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Court Rules Against Government: Article 50


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Any country that is asked for a trade deal will ask for far more than they expect to get. Nothing new in that.


A few decades back the NHS recruited thousands well trained nurses from India and there is no reason why that cannot be continued. Giving visas tp people with the skills that the UK need are a far better prospect than an open door policy for half if Europe's poor and jobless.

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Any country that is asked for a trade deal will ask for far more than they expect to get. Nothing new in that.


A few decades back the NHS recruited thousands well trained nurses from India and there is no reason why that cannot be continued. Giving visas tp people with the skills that the UK need are a far better prospect than an open door policy for half if Europe's poor and jobless.


Amen to that!

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And Tata have done a great job havent they?


It just seemed Ironic that a lot of people voted to leave to reduce uncontrolled immegration which it seemes most people agree is a problem. Only to find out that to get trade deals it looks like we might have to give the half of the world right to come.

Talk about unintended consequences.

Perhaps ths is why it's taken europe 9 years sp far to negotiate.

I think your missing the point, most people I know who voted for brexit did so for far more complex reasons than to simply stop migration, this is one of the arguments the bremoaners use when they imply that those who voted out are racist, thick, xenophobic ect. That said migration is of course a large part of the equation but not for the reasons the bremoaners say, I, and those I know, are massively for controlled immigration, so long as it's in the country's best interest and will not negatively effect the working masses wages, culture and way of life. To sum up for me and most i know it was about restoring democracy and regaining control from the unelected and elitist big business boys club at the expense of the working classes.
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I think your missing the point, most people I know who voted for brexit did so for far more complex reasons than to simply stop migration, this is one of the arguments the bremoaners use when they imply that those who voted out are racist, thick, xenophobic ect. That said migration is of course a large part of the equation but not for the reasons the bremoaners say, I, and those I know, are massively for controlled immigration, so long as it's in the country's best interest and will not negatively effect the working masses wages, culture and way of life. To sum up for me and most i know it was about restoring democracy and regaining control from the unelected and elitist big business boys club at the expense of the working classes.


Yep, that sums it up nicely!

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Any country that is asked for a trade deal will ask for far more than they expect to get. Nothing new in that.


A few decades back the NHS recruited thousands well trained nurses from India and there is no reason why that cannot be continued. Giving visas tp people with the skills that the UK need are a far better prospect than an open door policy for half if Europe's poor and jobless.

Totally agree !

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I think your missing the point, most people I know who voted for brexit did so for far more complex reasons than to simply stop migration, this is one of the arguments the bremoaners use when they imply that those who voted out are racist, thick, xenophobic ect. That said migration is of course a large part of the equation but not for the reasons the bremoaners say, I, and those I know, are massively for controlled immigration, so long as it's in the country's best interest and will not negatively effect the working masses wages, culture and way of life. To sum up for me and most i know it was about restoring democracy and regaining control from the unelected and elitist big business boys club at the expense of the working classes.


Also agree with this...

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I think your missing the point, most people I know who voted for brexit did so for far more complex reasons than to simply stop migration, this is one of the arguments the bremoaners use when they imply that those who voted out are racist, thick, xenophobic ect. That said migration is of course a large part of the equation but not for the reasons the bremoaners say, I, and those I know, are massively for controlled immigration, so long as it's in the country's best interest and will not negatively effect the working masses wages, culture and way of life. To sum up for me and most i know it was about restoring democracy and regaining control from the unelected and elitist big business boys club at the expense of the working classes.

I know you are right, its a source of constant irritation to me that anyone who voted for Brexit is continually described as a thick racist. Its the ultimate putdown by people who actually think we would be better off staying in the massively corrupt financial black hole that is the EU.


The more I look into it the more I realise we just had to get out before it dragged us down with it, but that makes me a thick racist apparently. That's strange because I just thought it was because I can add up the numbers (something the EU has failed to do since day one)


The original principle of the common market was based on a flawed misconception. The idea that tariff free trade was a win/win situation for both sides. That was never true. It always benefits the seller country and disadvantages the buying country.


Only one country has consistently gained from its membership. Every other country has lost out, in one sentence that tells you everything you ever need to know about the EU

Edited by Vince Green
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The pundits who try to explain why people voted the way they did are one slice short of a full loaf. They can guess, they can make up motives, but they remain clueless.

The EU really was a perfect example of the Emperors New Clothes. Now we are on the way out others will follow, it has damaged so many countries economies much more than it has hurt ours. But every country except Germany has been damaged. France is a sort of so/so because they have been bought off for decades by totally meaningless and unjustified agricultural subsidies. That's NOT free trade

Edited by Vince Green
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Vince - sadly, I am bound to agree. The original concept was sound enough, but it evolved into something it was never intended to be.


It became a gravy train for rather stupid people to make a career out of telling us that our units of weight were illegal, human rights were paramount - even for murderers, bananas were too bent. It has outlived its usefulness and costs too much. I honestly wonder about the motives for those who want to stay in. Neither they nor I know exactly what life will be like after our exit, but even the most stupid of them must see the faults. They seem content to ignore the corruption - why?

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I think your missing the point, most people I know who voted for brexit did so for far more complex reasons than to simply stop migration, this is one of the arguments the bremoaners use when they imply that those who voted out are racist, thick, xenophobic ect. That said migration is of course a large part of the equation but not for the reasons the bremoaners say, I, and those I know, are massively for controlled immigration, so long as it's in the country's best interest and will not negatively effect the working masses wages, culture and way of life. To sum up for me and most i know it was about restoring democracy and regaining control from the unelected and elitist big business boys club at the expense of the working classes.

Yes it's complex. As I said most people wanted something done about uncontrolled migration for the reasons you state.

Thats what we have now with india. Unfortunately they want this to be relaxec as part of a trade deal. I find it ironic and didn't see that curveball coming. I just wonder how many more curveballs we will see.

Totally agree with the regaining control from the business big boys club. It's amazing how many very similar HR principles, processes and strategies are put in place across big corporations at the same time to squeeze employees while putting more money in the pockets of a select few in the City.

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Vince - sadly, I am bound to agree. The original concept was sound enough, but it evolved into something it was never intended to be.


It became a gravy train for rather stupid people to make a career out of telling us that our units of weight were illegal, human rights were paramount - even for murderers, bananas were too bent. It has outlived its usefulness and costs too much. I honestly wonder about the motives for those who want to stay in. Neither they nor I know exactly what life will be like after our exit, but even the most stupid of them must see the faults. They seem content to ignore the corruption - why?


Some people have tunnel vision,or lack the ability to think outside box.

Think Labour voters,their party does nothing for their interests,yet they still keep voting 'Cos me dad did '

They agree with one facet of the ideology,and because of this ,ignore the glaring contradictions to the rest of the picture.

I believe some people who wished to remain, would gladly give up sovereignty of this country as a small price to pay for keeping the globalist agenda moving forward.

Not realising the consequences of this stateless world ,and its inevitable police state.

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