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Flaming Buds of April

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We set out on Friday morning in heavy rain which was supposed to be light drizzle, now any self respecting pigeon would sit in the trees until the rain stopped and feed but as we are in the silly season with all the trees budding they just have to hop from one tree to another and sample the gourmet delight presented to them. We travelled around nine farms and the story was the same, birds in the trees and none on the rape, we also found small pockets of birds on clover but only in small numbers. At approx 14.00 the rain stopped and we found a number of birds in a conifer wood which to the best of my knowledge the birds will not eat, this was next to a rape field and we saw a few birds dropping in on the rape. We went to see the farmer and had the OK and it had not been shot so we walked to our position as the ground was too soft to drive. We set up with twelve real birds two on the magnet and the rest on cradles above the rape. The first two birds came in from the back the wrong way to wind so we knew our set up was ok. The frequency of the birds coming to the pattern was very sporadic but we kept hoping for the last hour of the day when the sun normally breaks through and the birds have a last feed . No Such Luck , we stopped shooting at 18.00 as the clouds were gathering to give us another soaking and picked up thirtyfive pigeons and two crows, as we got back to the car the heavans opened and we would have been soaked so a good move on our part.


Saturday morning 09.00 and it was snowing, the birds were on the beech trees in my garden so it was going to be another frustrating day of finding the birds in trees and not feeding. We headed out in a repeat of the day before but they had promised the sun to come out which it did and in two hours the temperature rose from 2C to 10C and after a few miles we found some birds feeding on rape. they were playing follow the leader but we were confident we could make them come to our decoys by walking across the field and setting up in the precise spot they were feeding. It was now 12.00 and we set up with twelve fresh birds from the day before all on cradles in the bright sunshine. The wind was bitter and coming off our backs with the sun high in front of us, the first birds in came straight out of the sun which made it difficult shooting but we managed .We played with the magnet during the day but they were spooky when we set it up so we took it down. The number of birds in the area allowed us to have a steady flow to our set up but it was not manic but steady with some birds coming to look but not decoy which presented us with some memorable shots with expletive's. We stopped shooting at 18.15 and picked up seventysix pigeons and ten corvids, so it was a great day in the end






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