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Pigeons , Pensioner and Police


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Had a look out on some wheat stubble today. A pensioner walking his dog came over so thinking he might be lost or something I asked him where he was going to which he replied " what authority do you have to ask ?" I told him he was on private land and that I was shooting and for his own safety he should keep to the footpaths. He called me a ****** and stormed off. :lol::lol:


20 mins later the police turned up , I went over to explain what I was doing and that I had permission , police were fine about it and I continued shooting.


The day was very slow , but I shot well and never missed many :)


Nice mixed bag ...............




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I bet they didn't do him for wasting police time. Afraid it is getting more prevalent these days, townies buying properties in the country villages. Saw a chap walk by here pushing a wheel barrow full of garden rubbish and brick rubble a few weeks ago and then saw he had tipped it in a field down the road from me. Newcomers to the village. Let the farmer know and I think he was spoken to. Had a friend over from Texas and had kept a certain area I have free of disturbance...knew there was a nice muntie buck on there. Got there just before daybreak, let the light come up and began to ease up a shallow valley. It just seemed strange .. not a rabbit out and no hares where normally there would be three or four lolloping about. Then came across a set of muntie prints coming out of the cover at speed as the edges were torn up. Got to the next field and there was a Jack Russell tearing round the field and I could just se a blokes head above the hedge of the next field. He was 400yrds away and no way was I going to catch up or see anything on that area that morning.

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Good bag ther pal the same happend to me last night while rabbit shooting at the golf course an old lady walking a dog on the edge of golf course spotted me and phoned the police . Police turned up a hour later I saw them pull up and get out of the van and ther started walking over with ther torches shining my way. The gun was in its slip by this time and sorted everything out and I was ok to carry on it was a pain in the **** tho .

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