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trump puts his pen where his mouth is


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What happened to that old chestnut the ozone layer? you remember cfc's and all that, has the hole repaired itself, it was a massive event 30 years ago.

I still like to imagine you are being humorous. But the ozone hole still exists seasonally and has been reduced by the massive reduction in cfc emissions.

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I was listening to an interview on the radio one night where the two guests were arguing over how long the coal under Britain could power us for. Both agreed that the way we process and fire coal today is ultra efficient and can only or will improve, but one said it would only last 120,000 years and the other guy said nearer 130,000 years!.


120,000 years.

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listen to trumps speech now, tell me if that sounds like an idiot, its easy to locate it, try it, you might like it.


You may have a point about him not being an idiot actually, after all, he got to be president of the USA so he cant be that thick - unlike the people who put him there.


I'll give the speech a miss though, the disgusting slob makes my skin crawl

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The filtration techniques for cleaning coal are incredible. These techniques improve all the time, but they don't want that publicised. co2 is essential, plants and trees thrive on it, and make oxygen, simple primary school stuff.

Please educate yourself.


Where does the O in the CO2 that comes from burning fossil fuel? The atmosphere. Saying that plants need CO2 to make oxygen for us to breath prices how uneducated you are.


I'm sure you're not as thick as you look, but you aren't coming across well on this subject.

This place needs more nuclear, and export some over to us.


Just build the plants on the East coast next time!

They should be on the east cost anyway in my oppinion. The prevailing wind cones from the south west.

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I was listening to an interview on the radio one night where the two guests were arguing over how long the coal under Britain could power us for. Both agreed that the way we process and fire coal today is ultra efficient and can only or will improve, but one said it would only last 120,000 years and the other guy said nearer 130,000 years!.


120,000 years.




Closer to 50 years according to the link above.

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post-67947-0-31890500-1490736414_thumb.jpgI'm not disputing global warming in the short term, I just don't think the data set is big enough to draw any firm conclusions yet. If you look at the 10,000 year chart, we're still in a long term cooling period, If you look at the 400,000 year chart, we're due for another ice age. However, none of us will ever know because we won't live long enough to find out.


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Any idiot who claims that the global warming we are going through now is not man made is not worth listening to.




Let me introduce myself, I am the idiot of which you speak. I do not believe in global warming in the way you describe it, I don't believe that human activity accounts for more than about 7% of the effect but l do think cutting down the rainforest is mega dumb.


We are sitting on so much coal in this country, yet we import it from Poland explain please? It was a LABOUR government that decided to buy coal from Poland and destroyed the mining industry in South Wales. Maggie got the blame but it was already a done deal before she even got into power.


Coal is a natural product, its only carbon put down many years ago into the ground. Trees need Co2 to grow. The idea that some (largely discredited) professors could suggest that we are all going to die is shown to be bunkum by the fees they were charging for speaking engagements

Edited by Vince Green
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Wanderingstar, I'd like to thank you for starting the two threads that have finally pushed my post count to 1,000. There are not many subjects that motivate me sufficiently to print my views but I feel strongly about climate change and needless death, and you hit both of them. Last time, I was trying to sell peace to America, this time its saving the planet. Big stuff, and I wish you well

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