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Another fatal dog attack


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Only issue with this is the government would charge an arm and a leg for a 'Licence' and the people owning these dogs would own them illegally anyway :L other than that I like the idea :)

I don't know why it would cost. In N Ireland dog licencing is administered by the local council. A single dog is £12! As for the illegal point, well that was part of my reasoning. No licence to show = fine. Second time = court. Third = destroy the dog or prison maybe? Good judicial guidance could sort that out.

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Everyone gets hung up over breeds, what they forget is every single dog has descended from wolves, therefore all dogs have the same basic drives and instinct's particularly if they feel the need to protect or get scared (kind of like how we retain our flinch response or fight flight or freeze). Sure some dogs if they flip have more potential to do damage and certain breeds have higher drive or likelyhood to display curtain behaviours hence why we use labs to retrieve etc however like I said the important part is socialisation and training, without that all dogs have the potential to be dangerous and that is the part people forget so to the person who said they fail to see the similarities between guns and dogs, in a nutshell both have the potential to do great harm or great good, its all down to the owner and making to tight a restrictions on either because of the odd idiot I feel is unfair to the vast majority of decent and responsible people.

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I don't know why it would cost. In N Ireland dog licencing is administered by the local council. A single dog is £12! As for the illegal point, well that was part of my reasoning. No licence to show = fine. Second time = court. Third = destroy the dog or prison maybe? Good judicial guidance could sort that out.

I feel licencing could be the way forwards totally against the muzzling unless dog is aggressive however.

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To the numpty who asked how I controlled large dogs - I went to training classes, spent years teaching them obedience and kept them on a lead. Sadly, other owners let their dogs off the lead - accompanied by that truly pathetic excuse - "he's never attacked another dog before" - which is always true until the first time.


Browning 425 clay hunter - For a "man" who follows trolling - you do okay yourself. Bluntly, you aren't intelligent enough to have a debate with. Somewhere a village is missing their idiot. I will point them in your direction.


you have had more comebacks than Frank Sinartra :lol:


Keep that trolling under control Gordon :good:

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I don't know why it would cost. In N Ireland dog licencing is administered by the local council. A single dog is £12! As for the illegal point, well that was part of my reasoning. No licence to show = fine. Second time = court. Third = destroy the dog or prison maybe? Good judicial guidance could sort that out.

I agree apart from destroying the dog

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My wife has epileptic fits, sometimes 2 or 3 times a week-my older Spaniel bitch lays down next to her as soon as she stops thrashing around on the floor while my Spaniel dog normally finds my daughter or myself and his obvious agitation tells us that something is wrong-no signs of anything but concern from them surely means that different breeds react differently to stressful situations. Sorry to hear of your sister team tractor-sometimes life just stinks.

my mrs also suffers ( badly over the last 8-10 months averaging 16-18 fits per month) when she has them jess our springer pointer x goes and lies next to her and wont move until my mrs is ok again

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Everyone gets hung up over breeds, what they forget is every single dog has descended from wolves, therefore all dogs have the same basic drives and instinct's particularly if they feel the need to protect or get scared (kind of like how we retain our flinch response or fight flight or freeze). Sure some dogs if they flip have more potential to do damage and certain breeds have higher drive or likelyhood to display curtain behaviours hence why we use labs to retrieve etc however like I said the important part is socialisation and training, without that all dogs have the potential to be dangerous and that is the part people forget so to the person who said they fail to see the similarities between guns and dogs, in a nutshell both have the potential to do great harm or great good, its all down to the owner and making to tight a restrictions on either because of the odd idiot I feel is unfair to the vast majority of decent and responsible people.


Socialisation and training will certainly minimise any risk, it definitely won't eradicate it.


How many people would leave their well trained and socialised dog on its own in a room with a young child/baby? Certainly not many on here according to previous threads, and there's a reason for that.

I can however guarantee that if I lock my unloaded guns in a cabinet they will do me (or anyone else) no harm... ever.

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Socialisation and training will certainly minimise any risk, it definitely won't eradicate it.


How many people would leave their well trained and socialised dog on its own in a room with a young child/baby? Certainly not many on here according to previous threads, and there's a reason for that.

I can however guarantee that if I lock my unloaded guns in a cabinet they will do me (or anyone else) no harm... ever.

So it would be impossible for a thief to steal them then?

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Everything in life carries risk my point is unless they get personal benefit from something too many people are happy to see other people's past times and hobbies ruined by legislation, they only cry about it when it personally affects them. I say punish the perpetrators not the majority of decent people and like to see everyones sports protected whether it directly affects me or not

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Socialisation and training will certainly minimise any risk, it definitely won't eradicate it.


How many people would leave their well trained and socialised dog on its own in a room with a young child/baby? Certainly not many on here according to previous threads, and there's a reason for that.

I can however guarantee that if I lock my unloaded guns in a cabinet they will do me (or anyone else) no harm... ever.

I wouldn't leave any dog alone with a child, what are you suggesting, ban all dogs?
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Everything in life carries risk my point is unless they get personal benefit from something too many people are happy to see other people's past times and hobbies ruined by legislation, they only cry about it when it personally affects them. I say punish the perpetrators not the majority of decent people and like to see everyones sports protected whether it directly affects me or not


I'm not advocating banning anything.


Simply pointing out that there is no correlation between a dog and a gun.

I wouldn't leave any dog alone with a child, what are you suggesting, ban all dogs?


Ah, now we're getting somewhere.


Why would you not leave your well trained, socialised and obedient dog alone with a child?

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Well Gordon you tried to pull me in on a few comments I made and every reply put you back in your place didn't it. You paraphrased things I said and when I reminded you by quoting myself EXACTLY what i said you change direction quicker than a fly. Once you can PROVE all dogs can kill then I will say 'I got it wrong' until then you should hold your view and respect that others hold different views.


And that's where the meat of the bone is, isn't it Gordon. On a few occasions youve been called out for trolling, not just me saying it. And finally if your so intelligent and I'm the village idiot how come every time I respond to your comments to either prove you wrong or show how you've incorrectly quoted me, you've not responded directly or correctly and gone back under your bridge.


I respect everyone's right to have an opinion, its just every thread you comment on seems to convey a self righteous attitude and a im more intelligent than you angle.( which by the way I'm not sure anybody is buying yet !) You recently commented on the tony Martin ? (farmer who shot a burglar' thread slating him, do you have personal knowledge of him or just going off what the papers say without knowing the facts because I've seen you on many a post slagging people off for commenting without knowing the full facts.


But either way I'm always willing to learn and be educated, so as the bigger man if you ever fancy a few hours on the geese with me your more than welcome to give me a shout. I've got a feeling we would probably get on despite your best efforts to portray yourself as a knobhead.


ATB 425

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Poontang you clearly don't understand dogs and the way that think, my dogs (pointer by the way)/respect me as 'pack leader' they therefore don't feel they need to make decisions when I'm about, if I left them with a small child I'd bet a £1000000 pounds they'd be fine, however if something did happen the dogs may see themselves as being higher in the chain dogs communicate after several warnings by issuing a bite (not a savaging by the way) once the other dog has learnt they move on immediately (ie they don't hold a grudges like people), this wouldn't happen if I was there but do the math I wouldn't risk it despite the small chance it could I.e if the child was pulling the dogs tail and ignored warning signs from the dog as it obviously wouldn't understand the way dogs communicate.

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