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Fox club


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Nice work Dougy, Fruity.


Had a few hours on the hill last night. A bit unlucky with the walk up, came over a slight crest and there's a fox 20 yards away looking straight at me. Got onto the sticks but couldn't stop him as he exited stage left - ******! Got the caller set up on the far end and had a good sized dog come in to showshoe after half an hour or so. First thought it was a really big cub, certainly it's coat was very 'cubby', apart from the tail, but a check of the teeth confirmed he was an older dog. Bit of semi melanism locally perhaps. Straight forward shot so no dramas. Didn't see anything else.





Edited by racing snake
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Some great work here boys well done all. Bumpy and i trawled across Somerset and drew a blank despite seeing a few they don't want to come in. Back to the local fields and we had two in fairly quick succession. Both of wheat stubble. The new toy (ward d vision was out but not in use :lol::lol::lol: Don't expect to see it in action for at least a month.

Went out on the same fields again last night and managed to ambush one at the back of the local pub :)

That makes 4 off the same three fields in just over a week :good:

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Good work rs belly and oowee.


Went out this evening, had an all nighter, started off sat on a field of cut grass, as the light faded the lamp picked eyes up, laml off.. had a mates better half with me, so readied her, lamp back on, faox gone. Nowhere to be seen.


Then went back to farmhouse to meet the others, split up onto two trucks and took areas of the farm to check.

In my trucks area we saw 5, two very lamp shy and wouldn't play ball, two droped to neck shots front on, and the last didn't hang around when her mate fell over.


Imgs to follow

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Just got in, went to 1 farm and saw nothing but badgers and 3 lovely red stags, all atleast 8 points with the biggest a 13 by the looks of it. Had a mooch round but nothing else to be seen. Off to another and within 5 minutes spied something too big to be a rabbit and too small to be a deer :lol: quick scan and decided to whistle it in. It came flying in from about 150 to 20 in a flash and I momentarily lost it whilst it was coming over the hill. Shouted oi to stop it before it took my legs out and sent one down the spout. Nothing. Fox ran for cover however stopped one last time to a shout. Bang. Nothing. Ran off. Started throwing a paddy then decided to calm down and have a smoke. Set a target up at 80 yards to find 3 shots touching however 4 and a half inches left and 3 inches high. ********. Not a clue what happened with it so called it quits and will zero another time because I'd had enough. Finally get the fox to come in to a call and bloody miss the thing :lol: can only laugh. Hope everyone else is doing better than myself!

Nice shooting RS and oowee as normal and good one shootingegg!


Rifle looks good belly! Being put to good use I see

Just gone to the top of the thread and even dougys been out! :lol: nice shooting everyone

Edited by Hendrix's rifle
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Well done everyone , a few foxes grassed. I had this one last Wed night before my trip to Wilts. Came in nice and steady to the chicken distress call from a field I have shot 5 in from 3 visits :)





Friday evening saw me stalking in Wilts , I shot a muntjac buck which was mooching about along a hedgerow and when I went to pick it a roebuck jumped up in front of me out of some nettles ran 50 yds and stopped , shot it too , a right and left muntjac and roebuck , a great start.


Out lamping saw a few foxes but only 1 offered a shot and was taken.


Saturday saw me travelling to some ground near Bristol . I shot 5 foxes tonight and saw one lying on a branch up a tree ( Mike I am being serious ) :yes:


You guys down South are really lucky to have so much game about :yes:

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Some more great shooting and PICs guys :good: I have some but when i see those you lot take they are laughable.


FH1 Munty and Roe in the same spell :good::good::good: result.


Just got the last buck back from the dealer where I exchanged the cape for doing the head. 20170826_135136_1.jpg

After spending yesterday afternoon turning this buck into burgers I was keen to get another in the chiller. So this afternoon I was mooching over a perm to see if I could get on a buck. It's was so hot today, I thought I might find one laid up in a gully, No such luck. I spotted one in a wheat field but it was not upto much so left him and everything else was doe's.



Belly at least you spotted the loss of zero pretty quickly.

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Good work again gents, some good shooting. :good:


Back to work for me tomorrow after a 2 week break so couldn't be doing a late one tonight. Driving past one of my smaller permissions today and noticed he'd cut the barley so ideal for a couple of hours tonight. First fox was a bit wary, came into the field after playing beer can for a few minutes but was staying at the top edge and wouldn't come down. Eventually got fed up waiting for him, gave him a shout and put one in his face at 170 yards. Happy with that for a start!. Next one came in half an hour later, straight forward run in to the caller at 80 yards and down goes number 2. Reckoned I could have pulled another couple in if I had longer, but they'll wait. :yes:



Edited by racing snake
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Nice pair RS.


Shooting Egg. Red lamp to spot and NV to shoot? I struggle to do the lamp and rifle together and find it easier to scan with the lamp unless I get the use of handheld NV that is. Problem for me at the mo is I cant get many of them to take any notice of the call. :unhappy:

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One thing I've noticed since using the thermal, and the fox never really knowing you're there - foxes which you'd think are lamp-shy as they bolt when they see the lamp, can often be more put off by calling. You'll always get a lot coming into a call, but it's amazing how many you spot with the thermal, try to call them in and they're off. If you were using a lamp you'd swear blind it was because of the lamp. As we get into winter I try not to use any calling at first, preferring to try and ambush a fox whilst on foot with the thermal.

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One thing I've noticed since using the thermal, and the fox never really knowing you're there - foxes which you'd think are lamp-shy as they bolt when they see the lamp, can often be more put off by calling. You'll always get a lot coming into a call, but it's amazing how many you spot with the thermal, try to call them in and they're off. If you were using a lamp you'd swear blind it was because of the lamp. As we get into winter I try not to use any calling at first, preferring to try and ambush a fox whilst on foot with the thermal.

Agree with you on that one , I've had a few spook recently when I've tried to call in .

Sometimes it's better just to wait and watch :)

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One thing I've noticed since using the thermal, and the fox never really knowing you're there - foxes which you'd think are lamp-shy as they bolt when they see the lamp, can often be more put off by calling. You'll always get a lot coming into a call, but it's amazing how many you spot with the thermal, try to call them in and they're off. If you were using a lamp you'd swear blind it was because of the lamp. As we get into winter I try not to use any calling at first, preferring to try and ambush a fox whilst on foot with the thermal.

Have seen this with calling. But the last couple ive spooked when tye lamp finds them, no call started. Im. Going to see how i get on with am nv spotter. Then the ns200 will come out

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One thing I've noticed since using the thermal, and the fox never really knowing you're there - foxes which you'd think are lamp-shy as they bolt when they see the lamp, can often be more put off by calling. You'll always get a lot coming into a call, but it's amazing how many you spot with the thermal, try to call them in and they're off. If you were using a lamp you'd swear blind it was because of the lamp. As we get into winter I try not to use any calling at first, preferring to try and ambush a fox whilst on foot with the thermal.


Very interesting RS. There is no rule book in hunting as we all know , I think animals are like us ,some cleverer than others with the intelligent ones surviving to pass on their genes , mother nature doing her job.


I was out last night to a couple of farms. 1st farm contained wheat stubbles and I was confident that I would get a result however on my 1st circuit saw nothing :unhappy: so decided to do a 2nd circuit . My luck was in and spotted and stalked this dog fox ....





I then travelled to a 2nd farm to try my luck. Got set up in a field where I took a vixen a few weeks ago , played cubs call and with only 2 mins on the remote this dog fox was screaming in to the caller then went left handed to get level with it , a shout to stop it and number 2 was bagged :yes:






Tried another part of the farm with the cub call going and nothing after 15 mins so changed to chicken distress and had this vixen coming in from behind. She went behind some whins and I thought she had winded me as no sign so changed to cub call again and she immediately showed ......No 3 grassed :)



Edited by FOXHUNTER1
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Fantastic work all round gents, well done :good: House sale is going nowhere fast so back at work. Checked the scope after my recent farce and tightened everything up and had a few shots, bit of adjustment and it is about right now so back out tonight to see if we can catch up with yet another chicken killer.

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A couple of hours back on the stubble tonight. Time was a bit short last time I was there so thought there might still be some about. Got set up in the top of the field and had a big dog come charging into distressed cub on the caller - number 1 down. Quiet for the next hour but in between scans with the thermal I heard the 'tick tick' of feet running on the stubble. Back on the thermal and there's a vixen running in to snowshoe. She stopped about 50 yards away long enough to put her down. Reckon there still may be a cub or two about....not really sure. Will have to have another couple of hours up there next week sometime. 30 for the month so off to a good start. Visited most of my permissions over August, so reckon numbers should start to drop now. Sorry about the **** pic, only had my phone on me tonight.



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Some more great work. I am not having a lot of luck calling, and as Shooting egg lamp is making it worse even on fields i have not been on. I can see some mousing about but close to the field edge making the shots tricky. I could bait them I guess and just wait with the NV but patience is limited. :)

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