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Diabetic condition

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You do need to declare diabetes on the apication. Even if it's not relivent- Hypo is the thing

Type 2 Hypo is not an issue in fact the reverse is more likely

You don't tell the dvla about type 2 though because they are fully aware it not revert.

I got asked about my diabetes last renewal and had to explain the difference in type 1 and 2 - doctors report is a waste of time

They are only interested in Hypo symptoms which could be collapse or absences - same as driving

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Total tosh I am afraid in all but unusual cases

I have type 2 34" waist and 47" chest 6 ft tall and 14 stone


Early days I went mental with diets and exercise - made no difference


A lot of type 2 is somehow the blood resists insulin it's not type 2 if you produce enough insulin.


The drugs I take suppress appitite and allow my natural insulin to release sugars to be burnt in the regular way


Hypo is as likely in type 2 as a non diabetic


Sugars in the blood being too high for too long is type 2 and it's called the silent killer because this damages the organs




I'm sorry to say that the most of the above is equally as much tosh as that of Daveboy.

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The latest thinking is if you go on a ultra low cal diet (as above) for 8 weeks you can cure type 2 in 90% of cases.

It has something to do with your body using the fat around your organs first.

This shocks the pancreas into producing insulin again.

A friend of mine in France was told by the doctor that he was on the verge of becoming diabetic(don't know what type). The doctor said there was a cure but he was not likely to stick to the diet, she didn't know John. He had to intake nothing but water 6 days per week, not sure how long for. He lost several stone and is now out of danger.

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One of professor taylors patients has now been on a normal diet for 18 months with no sign of any problems.

Maybe it's not all tosh then.

No skin off my nose,But if you end up having both your legs amputated don't come running to me :)

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You do need to declare diabetes on the apication. Even if it's not relivent- Hypo is the thing

Type 2 Hypo is not an issue in fact the reverse is more likely

You don't tell the dvla about type 2 though because they are fully aware it not revert.

I got asked about my diabetes last renewal and had to explain the difference in type 1 and 2 - doctors report is a waste of time

They are only interested in Hypo symptoms which could be collapse or absences - same as driving

The same advice that i was given by my FEO, type 2 needs declaring.

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You Can not live on 600 calories a day for life if you don't have carbs and suger you don't need insulin that's how it works .as soon as some one eats normally everything reverts back.

Someone I know was told to lose weight so that she could have a growth removed. She was not getting anywhere with the diet and the hospital had her in because they said she must be cheating on the diet. She was put on 600 calories a day and at the end of the first week she had put on 3.5 lbs. She eventually had the operation and they removed 17lb of crystallized hormones.

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You don't tell the dvla about type 2 though

Can I ask you who told you that?


You are supposed to tell the DVLA,


I was told by my doctor I had to, I did so along with a list of meds I take for it,


Whether they then got in touch with the doctor I don't know but I have in my possession a letter from the DVLA stating that as mine is under control then I'm fit to drive



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I've been informed that you only have to notify DVLA if you are taking prescribed medication for Type 2 Diabetes. But it would be wise to inform your FEO or Firearms department when your licence is due for renewal or variation, whether or not you are taking any medication.

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Had to inform Leicestershire police i was diabetic ,type 2 on pills and they were fine as i,d declared it and never had any incidents ever.They knew at interview id got it so must have contacted my doctor which was no problem .

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I've been informed that you only have to notify DVLA if you are taking prescribed medication for Type 2 Diabetes. But it would be wise to inform your FEO or Firearms department when your licence is due for renewal or variation, whether or not you are taking any medication.

That might explain it as I take tablets for my diabetes, Metformin & Gliclazide



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Hypo is as likely in type 2 as a non diabetic




I am type 2 and have had numerous hypos, in fact lost count of the the hypos I have had. The FEO's are concerned that one has hypo awareness and know how to correct them and have any of the hypos required the 999 services. It was a sticky point at my interview as the doc put on the report I had a hypo, but did not clarify it was self corrected.

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We need everyone to be singing from the same hymn sheet, it's getting confusing




Its DVLA, they keep changing the goal posts. When I was diagnosed you had to declare it if taking any meds, now type 2's only have to declare it if they start taking insulin unless you drive certain types of vehicle like HGV's and PSV's. Insurance companies have to be told no matter what method of treatment you use to control your diabetes.


Another point DVLA have introduced is that if you drive and take meds that can cause hypos like gliclazide then you need to test your glucose levels before you start driving then a max of 2 hours during the driving. Unless this has changed again recently, just hard to keep up with all the changes.

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I was on Metformin and Gliclazide until my Diabetes nurse advised against the latter. She said it was pretty tough on the Pancreas and Alogliptin was less detrimental with the bonus being that there is no need to test your blood before you drive.


Research shows that the risk of a Hypo developing whilst on Gliclazide is around 25% whereas with Alogliptin it's around 2%.


I've been on Alogliptin for a little over a year and my fasting blood glucose levels have dropped from an average of 8.6 to 6.8.

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:good: Well I am rather amased as to how many shooters are (Diabetic AND ENJOYING our sport) I told my fellow shooter who has taken GREAT HOPE reading your VERY KIND comments about this illness

and it does not stop you all from enjoying our sport..I always thought myself that as long as you were not collapsing on drugs/criminal/mentally unfit out in the field.You were NOT barred from a certificate..

.YOU EVEN have a shooter on here who says he has no legs.And he gets out in the field shooting...GOOD THAT! That shows good police Firearms equality.

WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR REPLIES...We in the clay club would miss our friend...Hes more happy now and looks forward to the coming years with us..Incidently we are ALL mostly "old uns"

THANX LADS :good: .

clay shooter and his friend Dave friends.gif.pagespeed.ce.52OGGQTjof.gif

:good: Well I am rather amased as to how many shooters are (Diabetic AND ENJOYING our sport) I told my fellow shooter who has taken GREAT HOPE reading your VERY KIND comments about this illness

and it does not stop you all from enjoying our sport..I always thought myself that as long as you were not collapsing on drugs/criminal/mentally unfit out in the field.You were barred from a certificate..

.WE EVEN have a shooter on here who says he has no legs.And he gets out in the field shooting...GOOD THAT! That shows good police Firearms equality.

WE THANK YOU FOR YOUR REPLIES...We in the clay club would miss our friend...Hes more happy now and looks forward to the coming years with us..Incidently we are ALL mostly "old uns"

THANX LADS :good: .

clay shooter and his friend Dave friends.gif.pagespeed.ce.52OGGQTjof.gif

Edited by clay shooter
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