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Shooting Diary

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I used to keep records of quarry for the day weather, where. Then when starting with dog I would write how he got on, if nothing else its interesting when you puck it up years later.


Yep, I like this idea and going to give it a go!

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I have kept a diary for over 10 years. I wish I had started sooner.

I record all quarry species shot, where, when and why. Other detail may include the weather, how my dogs performed or anything amusing or interesting that happened.

Looking back entries from years ago is good fun. It is surprising how many things you forget that happened.

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I keep a journal. Just a plain page notebook really. I note down location, date, weather, general comments, how the dog behaved (or didn't as the case maybe), total bag, my bag for how many shots etc. Sometimes add in a few pictures. It is a nice record to look back into from time to time.

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I keep a journal. Just a plain page notebook really. I note down location, date, weather, general comments, how the dog behaved (or didn't as the case maybe), total bag, my bag for how many shots etc. Sometimes add in a few pictures. It is a nice record to look back into from time to time.

That great thanks for the ideas of what to include

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I have kept a diary for over 10 years. I wish I had started sooner.

I record all quarry species shot, where, when and why. Other detail may include the weather, how my dogs performed or anything amusing or interesting that happened.

Looking back entries from years ago is good fun. It is surprising how many things you forget that happened.


Does it include things like "missed a 30 yard pink and then fell into a muddy creek"?

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I was kindly given a copy of the late John Humphreys 'The Country Sportsman's Record Book and Journal' by John himself in 2001 when he showed me round his beloved Hunter's Fen and Lord's Ground Shoot. It is beautifully illustrated by John Paley and in it I religeously record every outing, including time, date, place, weather conditions and any interesting observations of the day. The bag is recorded but is only incidental to the day's events.

Like Motty, I wish I had started sooner.

However, when reading through it, every day can be instantly recalled vividly and is a good reminder of days spent in the field.


I think that most people would benefit from keeping a diary as a reference to previous outing's successes and possible failures.


I would certainly recommend the above mentioned journal which Angela Humphreys has now had reissued.



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I was given an Eley diary in 1984, and I've kept a Fishing/shooting/countryside diary since. I too have John Humphreys book, which I started in 2011. I enjoy writing things down and its for my pleasure and nobody else's so there.

Keep a dairy its good fun.



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