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Lack of Respect. Again

Chris Bb

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I think that your comment about her not being English bearing in mind that she was born in South London may have been a bit ill-advised, although I am sure you didn't mean it as it came out!


As others have said I often forget to move my poppy from one coat/jacket to another - hopefully people don't think I lack respect when I'm out.[/quote


My comment actually said her family meaning forefathers she of course will be English as born here.However it seems that any reference to being English these days is frowned upon I can't remember the last time I had a form where English was an option as to your ethnic group.I can't agree with her not being able to wear a ribbon for aids day as I feel this is one charity that has had over the years more than its fair share of media time.No doubt her ancestors came to this country in search of a better life and to enjoy the freedoms that so many sacrificed for.

the ones she feels uncomfortable about

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the ones she feels uncomfortable about


Wow how to twist words! Again look at what she actually said: So I feel uncomfortable supporting just one charity above all others,


She supports many charities including the RBL.

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you have to ask would the same level of abuse be leveled at David Cameron and his remembrance poppy gaff (god forbid Jeremy Corbyn did the same he would be hammered) or is this more to do with this lady's ethnic origin :hmm:


some of the posts on this thread are cringe worthy, i note the person who posted is conspicuous by his absence :whistling: are you still so sure about your facts

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Wow how to twist words! Again look at what she actually said: So I feel uncomfortable supporting just one charity above all others,


She supports many charities including the RBL.

As I recall nobody was asked to support any charity above any others.Also the poppy is not purely to signify a charity many millions of poppies will go into wreaths to be laid as a mark of respect it is simply the time for remembrance when it is time for aids day or red nose day or any other day then we will not wear a poppy but whatever their chosen emblem is.However as I have said in occasions before this and any other forum is for airing your views and opinions however it seems this is only to be if they are the same as the PW massive.Maybe that infamous Facebook mentality is spreading.

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As I recall nobody was asked to support any charity above any others.Also the poppy is not purely to signify a charity many millions of poppies will go into wreaths to be laid as a mark of respect it is simply the time for remembrance when it is time for aids day or red nose day or any other day then we will not wear a poppy but whatever their chosen emblem is.However as I have said in occasions before this and any other forum is for airing your views and opinions however it seems this is only to be if they are the same as the PW massive.Maybe that infamous Facebook mentality is spreading.

I suppose it's inconceivable that your views on this subject are wrong?
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I suppose it's inconceivable that your views on this subject are wrong?

Of course not.

He's either a blatant racist who has been spotted, and is trying to brazen it out by making various random slurs.

Or he posted without engaging his brain, and is so arrogant that he's now forced by that same arrogance into defending a position even he knows is wrong.


Either way, all he's doing is just digging the hole deeper every time he reaches for the keyboard.

Edited by robbiep
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i'm not taking sides and this probably needs another thread but when does an opinion become something "wrong" if it does agree with our own.

A very fair and valid point, and I was aware of it as I pressed the post button, but I wanted a short concise sentence.


Here is what I should have written:

I suppose it's inconceivable that your views on this subject are outside of the socially accepted standards of society having been, as they are, fostered by repeatedly misinterpreting, possibly deliberately, the facts of the case to support a world view that does not reflect the reality, and thus is to be considered anomalous in the extreme.


Hope that's better :ninja:

Edited by FalconFN
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Having been born during the second world war and grown up with all my male relatives serving during WW1 or WW2 I have worn a poppy since I could walk and donated as much as I could afford.


However, having read this thread and seen for myself the troll like obsession of the poppy bullies in general, I am now minded, as an act of defiance, to not wear the poppy I was given when I put my few quid in the collection tin. My father fought for freedom, something these zealots seem to want to take away from us


To watch every little Oik who appears on the TV have his or her compulsory poppy pinned to their chest prior to going before the camera demeans the whole object of personal involvement and donation.

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