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shotgun issue


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Just wondering if anyone could help. I have a winchester over under which has all been fine for years but suddenly its started not ejecting used cartridge out of the top barrel. The thing is the ejector seems to work but the cartridge jams in and need pliers to get it out. When putting a full cartridge in its all normal and comes out fine its just once its been fired. Any ideas what this could be and what i can do to get it sorted? Thanks in advance. Ed

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not sure its that as the ejector doesnt move! only reason i know the ejector works is from firing it with no cartridges in. the ejector pops out fine then. its asthough the brass expands and then cartridge get jamed in barrel.

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It is quite common on winchesters and shadows, there are still some parts available new, but definitely take it to a gunsmith (not just a gun shop) if they don't have a genuine part they will probably modify a browning part to fit, it's no big deal to do it, my shadow cost about £65 from memory

But that does not explain why the cartridges rims are expanding to the point of jamming in the barrel.


I have seen cartridge cases getting jammed like this when you get excessive pressure at the breach causing the metal rim to expand, i.e. 2 3/4" cartridge in a 2 1/2 chambered gun.

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Have tried 3 different types of cartridges. 2 of which i have been using for last few years with no problem. only other thing i have found online is that it could be a build up of **** and rust in the barrel and to use some wire wool and polish? Any thoughts on this?

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I've owned many many Winchesters over the past 29 odd years and can't say I've ever experienced this. Is it just an ejector worn to the point where the closing of the breech is pushing the rim slightly past the ejector causing it to jam?

If it's 'pretty close to flush' how are getting hold of it with pliers?

Without actually seeing what is happening I'd think it difficult to diagnose; RFD is best bet I would think.

Parts are easily converted from Miroku spares so I'm told.

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Have tried 3 different types of cartridges. 2 of which i have been using for last few years with no problem. only other thing i have found online is that it could be a build up of **** and rust in the barrel and to use some wire wool and polish? Any thoughts on this?

Rust in the barrels! When was the last time you put a brush through them?

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well i inherited off my uncle and it was in bad condition! i have slowly been finding bits that he never cleaned, the main action etc but until this happened a had never heard of rust in the barrels. they look clean to me but i read somewhere that it can be hard to tell if there is crud built up! i have just been out to get some steel wool as wire brush in my cleaning kit doesnt seem to do alot!

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I have the Winchester 400 o/u .and I have had a cartridge stuck

It was awkward to get out .luckly it's only done it once.

I use gamebore lyevale cartridges

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A friend was experiencing this on his Miroku, tried different cartridges but no joy.

I polished the chambers out on the lathe, they were bad and still the same.

I then changed the ejectors round, bottom to top( they do fit) and it solved his problem, at least for the time being

It's ussually the barrel that's used the most.

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