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Good news and interesting times ahead.

Time for the UK to dig in and show what we can do although for Scotland its likely to offer the chuckle brothers a new opening.

It seems that you are in a minority in Scotland. Would it be the 'party whip' of the SNP that rounded up the troops to vote 'in'?

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What happens now??? Pound to its lowest level since the 30's seemingly

The financiers will manipulate the markets to the lowest point they dare and then they'll flog what they can to make the biggest profits they can and the money markets will be restored.


I'm just annoyed that I didn't start investing in Gold as I've been saying I should for a long time.

Edited by KFC
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It seems that you are in a minority in Scotland. Would it be the 'party whip' of the SNP that rounded up the troops to vote 'in'?


Strange one for me JD.

The vast majority ive spoke to said out with very few ins but the fear factor maybe got to many.

Maybe many voted in as an out result will lead to another big push for a referendum.

Will just have to go with the flow and see where it goes.

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The establishment got it wrong again, the 'great reset' due to the tragic death of Jo Cox never happened as we all recognised that it is a lone nutter that committed it and held true to our beliefs, where as politicians and others flip flopped their positions on it.

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It's true, most people votes to leave were nothing more than casual racism I woke up to a man on the radio that sounded to be quite frank like an idiot stating 'we can take back control of our borders' that is what most people decision was based on. That's not going to help anyone other than lunatics like farage who is basically a BNP fanatic in a tweed jacket. The pound will crash out horrifically today along with the FTSE 100 good luck to any of you retiring anytime soon.

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