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Co term question

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Has anyone asked the question, why? What difference does it make? Surely there is some sort of mis interpretation of the reality here. Is this down to a cost and loss of time one way or another. What possible reason could there be for not allowing a co term when another area will do it? Ask basc.

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The SGC is in for renewal and I asked for coterm with the FAC which expires in 6 months. Staffordshire said they could not do this. I explained I would stand the loss of 6 months FAC but they refused. Apparently if the FAC is up for renewal before the SGC they would do it but not the other way around. Seems a bit daft to me as surely it would help to reduce a backlog.

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Evening guys and girls ;)

My sgc runs out in feb and my fac is the following year on my first renewal.

I've read I can't go coterminous if the sgc expires first ?

Is this true?

Has anyone managed to do it before?

Can't believe this is my 4th sgc already lol.



You can only go co-term on the date of your FAC, if you go co-term you will be issued a short shot gun licence that will run out on the date your FAC runs out, but will have to pay full whack for your short shotgun license. You will save money in the long run.

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I don’t think that it is a case of it cant be done it’s that someone has made the decision that they aren’t going to do it. I think that there is more work involved in the fac than the sgc and it would cost plod x out of their budget and that’s why they say that it can’t be done. It is a bit of make it up as you go along syndrome and unless they are directly instructed as that’s how it is going to be then the situation isn’t resolved. Again our orgs aren’t rattling cages and we the shooting paying public are prepared to accept this poor service. All of the time that there are county forces and a lot of chief constables fighting their corner it will be an inefficient service. The last crime commissioner in Kent said that shooting was a hobby and she didn’t see why the police budget should subsidize someone’s hobby. Aain the orgs aren’t doing enough on our behalf that’s why there is the tremendous backlog of certs in SOME AREAS.

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