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log burner


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Yes I have heard similar but it seems to be a grey area. I put one in a few months ago and I haven't bothered with getting it signed off. I seem to remember council building inspector can sign it off but cant confirm that .

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So, do you have to get signed off for an OPEN fire ?????


Far more dangerous than a log burner.


I have two fitted in my home, fitted by myself. One is connected to a fully lined sealed chimney, the other to an original chimney built maybe over 150yrds ago if not more. Just had that one cleaned and the sweep said it was in excellent condition and a cracking chimney drawing well. Just fitted a closing plate to that one with about a foot of stainless above the plate.


Sounds like one of those money spinning regulations to me, keeping someone in a non job.

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thanks ips, ill leave as is,on reading the link you sent,you dont have to be a specalist installer,so matbe you just saved me a few qiud,cheers dave.


Why wouldn't you get it done for peace of mind? Presumably you live there and possibly family to!


I had a neighbor who's house caught fire due to a poorly fitted log burner, and that was a few years after it was done......

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Have you fitted carbon monoxide detectors,


I work for a fire place manufacturer, we don't fit stoves but do marble & granite for them, about 4 people a year die from this, anyone can fit one yes but will they survive, seen fumes leaching through upper walls as chimney was not up to it over a period of time.


What value is your life.

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The best option is to say it was fitted when you bought the property.

The above post really says it all 4 people a year so you are far more likely to get run over crossing the road. That's not to be complacent but if it's in a decent chimney and you are in an older property that isn't air tight then the odds are you will be fine

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I banged s hole through the wall (no chimney) fitted twin wall flu job done. And job done right so building inspector can stuff off.


As long as you do the job correctly which I am sure the op has then there ain't no problem I can see

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The best option is to say it was fitted when you bought the property.

The above post really says it all 4 people a year so you are far more likely to get run over crossing the road. That's not to be complacent but if it's in a decent chimney and you are in an older property that isn't air tight then the odds are you will be fine


With respect to the OP, and I'm not suggesting he is, I think all these "ignore the stupid laws/regulation" posts would all change if some numpty attempted the same thing and was living in the house attached to yours or your families house!


The OP asked for opinions, mine is that his and his families lives are worth more than a few ££'s he is trying to save, unless of course he wants to play the "odds" as you've suggested......


I have no issue with OP undertaking the labor himself but call in an expert to check and certify what you've done; I'm sure he would still have saved a generous amount.

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thanks for all your replys,i fitted this fire myself as iam a builder,and i have worked for myself for approx 30 yrs,and pride myself in being good at my job,as in all the years i have been doing this,i have not had one complaint,and most 0f my work came from people who i had worked for over the years,also from recomendations,from these people,PSif anyone askes for a cert i will show them the report that ips sent me,once again thanks dave.

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Just to add a final comment for those who seem concerned. There is a huge difference between a highly experienced professional tradesman such as Dave carrying out these types of projects and a DIY enthusiast. Perhaps the latter may be wise to get there work checked but a professional builder, nah. 😉

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