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Muck spreading

Mr Wasp

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Evening all

Can anyone advise if its possible to decoy successfully on corn stubble after it has had muck spread on it. It was only cut today and ive been watching closely for weeks. There has been plenty of birds feeding and excellent flight lines. However the farmer is very quick to spread muck and im not sure if that means the opportunity will be gone even though there is residual corn in the field.

Many thanks


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It certainly is possible to shoot good bags over stubble that has been spread with muck. I have done so my self a few times.

As always the flightlines need to be there, if you are confident pigeon traffic is passing by then get the decoys out.


If you use a dog, leave it at home though. It would stink after a day on the spread muck.

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Really great news ... I was really gutted as i met a chap that said he'd done decoying in the past and that as soon as its spread the opportunity is gone. (sorry for posting the same post twice)


Hope you dont mind another question but i had another new permission that was cut a day or so ago and i'd been watching for weeks. There were plenty of birds whilst it was standing but went today hopeful of a good day and nothing ! Only two birds flew anywhere near the field in around three hours .. so i gave up. Is this common that they can all disappear? Were they disturbed by the harvesting and can they come back after a while?


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There's no black and white in this game Mr wasp. The harvesting won't have put the birds off, more like they have found something else to feast on. They might be be back, depends what happens elsewhere[Farming wise].

Keep watching would be my advise, reconaissance is key. Always remember that.

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The food table is vast at this time of year and you can have birds feeding on standing crops but get attracted to other fields . We are not the only people who watch flightlines , pigeon do it to find the best feed source to survive. Muck spread stubble is a good food source for pigeon and you can get good bags off them. As Aga man has said reconassence and Intel is the best way to find pigeon. It's difficult to obtain permission on stubble fields but wait till the crops are being damaged then ask for a day , do a good job and when you see them again ask again. good luck.

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