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Unusual View of Democracy


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I just saw this in the comments of a Youtube video and couldn't resist sharing it.


"Not voting in a General Election is entirely different to not voting in a Referendum. In brief, the former is akin to saying "I'm not taking part in the choosing of my representative in the governing of this country", while the latter is akin to saying "I am choosing to not take away my support for my representative to make the choice for me in this matter".


If you don't vote in a Referendum you still have a say just like those that did vote; it is simply whatever your representative is campaigning for. Since the vast majority of MPs campaigned for remaining a part of the EU, and a large proportion of the voting population chose to give their vote to their MP, and the referendum result for those who voted was very close, it seems disingenuous to say the people want Brexit."


What a load of claptrap!

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I think people elect their local MP based on several issues, not just their EU stance, that's why referendums are necessary to define support for a specific issue


Saying the majority of MP's elected are Remainers, and as such brexit is undemocratitic is like saying all MP's should be white and male as the majority of MP's elected are white and male so that is clearly what the public want! In reality it's because In many constituencies there is limited other options!

Edited by zipdog
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Not voting in a referendum is stupid, it's one of those very limited times where you have a chance to put your opinion on a single matter directly at the guvmints table.

Voting in a general election is always a compromise unless you're very lucky in having a candidate that feels exactly as you do on every subject.

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It was a simple question, remain or leave. The majority of people who did vote voted to leave. Not difficult to understand, and that was the majority of the United Kingdom not this bit or that.


A referendum directly asks the population what they want regardless of what MP's may decide. That is the whole point of a referendum.


There is nothing disingenius about it at all. The majority of people who voted voted to leave.


+1 for get over it.


P.S at least we've been given a vote.

We were never given a vote about whether we wanted to join in the first place.

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Guest cookoff013

people here are still trying to convince me that the MPs will block the leave revote.


these people are not even on the same planet, let alone same continent.

this is even after the article 50 has been triggered...... how delusional.

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