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young airgunner

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That's outrageous, I can't believe any self respecting sportsman would do that. I only shoot what I am prepared to eat, sell or give to others regardless if I was to be asked to help a farmer/landowner shoot/pigeons for crop protection purposes.


I hope they catch whoever did this and take away whatever weapons they have for good.



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i think you should write a letter to your local paper and make your feelings known.let joe public know that not all the shooting fraternity get up to this and that they are isolated cases. imagine of all places a public lay by. total ***** any right minded shooter should know this is only fuel to the antis fire.

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I am totally mistafied by this. I have never ever ever in my life come across any pigeon shooter who would do anything like this. I am sure you all can associate with this.....I have unfortunately clipped a bird before that has flown off in obvious distress for a great distance. I have walked for ages seeking it out to make sure it is dead or able to be found to let it meet with a preacher. never in ammillion years would anything like this happen. I would be singing from the steeples if I had manged to shoot 200 birds....I certainly wouldn't be dumping them( look at my previous post....I was over the moon at getting a point off chelsea) so bagging anything near that would be amazing. Maybe I am being over sentimental about my sport but I am sure their cant be such a **** out there who would take the time to learn the field craft to be able to get a bag like that just todump it at the road side.......In a phrase......LOST FOR WORDS.





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just seen this in the local free paper named "oxford journal". this does nothing in helping our sport, read below :D




cheers james



As much as would never condone the dumping in public view of any shot species, fur or feather, I have frequently shot good bags of pigeon and rabbit as crop protection, I am always very pleased to be able to give to anyone who wants it but there comes a time when the numbers or supply outstrips demand and they end up in the farm "hole", up until very recently I had not considered it worthwhile stockpiling pigeon in the freezer to await the dealer but now I have retired the cash would be useful to offset the costs,running a landrover, licences, cartridges etc.

I fully support the view that you eat what you shoot but when its a case of vermin control it becomes more of a job than sport.


:) D2D

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Is they're any chance at all they weren't shot it doenst say it in the article that they were although theres not much else would have caused it.


Would make some good fox baitin though :lol:



it doesnt state they were shot mabye its some cleared a racing loft??

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That's just stupid. I like to eat everything I shoot if I can, but if it does get left I put it next to the fox hole at the farm so someone else gets a feed! I've got a butcher that will take excess if I ever get too many (not likely the way I shoot!) and even if he doesn't pay me anything it's better than dumping them! In an extreme case they could have left them somewhere private instead of next to a road, but even that would be bad enough :lol:

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mmmm if it was a pigeon shooter then they should be ashamed of themselves and I'd go as far to say if they get caught then they should loose their certificate. If you can't find anything better to do with what you've shot than dump it then 1) don't shoot it and 2) at least have the sense to bury it somewhere out of sight. Mind you most fly tippers get away scott free so this one's unlikely to ever be bought to book. :angry:


That said I wonder if the anti's had anything to do with this? Not the first time such a practice has been reported and isn't it just a little strange how they always get reported shortly after being dumped? :lol:

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I wonder if the anti's had anything to do with this? Not the first time such a practice has been reported and isn't it just a little strange how they always get reported shortly after being dumped? :lol:


A good point, worth an Anonymous phone call to the rag to say you had a tip off it may be an anti prank may be in order :angry:

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