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Four snakes native in UK not three


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Used to find and play with them as kids. They are good swimmers to. Often see when fishing. Couple of years ago was up farm and farmer shouted from grain store for me to come over. His dog was going crazy barking at a very big grass snake. He had never seen one before. So convinced him it wold be safe for him to hold for a photo. As i picked it up it sprayed a real evil smelling bile from it's vent. Luckily not over us. It was so strong it caused us to back away. Never had that happen before.



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They love muck heaps round here because they're warm I suppose. A mate in Cheshire saw one in a muck heap the one day he reckoned it was 5ft long.


As grass snakes lay eggs they look to lay them in muck heaps the warmth from which incubates the eggs.

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