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Hamerton Zoo Fatality


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This isn't far from our place in the country, and we've been there - it's a great place to visit.


Today's sad news concerning the death of a keeper is pretty horrifying, a tiger mauling must be pretty rough way to go.


At no stage did the animal escape the enclosure, so we're told.


Anyone got the inside track on what actually happened?



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No details released yet. But they're claiming it's a 'freak accident'. This has to be code for: someone screwed up, but we're not sure who or how yet. In these situations, it's normally the case that the double door system wasn't fully adhered to.


The theory is that there are always two locked doors between you and the teeth. For it to fail, you either have to have both locks fail, or someone gets sloppy...


Desperately sad for those concerned.

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Saw a few different news reports, one said "the tiger entered the enclosure with a keeper" and a few said at no time did the tiger leave its enclosure.


Sounds like the person thought the tiger was in the housing bit, or it was in the housing bit but the gate wasn't shut properly or something.


Either way I just hope it was as quick as possible!

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Clearly something in the separation of animals and humans went wrong, be it human error, or a freak accident.


I just really really hope that they don't put the tiger down because of this, when it wasn't doing anything unnatural and wasn't trained to know right from wrong.

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Saw a few different news reports, one said "the tiger entered the enclosure with a keeper" and a few said at no time did the tiger leave its enclosure.


Sounds like the person thought the tiger was in the housing bit, or it was in the housing bit but the gate wasn't shut properly or something.


Either way I just hope it was as quick as possible!

Yeah that's not too clear is it! Breakdown in communication. The zoo would include holding/housing pen and exercise area as the enclosure. So, being out of the enclosure to them would be at large in the park - a danger to visitors. But to everyone else the enclosure is just the visible exercise bit, presumably where the accident happened.


Some zoos would euthanise, others wouldn't, it just depends on policy and PR fallout, sadly

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Yeah that's not too clear is it! Breakdown in communication. The zoo would include holding/housing pen and exercise area as the enclosure. So, being out of the enclosure to them would be at large in the park - a danger to visitors. But to everyone else the enclosure is just the visible exercise bit, presumably where the accident happened.


Some zoos would euthanise, others wouldn't, it just depends on policy and PR fallout, sadly

Perhaps they have to take into account whether the tiger now has a 'taste' for it?


Seen plenty of videos online of people falling into enclosures, and whilst they normally get mauled and bitten a bit they seem to get them out ok. The big cats seem a bit unsure for a good while.


If this cat is a straight up man eater they might euthanise.

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I wouldn't think it would matter wether the tiger had killed or not, seems like a bad idea being in the run or cage with one. Given the numbers of them I wouldn't like to see it put down, beautiful animals, hopefully just a tragic accident

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Agree with all about not putting it down. It would be plain wrong. It's would be a case ' this natural born hunter has just done what it's born to do but let's put it down'. If that's the case then why don't they take out their teeth and claws and give them a liquid diet. I bet the poor girl who died woudnny want it put down.

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I bet the poor girl who died woudnny want it put down.


Without a doubt.


Our fascination with keeping these animals in a zoo is to be able to get up close with something which can and will kill you, given the opportunity. They already have the 'taste' for killing, as it's a natural instinct which is even mirrored in domesticated cats.


Surely this lion should be put down for demonstrating killer instincts...


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Complacency one expects which happens all to easily in the workplace which is why we now live in a world governed by risk assessment. Would not like to be the zoo's head of H&S as there policies will be scrutinized.

As for the animal, well its doing what cats do and that is kill anything and everything at the first opportunity. Having had a nutter of a cat myself no way on earth would I go anywhere near a big one.

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