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I voted for Tony Blair a few years ago. Liked the guy and still do. All this **** in the press about war crimes, don't haven't an opinion.


Gordon Brown was a different story, nearly destroyed this country, oh no it was the banker's?


Who cares, let's look at the future.


I don't care if you are left wing, right wing or centre. There is only one party actually healing this country's problems and trying to reduce the deficit, even before thinking about reducing the country's debt and that's the Tory's whether you love them or hate them.


UKIP have an opinion mostly based on immigration, no policy's on the economy or any thing else to be honest, so we have a choice, Milliprat and Balls and possibly a coalition with SNP who will do their best to destroy GB and force a Scottish independence, we all know this would be a disaster for all. or vote Tory and see this country back on it's feet.


What ever your politics, we live in a democratic society based on a country based on wealth creators, eg Sugar, Branson, Green etc and many more creating jobs for the general public. Doesn't matter whether you like or hate them or even envy them, this is what this country is.

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UKIP have an opinion mostly based on immigration, no policy's on the economy or any thing else to be honest,


i think you might find the clue is in the name United Kingdom INDEPENDENCE Party,their promise is a referendum on leaving the eu.

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After tonight's debate. My vote has .......







Not been changed.


Go on Nigel. You get my vote. The only man that didn't read his answers off pre written notes all night. He spoke from the heart and said what most think and few have the balls to say in public.

Whether he will do our country any good or not would remain to be seen but the previous numpties haven't done too well so what have we got to lose

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Perhaps because Nigel is the only one who answers the questions and tackles the awkward issues.


Cameron, Clegg and Milliband come across as superficial.


Nicola Sturgeon should get another line of work - perhaps Jimmy Krankie impressions and the Green candidate - she looks and sounds like a complete idiot.

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Well put ...obviously intelligently reasoned...many keep saying "what have we got to lose" as a basis of their decision where to vote ....well the answer is everything. And "its time for a change" well its not..... now is time for a status quo, finish the job in hand. Its all going the right way, that is absolutely unequivocal.

Edited by Fisherman Mike
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Well put ...obviously intelligently reasoned...many keep saying "what have we got to lose" as a basis of their decision where to vote ....well the answer is everything. And "its time for a change" well its not..... now is time for a status quo, finish the job in hand. Its all going the right way, that is absolutely unequivocal.

That's only your opinion. You are only one person. We are entitled to think and act differently aren't we?

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you are starting to get sweaty again FM your beloved cons are about to be consigned to the history books.



By history books, do you mean having lots and lots of MPs?


C'mon KW, UKIP can certainly shake up the big 3, possibly slightly alter the heading the good ship Britain takes but please get some perspective here, they are (in their present form) a protest party headed by a very flamboyant and effective leader, but that's it. They have nothing else in the tank, no depth, no coherence and no way to stop mentalists and racists from bolstering their ranks and dragging them back down. I'm sure they will evolve, and rapidly, but that evolution will be see them turn into yet another Westminster orientated, top-down party that will increasing look and sound like any other (successful) party. Vote UKIP if you want, good in fact because British politics needs a bit of fresh air, but please don't get any crazy ideas that you are voting for a party of free thinking, say-it-as-it-is, party-of-the-people, 'common sense' politicians that will mark the end of the Tories and Labour together. That isn't going to happen.


On My 8th either Labour or the Tories will be in power, maybe with a small cling-on in tow. Will you see any difference in your life over the next 5 years? Probably not. When the economy strengthens (as it will no matter who is in power) and people start to feel a little richer, UKIP support will probably wain and they will become more moderate to tap into the nations feeling, they will, step by step, get more mainstream and less distinguishable from the others - what will you think then? Will you be so ardent in your support or will you be able to look with unbiased eyes?


In my ward I'll be voting for the person and not the party this time as I don't support any dogmatic ideological views of the parties. PR is the way forward in my book so everyone has a stake in the political world and you are not forced into 'believeing' a one size fits all manifesto. It may make politics more cumbersome but it will be fair.

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What I would have liked to see is a question on defence. Are we going to "remain" a world power or are we going to decimate the military power whilst still keeping the same battle rhythm? I am serving and am proud to, but at what expense? Do I have to keep doing back to back tours putting my marriage and life at risk or will they lower the deployment burden? And before anyone starts I won't get out, it's my career and strangely enough I love it. Even after 17 years. Call me mad I know

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