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Emergency Booze Concoctions..


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Over the years I cannot count the amount I times I have returned home dying for a beer, glass of wine, anything, to find nothing suitable ( I tend not to have supplies for 'school nights') and having to concoct something... (Pub is closed on Mondays)


I'm sure that I am not alone, I think we should share our makeshift cocktails..


Tonight I am mostly drinking sloe gin and blackberry vodka over ice with lime flavoured sparkling water.


Other triumphs include:


Sherry and ginger beer

Tequila, Ribena and sparkling water

Gun, Elderflower presse and lime sparkling water.


Fails include -


Port and cider ( to be fair I was wasted when I came up with than one)

Brandy and milk (suggested by the Internet)


I look forward to the recipes of others...

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Red wine and ginger beer. This one came about with a bottle of wine that had been opened but not finished and had become somewhat unpalatable overnight. Works with white wine too.


Hot milk with rum and a spoonful of honey. Great cold remedy. That`s my excuse and I`m sticking to it.

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when in africa we were always up for strange and new tastes


try ..........Malawi shandy



  1. 1 tall glass
  2. angastora bitters
  3. ginger ale
  4. lemonade
  5. strong vodka


several drops of #2

50% of #3

50% of#4

shot to taste of #5



careful how you add the lemonade as it will froth like hell if you add it too quickly



lets us know what you think .............

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Aperol is my fave tipple, started drinking it a bout five years ago in italy, kept noticing all the itialians drink it morning noon and night. was immeadiately hooked on its taste, very bitter sweet and a beautiful golden color. it is mixed with proseco or white wine with a large slice of orange and refered to as spritz. asda has started to stock it a couple of years ago and was in town the other night and noticed all the trendy bars now stock it. yum, yum!

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