reckon the real end figure will be - £15 bill?

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Mungler's dead right, whatever figures are being bandied about now will be well short of the final total.


In 2011 it will be absolute chaos, with none of the projects being on programme or within budget, the government of the day will be blaming everybody else for the cock ups and the lawyers will have a field day firing off writs to absolutely everybody involved in the whole process. :D



At least it will show the rest of the World how far this country has declined over the last few years. :blink:



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It'll embarrass this country. When was the last structure of event held in this country without it being massively over budget and over deadline? This countries infrastructure can't cope as it is, how do we expect the 10,000's Olympic visitors to move around the country during the biggest, pedestrian, motorway and railway gridlock the world has ever seen?


It's just this sort of event that will make me ashamed to be British.

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At Bisley we have, probalby, the most comprehensive shooting facilities in europe. Millions were spent improving them for the 2000 commonwealth games (which were based in Manchester - 212 miles away).


Bisley is just 43 miles from Woolwich, SE London where; at a cost of £8 million, the Olymic Organising Committee having decided that, as 43 miles is just too far from the Olymic village to expect the athlets to travel, a new facility for all shooting disciplines is to be built.


So, a brand new all singing, all dancing facility for the community to enjoy for years to come and to help promote shooting interests in general? No, after the games have finished, another £4 million has been budgeted to demolish it!


We so badly need a Constitution with a second ammendment to protect us from our 'Tryrannical Government'.

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This does annoy me when there are so many other things that need the money, like the National Health, Public Transport, etc. Of course hosting the Olympics will create a revenue for many industries and businesses in the UK. I doubt i'll see any of it though. I just wish Blair had been a little more accurate with the spenditure, but then even if he had, i doubt it would have made any difference.

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As an aside they are saying £9.3 billion now when they really have no idea what it will cost all told.


Whatcha reckon the real end figure will be - £15 bill?


You're dead right their Mungler, when we first "won" the games their original budget was set at £2.3 billion,

so it's only gone up by 4x so far....plenty more to go yet!

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Imagine the opening ceremony, with the whole event being massively over budget we won't be able to afford the typically **** firework display we normally put on, instead Gorden Brown will be handing out sparklers to the only 53 spectators who managed to reach the the staduim via the number 72A bus (48 sitting, 5 standing).


5 years early i'm cringing already.

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We are running a book in work on the eventual cost, not really worth it as the true cost will be well covered up ;)


I dread to think how much that Wembley Stadium has cost,


For what its worth my bet is 26.5 Billion, and I bet I am not far off the mark.


It all makes me seeth with rage :D





I like the idea of running a book.


Interesting to see if these posts are archived and available when the year comes. I like the idea of being 100% right (on all counts), my posts "going national" and then my being invited all expenses paid to do the TV circuit - I can see it now, 2012 me being asked to open the Olympic Shames and later on falling out the back of a white limo, ****** and being propped up by two of what will be the then current page 3 girls doing a kiss and tell on a couple of the Olympic organisers / atheletes / consultants, on our way to doing Question Time....


I would go for a cool £18 billion based on the fact that the Dome was £1 billion (all those years ago) and we will be building a series of sports "Domes", car parks, rail links and god knows what and we will be spending money on pulling much of what we build back down again. The fact that alot of these multi million pound constructions are "temporary structures" is supposed to appease me.


Yours Mung.


If you are from Parky, Question Time or even the Graham Norton show my public appearance fees are very reasonable.

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