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Nightly show, will it get better?

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The first showing of ITVs Nightly show was embarrassing, pathetic drivel in my opinion and that would seem to be echoed everywhere.


Opinion is divided but only by the extent of the criticism voiced.

We gave the show a full airing but many it would seem turned off minutes into it.This is a front runner for the worst show on TV and an insult to most viewers intelligence surely.


How can the producers not be able to recognise 'carp' when confronted by it and put this rubbish on air?


Rant over.



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Watched the first half . Not a good start but I guess it will be different with each presenter .


Not impressed but then again compared to some of the other drivel that is passed of as entertainment it was about par for the course .


No Ant & Dec Keith Lemon or Dara O'breien so thats something positive .

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