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Thats what you call a boar.


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Click on the picture in the news article to see a larger picture of the creature.


The whole story sounds amazing, the dimensions make that pig as big as a cape buffalo and the picture looks a bit "iffy", but there is quite a lot of checkable information in the article and no doubt more facts will emerge over the next few days.

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These are about the size we have on offer to us down here in the South West. Not truly wild as in the USA, more Feral really after having been released. This group was about 7 strong with around 14 Piglets or whatever they call the young. I guess, in time, we will have wild ones as the generations go on.

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If you look at the photo, the kid is a few yards behind the hog, making it look bigger, same on the site, him & his dad standing way behind the hog hanging up, the old fishing photo trick. A lot of posts on other forums appearing now, apparently they are going to stuff the head.


A few doubt's as usual,


I don't think the hog was "out there" hiding all the time. From what I'm reading about the hog, it had been previously trapped and placed within a fenced enclosure. Plenty of good feed with little exercise will allow them to grow much larger than a free ranging actually wild/feral hog.



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Its a bit like carp fishermen and the pictures that they take with the fish in out streatched arms.


Makes the fish closer to the camera and makes it look a lot bigger than they actualy are...............



Often do it when taking pictures of............................................nahhh....better not go there. :blush::):)

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monsterpig website


loads of **** pictures





what an idiotic site - you can easily see the shadows of the people standing in the background extending towards the hog, they are a good two metres or so behind it, with the hog right in the lens.


And then theres the pic with the tractor in it, showing the 'proper' size for once.

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I checked out the pics..

Now I do a fair bit of photography and photoshop work.. first things first.. they arent photoshopped except maybe for colour correction etc.

The main pic gives a false immpression as a wide angle lens has been used thus makeing the pig look longer in relation to the boy, but shadow and hair pattern checks on the hogs back reveals the kid IS leaning on it.

The pic with them all standing behind it again is missleading as once again a wide angle lens has been used and in order that the person standing wasnt cropped out of the shot (head cut) the person taking the pic has moved them back.


The pic with the tractor gives a false immpression in as much as the angle that its taken at and the fact that you can only see the hog from tail to haunches makes it look a lot smaller than it actually is.


In all probability as the weighing and measuring werent indipendently witnessed is that we will never know the real truth.. suffice to say there is enough evidence out there that feral pigs and boars or theyre crosses can grow to phenomenal sizes out there.


On a lighter note in some ways its heartening to see boar back in the british countryside.. but then I'd love to see wolf and bear as well...

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reveals the kid IS leaning on it.


The kid might still be 3ft 11" though :blush:


They got the thing chopped up pretty quickly though... and the dad, uh, couldnt, uh, remember the name of the taxidermist for a while.


To be honest, the comments on the website are the best thing about the whole story!

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I checked out the pics..

Now I do a fair bit of photography and photoshop work.. first things first.. they arent photoshopped except maybe for colour correction etc.

The main pic gives a false immpression as a wide angle lens has been used thus makeing the pig look longer in relation to the boy, but shadow and hair pattern checks on the hogs back reveals the kid IS leaning on it.

The pic with them all standing behind it again is missleading as once again a wide angle lens has been used and in order that the person standing wasnt cropped out of the shot (head cut) the person taking the pic has moved them back.


The pic with the tractor gives a false immpression in as much as the angle that its taken at and the fact that you can only see the hog from tail to haunches makes it look a lot smaller than it actually is.


In all probability as the weighing and measuring werent indipendently witnessed is that we will never know the real truth.. suffice to say there is enough evidence out there that feral pigs and boars or theyre crosses can grow to phenomenal sizes out there.


On a lighter note in some ways its heartening to see boar back in the british countryside.. but then I'd love to see wolf and bear as well...




AN 11-year-old boy used a pistol to kill a giant pig that his father says weighed a staggering 476kg and measured 2.74m, from the tip of its snout to the base of its tail.


Beg to differ on that, looks to me that the kid is way behind the pig, kneeling down on one knee, the same knee he's resting on in the second photo. Also he looks way out of proportion compared to the pig.When you get a look at the other photo's on the website, the one with four of them behind the Hog, that kid maybe 11yr old, but he's nearly as big as his father, & his mates.






This is a better picture, just look at the comparision.........



Now look at the kid in the main photo,, makes the pig look five yds long, think he was standing next to a Rhino.


Crack on different forums it was a fenced/canned hunt................no respect off me for that...!!!



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Opps, here we go again, just to back the previous post;


im not into the fenced hunt lifestyle, but as a yank pointed out on here before, they dont have the hunting oppertunities we do.


still thats a really fat kid!


This style of hunting really ******G SUCKS.



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