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Great discussion and lots of views but I have a question, what is the percentage of MP`s required in order to be able to form a government. Is it 50% or more or would it be whoever has the largest percentage and then have to discuss with the remainder the formation of a coalition ?


So say for argument that both the conservatives' & labour have a similar number of seats but below 50% who has the lead in forming a coalition government ? Is it the party with the largest number of seats who then has to find support from other parties or could the smaller parties get together in order to form a majority.

The new UK parliament act that was put in place by this government changes things a little.


If no majority the sitting government get a crack at forming a minority government, but they have to believe that they can command a majority, so when they outline their plans at the queen's speech if their motions are voted down they must resign and the opportunity to form a government defaults to the largest opposition, if they cannot command a majority either then it is another election.


It is SNP's stated aim that they will vote against a tory minority government at the Queens speech so if Labour do the same then they get a shot by default.

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SNP are an extreme version of socialist Labour, who could do a deal with 'red Ed'. Like I said, if Labour get in then cross-hairs at Scotland before UKIP voters.

If you want to blame someone for letting labour back in, try to aim at the right people , IE Osbourne and Cameron, neither seem to understand the terms of national debt confusing it with budget deficit, they prattle on about how they have cut the deficit by a third yet despite them kicking the living daylights out of the ordinary bloke (lower end of the scale ) via the introduction of swinging austerity measures, we now have a national debt that is way over a trillion, and they have borrowed more in this term of office than labour did in two?


Lets think back to the promises

No increase in VAT oops up it went

Net immigration down to less than 100.000 oops its now running at just under 300.000 nearly ALL low skilled unneeded labour

Child benefit Cameron said I like child benefit I will keep it and I wont means test it ? what did he do?

Winter fuel allowance he said he would not change it then he did.

The bedroom tax , disastrous for some (many disabled) people

EU rebate yep he really showed them by negotiating hard for them to ream us royally and take what was ours in the first place and then call it a good deal?.

just handful of the u turn kings about faces many many more lies and deceptions from our ever so failed economic guru's


no mate if you want someone to blame blame those who have done the damage to the man in the street whilst leaving the top lads totally unscathed

if Cameron is pushed out then regardless of who comes in I will raise a glass and say good riddance you plum gobbed ape, I gave you a go but you lied to me, so off you pop son dont come back.



Edited by kdubya
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SNP are an extreme version of socialist Labour, who could do a deal with 'red Ed'. Like I said, if Labour get in then crosshairs at Scotland before UKIP voters.

What a ridiculous argument and also completely different to your last point where you wanted to blame Scotland.


If Labour get into power it is not the fault of anyone, it is the greater desire of the people. You or I might not agree with them, but that's democracy.


If the party that you want in are not compelling enough that is their fault, all very simple.

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If you want to blame someone for letting labour back in, try to aim at the right people , IE Osbourne and Cameron, neither seem to understand the terms of national debt confusing it with budget deficit, they prattle on about how they have cut the deficit by a third yet despite them kicking the living daylights out of the ordinary bloke (lower end of the scale ) via the introduction of swinging austerity measures, we now have a national debt that is way over a trillion, and they have borrowed more in this term of office than labour did in two?


Lets think back to the promises

No increase in VAT oops up it went

Net immigration down to less than 100.000 oops its now running at just under 300.000 nearly ALL low skilled unneeded labour

Child benefit Cameron said I a like child benefit I will keep it and I wont means test it ? what did he do?

Winter fuel allowance he said he would not change it then he did.

The bedroom tax , disastrous for some (many disabled) people

EU rebate yep he really showed them by negotiating hard for them to ream us royally and take what what ours in the first place and then call it a good deal?.

just handful of the u turn kings about faces many many more lies and deceptions from our ever so failed economic guru's


no mate if you want someone to blame blame those who have done the damage to the man in the street whilst leaving the top lads totally unscathed

if Cameron is pushed out then regardless of who comes in I will raise a glass and say good riddance you plum gobbed ape, I gave you a go but you lied to me, so off you pop son dont come back.



basically sums it up still trust the torys?

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As long as there is a 'deficit' in public finances ie. the governments and councils spend more than they drag in from us, the national debt is bound to grow bigger, because they borrow to make up the difference. NuLab left so many commitments behind with their Socialist benefits and pay for under-employed public/quango employees etc., it will take at least a generation to straighten it out, if any political party has the stomach for it.

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The devolution of scotland and wales (both labour strongholds) was done to help labour rig the voting system, 70% or there abouts of england are tory voters (or were traditionally) and devolving those two gives labour an advantage.


The comment has been made about 300,000 unskilled labourers coming here last year...... I see this daily, I am between decent jobs at the minute and doing some work in a local large distribution warehouse, the place employs several thousand, 60-70% are polish agency staff, those locals (like me) who work there are employed directly and paid on average 8 an hour (made up with various shift allowances and bonus's) the agency staff are only on 6 something an hour......... Large businesses like this benefit from open door eu policies, and it costs local jobs..... Its wrong on various levels and makes a mockery of immigration.


I had a mate who tried to relocate to australia years ago, he was sent back as the job he was offered there could have been done by an aussie, if however it had been a trade or skilled job he had the special skills for he could have stayed.


I am all for ukips point system immigration policy, coming out of the eu will save us money which I feel would be better spent within our borders.


And we are all shooters, have you heard nigels ideas on pistols? He is very pro shooting and all the things that bring us together

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Labour and conservatives when questioned about immigration wheel out a doctor or specialist nurse.......... That's not the problem that so many working class have to deal with daily.


And really misrepresents immigration as under a points system such specialist skills would still allow them to come here and help us out

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If you want to blame someone for letting labour back in, try to aim at the right people , IE Osbourne and Cameron, neither seem to understand the terms of national debt confusing it with budget deficit, they prattle on about how they have cut the deficit by a third yet despite them kicking the living daylights out of the ordinary bloke (lower end of the scale ) via the introduction of swinging austerity measures, we now have a national debt that is way over a trillion, and they have borrowed more in this term of office than labour did in two?


Lets think back to the promises

No increase in VAT oops up it went

Net immigration down to less than 100.000 oops its now running at just under 300.000 nearly ALL low skilled unneeded labour

Child benefit Cameron said I like child benefit I will keep it and I wont means test it ? what did he do?

Winter fuel allowance he said he would not change it then he did.

The bedroom tax , disastrous for some (many disabled) people

EU rebate yep he really showed them by negotiating hard for them to ream us royally and take what was ours in the first place and then call it a good deal?.

just handful of the u turn kings about faces many many more lies and deceptions from our ever so failed economic guru's


no mate if you want someone to blame blame those who have done the damage to the man in the street whilst leaving the top lads totally unscathed

if Cameron is pushed out then regardless of who comes in I will raise a glass and say good riddance you plum gobbed ape, I gave you a go but you lied to me, so off you pop son dont come back.



Things change when people get into power, it's called compromise and let's be honest, the were left a steaming **** of a mess, he could have left everything as is and we would have been even further in the mire.


It's not always a black and white world...

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i.m.h.o they are all the same .............promise the voting public that they will do this and that etc etc if they vote for them .............then when they do get into power immediately start to back pedal and changing their minds on most of their policies

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i.m.h.o they are all the same .............promise the voting public that they will do this and that etc etc if they vote for them .............then when they do get into power immediately start to back pedal and changing their minds on most of their policies

think youv'e put your finger on it

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If you want to blame someone for letting labour back in, try to aim at the right people , IE Osbourne and Cameron, neither seem to understand the terms of national debt confusing it with budget deficit, they prattle on about how they have cut the deficit by a third yet despite them kicking the living daylights out of the ordinary bloke (lower end of the scale ) via the introduction of swinging austerity measures, we now have a national debt that is way over a trillion, and they have borrowed more in this term of office than labour did in two?


Lets think back to the promises

No increase in VAT oops up it went

Net immigration down to less than 100.000 oops its now running at just under 300.000 nearly ALL low skilled unneeded labour

Child benefit Cameron said I like child benefit I will keep it and I wont means test it ? what did he do?

Winter fuel allowance he said he would not change it then he did.

The bedroom tax , disastrous for some (many disabled) people

EU rebate yep he really showed them by negotiating hard for them to ream us royally and take what was ours in the first place and then call it a good deal?.

just handful of the u turn kings about faces many many more lies and deceptions from our ever so failed economic guru's


no mate if you want someone to blame blame those who have done the damage to the man in the street whilst leaving the top lads totally unscathed

if Cameron is pushed out then regardless of who comes in I will raise a glass and say good riddance you plum gobbed ape, I gave you a go but you lied to me, so off you pop son dont come back.



:no: Your total ignorance astounds me...you shouldn't be allowed to post such bilious and acrimonious drivel... You and Farage are well matched and I hope you will be very happy together. :yes:

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:no: Your total ignorance astounds me...you shouldn't be allowed to post such bilious and acrimonious drivel... You and Farage are well matched and I hope you will be very happy together. :yes:

seems its you who can give it, but not take it :yes: talk about a childish bleat that one needs its nappy changing.



Edited by kdubya
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there all lieing self serving scumbags that need to swap and change between themselfs so that nothing gets done, ie liebour left us in the mire so we need to do x y and z to sort it (promise to stop immigration) cant because eu says we cant problem buried no blame to coningservatives all same old same old promise the earth deliver **** all that the average man in the street can see benifits him ( unless you happen to be a homosexual immigrant with 30 kids and a incurable disesase )

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seems its you who can give it, but not take it :yes: talk about a childish bleat that one needs its nappy changing.



Yawn...your nothing but a typical UKIP hypocritical bully boy...cant accept for one minute that anyone dare differ from your opinion, wind your neck in and take your head out of your **** for a hour or two.


You obviously have serious psychological issues from a past experience in earlier life. and I do in fact have some sympathy for you.


Vote UKIP with the rest of your cronies but don't keep stuffing the purple rag down our necks please.





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there all lieing self serving scumbags that need to swap and change between themselfs so that nothing gets done, ie liebour left us in the mire so we need to do x y and z to sort it (promise to stop immigration) cant because eu says we cant problem buried no blame to coningservatives all same old same old promise the earth deliver **** all that the average man in the street can see benifits him ( unless you happen to be a homosexual immigrant with 30 kids and a incurable disesase )

Not the most articulate post :lol: but extremely accurate :good:




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Yawn...your nothing but a typical UKIP hypocritical bully boy...cant accept for one minute that anyone dare differ from your opinion, wind your neck in and take your head out of your **** for a hour or two.


You obviously have serious psychological issues from a past experience in earlier life. and I do in fact have some sympathy for you.


Vote UKIP with the rest of your cronies but don't keep stuffing the purple rag down our necks please.





Had the top off a can of ace lager have we? you were ranting to Gordon earlier about him being personal, but it seems you cant accept another view than yours without making it personal yourself :yes: sign of a loser I'm afraid and bad sport old chap.



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there all lieing self serving scumbags that need to swap and change between themselfs so that nothing gets done, ie liebour left us in the mire so we need to do x y and z to sort it (promise to stop immigration) cant because eu says we cant problem buried no blame to coningservatives all same old same old promise the earth deliver **** all that the average man in the street can see benifits him ( unless you happen to be a homosexual immigrant with 30 kids and a incurable disesase )

:) not quite sure how your going to have 30 kids as a homosexual but wheres there a will

Edited by islandgun
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Had the top off a can of ace lager have we? you were ranting to Gordon earlier about him being personal, but it seems you cant accept another view than yours without making it personal yourself :yes: sign of a loser I'm afraid and bad sport old chap.



Apologies..... two bottles of 2003 Chateau La Commanderie actually.. us Conservatives don't drink Lager...

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Apologies..... two bottles of 2003 Chateau La Commanderie actually.. us Conservatives don't drink Lager...

Therein lies the problem the Country faces.

The Conservatives need the working classes to gain overall control.

Maggie knew the score,so did Blair with the middle classes.

The Tories aren't even campaigning here which would suggest they are leaving Cleggy to it.

Maybe a deal for another term between them.

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Not the most articulate post :lol: but extremely accurate :good:




if i was articulate i would be a politician :lol: as im not i will try and tell it how i see it from some one who is not benifiting from any thing that the lieing scumbags are doing except working day and night to pay and watch my taxes mispent voteing for anyone only means your ****** buy someone you voted in to do it :oops:

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