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Electrical Safety Check, Law or Scam


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Just had a phone call from a guy saying I need to have a electrical wiring safety check by law?


Guy..hello sir have you had a recent electrical wiring check



Guy...you have to have your wiring checked every ten years.

Me...never heard of that


Guy...yes its the law and you can be fined up-to £5000 for not having it done

Me...well how much does it cost.


Guy...£850 + Vat.

Me...let me think about it and I will come back to you.


Guy....sorry sir this line only allows me to make out going call

Me...well I will leave it thanks..bye


Guy...err before you go sir I must inform you I will have to report your property as being un-checked and potentially dangerous and you may receive a summons

Me..well you do that mate...bye


Can someone/sparky tell me if this is the case or is this just another scam, which I believe it was.



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It was a English guy and more than likely a bunch of cowboys, just makes my blood boil to think he is phoning people and he will eventually hit on some poor old dear who believes him and is told her wiring is dangerous and she needs the house rewiring at what ever cost.


Thanks for the replies, I thought he was talking a load of bull.

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You don't need it in a rented property unless HMO.But they do recommend it.

Your responsibilities as a landlord

Landlords are required by law to ensure:

  • That the electrical installation in a rented property is safe when tenants move in and maintained in a safe condition throughout its duration.
  • That a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) has a periodic inspection carried out on the property every five years.
    If your property is not an HMO, you are not legally obliged to do this. However, we recommend that a periodic inspection and test is carried out by a registered electrician on your rental properties at least every five years.
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