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Apple The Brand

Fuji Shooter

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Stayed over in Birmingham last night after a gig I shot so this morning went for a mooch around town. Wandered into an Apple Store, having never been in one before I was amazed. The place was packed out with people just waiting to buy stuff. There must of been 30 members of staff non of them actually selling anything just waiting for people to come up to them and order product.


Had a play on a big iPad Pro which I was impressed with and then realised that I would have to buy the £100 plastic pencil, and then I saw you could get a keyboard and case for it (another £150). I then realised that the stuff sells itself, what a brand. The only other brand I can think of similar is Leica cameras, everytime I walk into one of their stores I get a spanking like the 2 inch piece of metal I just paid £100 for so my thumb has something to rest on.


If only you could go back in time and get on that gravy train early enough.

Edited by Fuji Shooter
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Its just the same in Lidl. Staff just stand about and people thrust things at them so they can put them through the till. I'm always in there. On Monday I popped in for some bread and milk and came out with a vacuum pack machine. I just had to have it. Its the brand I suppose.

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It would be easy to do. I had my head turned by the watches and then realised I would need a phone in order to use it!


Had to walk out quickly but the force was strong.

Dave, no good you having one of them watches driving that old series Landrover... It udd shake the ****** off!!!. Atb Phil

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most of those in the line were probably waiting for a cracked screen repair

Funny i was just saying to my wife today,that ebay,shpock and the likes are full of iphones with broken screens.Not a fan i must admit.We got sucked in by the brand & like an idiot we came out with 2 iphone's,ipad mini,imac and a macbook.

One of the phones went back after a week with a dodgy wake button (robbing **** replace it with a reconditioned one).Lovely stuff and top quality but we sold the lot as your just limited to the brand.Sold them on ok but lost a bloody fortune.Went back to Samsung as more compatable with other stuff.

Edited by Davyo
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As a family, almost all computers and phones are Apple. The main attraction is that they just work without all the fiddling about that I have got used to with Windows technology. My only niggle is that they last so long that they run out of capability before they become termilly sick.

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Apple have priced themsleves out of the market now with the new iMacs and Macbook Pro's. They solder the RAM on to the mainboard so you can't upgrade it in the future and the new Macbook Pro is like $2400! They have definitely lost their way since Steve Jobs died, they got too greedy.

Price of the IPhone 6 was like £6-700!


They then "rebranded" all their old iPhone 5 stock as 6+ or something like that and sold it as a lower spec alternative, and people actually fell for it!!!

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Love the fact people know the software "upgrades" slow em down and cause issues so u think o time for a new 1 and fork out for a new phone when there was nothing wrong with what u have :hmm: .Clever marketing for profit and thats why billions are hidden off shore so they pay minimal taxes on all the money they take

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They solder the RAM on to the mainboard so you can't upgrade it in the future and the new Macbook Pro is like $2400! They have definitely lost their way since Steve Jobs died, they got too greedy.


Whilst I do feel the price increase isn't justified, given the specs on offer, your comment about becoming too greedy since SJ died is totally incorrect.


Accounting for inflation and in USD, the Apple lineup goes as follows:


Apple 1 - $2777

Apple 2 - $5077

Apple 2 Plus - $3903

Apple 3 - $12,000-22,000

Lisa - $23,000

Macintosh - $6377

Powerbook - $4300

iMac G3 - $1211


Steve was the person who will have decided the prices of all these products.

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Love the fact people know the software "upgrades" slow em down and cause issues so u think o time for a new 1 and fork out for a new phone when there was nothing wrong with what u have :hmm: .Clever marketing for profit and thats why billions are hidden off shore so they pay minimal taxes on all the money they take


Try running a 2016 OS on a machine from 2012? It's slow and laggy because the hardware from then is nowhere near the speed and efficiency it is today.


Ever wondered why you can't install iOS 7, 8, 9, 10 on an iPhone 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5? It must be some insider marketing trickery, or evil profit plan... Nope, the iPhone 5 was the last iPhone to have 32bit architecture.

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What i find odd is the size of the ipad pro,it looks about 12"square.Why this size,you may as well buy a macbook.It just looks so difficult to hold but then again thats prob marketing.They prob hope buyers will come back for a keyboard and mouse ect.Efectivley a macbook that comes to bits.

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What i find odd is the size of the ipad pro,it looks about 12"square.Why this size,you may as well buy a macbook.It just looks so difficult to hold but then again thats prob marketing.They prob hope buyers will come back for a keyboard and mouse ect.Efectivley a macbook that comes to bits.


I use a few iPad Airs for work and plan to upgrade to iPad Pros when they go on sale after Christmas. They're very capable devices, but also easy to use and can be easily carried and used. You've got to find a flat surface or do some balancing act with a laptop, not to mention sorting out a wifi connection etc.


Safe to say my MacBook would have been smashed to bits if I'd used that for work.

Edited by Billy.
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Whilst I do feel the price increase isn't justified, given the specs on offer, your comment about becoming too greedy since SJ died is totally incorrect.


Accounting for inflation and in USD, the Apple lineup goes as follows:


Apple 1 - $2777

Apple 2 - $5077

Apple 2 Plus - $3903

Apple 3 - $12,000-22,000

Lisa - $23,000

Macintosh - $6377

Powerbook - $4300

iMac G3 - $1211


Steve was the person who will have decided the prices of all these products.


Look I run a very large network, we invested £100,000 on an Apple Xserv running open directory synching with Active directory a couple of trolleys of Macbooks and a load of iMacs for music and image editing. To replace this kit with the current offering from Apple it is going to cost us around £150K. To put this in perspective we could halve the cost going down the PC road with Adobe creative cloud.

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Look I run a very large network, we invested £100,000 on an Apple Xserv running open directory synching with Active directory a couple of trolleys of Macbooks and a load of iMacs for music and image editing. To replace this kit with the current offering from Apple it is going to cost us around £150K. To put this in perspective we could halve the cost going down the PC road with Adobe creative cloud.


In which case begs the question; why did you choose Apple initially?

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