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Fish Tanks


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I must echo Snoozer's comment. Take your time before introducing fish, get the tank well settled and let the plants get a good hold. Introduce the fish a pair or two at a time , do not fill the tank with fish all at once. I would recomend getting a good book on keeping fish before you start. It will help you make up your mind if you want to keep tropicals or cold water fish, how to set up the tank and what fish get on well together and what species are best kept alone. Buy fish from a local pet shop to start with. The odds the water type will be the same as your house and so the fish used to the same hard\soft water.

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I'm not far from you and suffer hard water!! I ran a 2 metre wild discus tank successfully for about 10 years.

Don't let the hardness or ph put you off, find the fish you like then research their needs and aim for that!! Changing the peramiters of the water is doable it just takes the know how!!

I also kept an arowana, he was a fantastic fish. I lost count of the amount of bulbs I replaced, that thing could jump!! He used to coil himself up in the corner of the tank and fire himself at the surface taking the lighting and lid with him!!

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I'm not far from you and suffer hard water!! I ran a 2 metre wild discus tank successfully for about 10 years.

Don't let the hardness or ph put you off, find the fish you like then research their needs and aim for that!! Changing the peramiters of the water is doable it just takes the know how!!

I also kept an arowana, he was a fantastic fish. I lost count of the amount of bulbs I replaced, that thing could jump!! He used to coil himself up in the corner of the tank and fire himself at the surface taking the lighting and lid with him!!

How I miss my 6ft x 2ft x 1ft8 inch Discus tank. Water was very hard. I made a big ion exchanger out of 5 inch clear tube. Much quicker than the modern systems. I even had a Pike in it at one time. Much easier to maintain than small tanks

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Toxo, I found that too!! The larger the tank the less likely for sudden changes.

I ran and still have a ro unit, it was ideal to create breeding conditions. Kept to a set feeding and water change routine and didn't have any problems!! I fed them on beef heart, it made them grow really well.

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Toxo, I found that too!! The larger the tank the less likely for sudden changes.

I ran and still have a ro unit, it was ideal to create breeding conditions. Kept to a set feeding and water change routine and didn't have any problems!! I fed them on beef heart, it made them grow really well.

I find the RO units are so wasteful with water. The unit I made was basically two tubes, one filled with cation resin and the other with anion resin. Just connect to the tap (London. very hard water). When exhausted just run backwards to regenerate.

I once had Eberhard Schulze, the writer and first president of the British Discus Association in my house pleading with me to let him have a very large female that I had. I miss my Discus like crazy.

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Not meaning to derail the thread about fish to terrapin's but think it good manners to reply.


That is a very good looking setup you have and way bigger than what we have.However we have a specialized terrapin tank that comes with a shelf that slopes for the terrapins to bask on. We also have a rock type cave that they use to hide in and also it protrudes from the water level that they also lay on. The Kids don't handle them but do feed them with their hands as they come up and take the food from their hands but they always get their hands washed when finished. I clean them out every couple of weeks and I was told to squeeze the filters into the clean water as there is something that the turtle's create and need. They are very happy and active.


Just an observation and I'm by no means an expert but that terrapin in your tank looks more like a 'Red Eared Slider' rather than a Musk terrapin.

Definatley musk as they are only 4" long and 15 years old.

I have had them since 1" long and sliders at that size would be vivid green not brown as these were and still are.

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It's an Aqua One 22litre tank, it's think it's about a 1ft cube.

Got it set up and the pump and now the heater running so hopefully give it a few days then pop some fish in :)




Don't just lob the fish in, run a couple of water chemistry checks first!

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Can you just buy a kit for all that?

My gf just told me apparently pets at home will test your water for free if you take them a sample.

You can, I'll check which ones we use at work, which have been calibrated to be as the most accurate by our labs.


pH is so important so get a kit that gives more accuracy than 1 point/degree of pH.


It's all ok taking water somewhere, but if it's not right you have to adjust/change water then run off for another check.


TBH water testing is a nice thing to do and understand.

those mollies go in any water within reason, I put mine in same day and they were fine, quite tough fish.

They are, as are danio used as 'tester fish', but if you want to get some species less robust, water chemistry and interpretation is vital.

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You can, I'll check which ones we use at work, which have been calibrated to be as the most accurate by our labs.


pH is so important so get a kit that gives more accuracy than 1 point/degree of pH.


It's all ok taking water somewhere, but if it's not right you have to adjust/change water then run off for another check.


TBH water testing is a nice thing to do and understand.


They are, as are danio used as 'tester fish', but if you want to get some species less robust, water chemistry and interpretation is vital.

Yer I thought I wouldn't want to be doing trips back and forth to see if it's alright 😂


Appreciate if you let me know which kit to get. I'm well excited 😂

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