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trump puts his pen where his mouth is


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He signs executive order today, to lift some of the restrictions to the u.s. energy market caused by the climate hoax fanatics, following on from the decision to build the xl pipeline to stabilise the American energy needs.


Flanked by coal miners he signs the order, to end the war on coal.



The world needs to wake up to the damage the envirofascists are causing, its taken an ex tv celebrity and builder of skyscrapers, to do what the politicians cant or don't want to do.



Have you ever seen a british prime minister act with a decisive plan? I haven't.



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The world needs to wake up to the damage the envirofascists are causing, its taken an ex tv celebrity and builder of skyscrapers, to do what the politicians cant or don't want to do.





Wow! Any views about the Korean Nuclear policy?

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"climate hoax fanatics"

So what do YOU think is causing global warming? its as plain as the nose on your face that fossil fuels are suffocating the world we live in.

If we all dont do something pretty damned quick our grandchildren will be living in a hell of our making.

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"climate hoax fanatics"

So what do YOU think is causing global warming? its as plain as the nose on your face that fossil fuels are suffocating the world we live in.

If we all dont do something pretty damned quick our grandchildren will be living in a hell of our making.

The earth IS warming up, naturally...otherwise Europe would still be under ice sheets.


One of the tallest hills near where I grew up had fossils of sea urchins in the rocks: the hill HAD been sea bed at one time.

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"climate hoax fanatics"

So what do YOU think is causing global warming? its as plain as the nose on your face that fossil fuels are suffocating the world we live in.

If we all dont do something pretty damned quick our grandchildren will be living in a hell of our making.


oh dear, you fell for it aswell, its the bold italics that give it away.


remember, the fanatics changed the name from global warming 6 or 7 years ago, to climate change, to cover all bases as there was a danger of them getting found out.


As plain as the nose on my face, sorry no global warming, its called weather, it changes all the time, 300 years we had a mini ice age, way before the industrial revolution.


if you don't believe me, read up on the vostok ice samples.

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The earth IS warming up, naturally...otherwise Europe would still be under ice sheets.


One of the tallest hills near where I grew up had fossils of sea urchins in the rocks: the hill HAD been sea bed at one time.

As above. There's a few quarries up on our mountains that look down on a river. These quarries all contain fossils of sea creatures.

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"climate hoax fanatics"

So what do YOU think is causing global warming? its as plain as the nose on your face that fossil fuels are suffocating the world we live in.

If we all dont do something pretty damned quick our grandchildren will be living in a hell of our making.


I hope I never see a British prime minister act like Trump

+1 +1 Some sanity on here at least.

Wandering star I despair!!! Wake up and smell the coffee.

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Yes the earth goes through cycles, these cycles can take thousands of years to alter the earths average temperature by several degrees, the cycle we are going through now is man made, it started in the late 1800 when millions of tons of coal was being burnt un efficiently, as the efficiency of coal burning rose so did the rise of third world countries who also started burning millions of tons of coal and oil. Why was the Black Country so named, because everywhere was black through the un-efficient burning of coal. The rise in average temperatures is out of control, the sort of temperatures that took thousands of years to rise to will be reached in a couple of hundred years. Thats global warming

We in this country brought in laws to stop the black smoke that was pouring out of our factory's and our homes, When you consider how much coal and oil the likes of China and India burn now if the so called civilised world dont do something pretty drastic we our grandchildren will feel the consequences.

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Whats worse, the majority of climate change scientists being wrong but we act anyway, or climate change deniers being wrong and we don't?


Ignaz Semmelweis was the doctor who first said that washing hands before examining or treating woman in childbirth drastically cut deaths.


He couldn't explain why (it was before we knew about germs ect in mid 1800s), but all the evidence in his hospital pointed to it. He therefore enforced it in his own hospital and deaths dropped dramatically, but as he couldn't prove it, no other hospitals followed suit. Lots of women and children died.


This isn't the first time some have been on the forefront of scientific thinking (the earths core, the earth being round, the earth traveling around the sun, the list goes on) but it is quite possibly the time where we can make the biggest hash of it through not listening.

Edited by OJW
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What happened to that old chestnut the ozone layer? you remember cfc's and all that, has the hole repaired itself, it was a massive event 30 years ago.


Pretty close, the drastic action taken to reduce CFC's did the trick. A bit like reducing coal consumption will have a positive impact on climate change

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