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leeds chimp

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Kodi still working for me, are you running krypton or an older version?.

As for the article and the speculation of The lifespan of kodi I personally think the genie is out of the bottle now and if they manage to stamp out kodi then something else will soon follow. In reference to the 'criminal gangs' that are cashing in they are spot on, but as far as I'm concerned the criminals are the likes of 'sky' who suck up all the rights to popular tv and sports etc. then charge a fortune to view them. Let's face it broadcasters have brought this type of thing on themselves, if subscriptions were reasonable and they weren't ripping us off nobody would bother, they'd likely have more customers and your iffy android boxes and fire sticks wouldn't exist, at least not in the way they do now. They are strangling the goose that laid the golden egg. My grandfather was paying nearly £70 a month, and recently they wanted to put it up. He told them to come and get they're equipment, amazingly they were then able to come to an arrangement.

Edited by Trevorevans
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To be honest I think TV overall is finished.As if 5 channel of utter **** wasn't enough.I only watch one program and that's Life below Zero.I don't watch any sports or news (only find out what's happening in the world on PW).

Lot of the young people at work don't even have a TV and say they have no intention of buying one.

Edited by Davyo
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The article WAS aimed at the illegal use.

Yes, exactly my point. But there are misleading and incorrect lines such as:


"The crackdown on Kodi and other streaming services" - it's a perfectly legal media player / entertainment hub, not a streaming service

"a number of Kodi arrests made earlier this year." - eh? A Kodi arrest? What's that?


They imply that Kodi and illegality go hand in hand when, in fact, Team Kodi are trying to ensure the exact opposite is made clear. It's just very poor reporting.

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The was a warning Sky and Virgin were trying to block it through their internet and i know of 5 people through work have had Exodus blocked and deleated and have had to reinstall it .The subsequent reinstall is erratic but Sky want your movie money

Edited by clakk
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Kodi is no more illegal than owning a DVD player that's able to play multi region discs (remember them)


The law will change, the tech will change law won't keep up, some unlucky people will cop a fine most won't...... if your not profiting from it you probably won't be effected apart from loosing out on the service....

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