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Who here has a .410 shot pistol?


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Hi chaps. Recent experiences with various animals in traps has sent me in the direction of wondering if one of these things would be useful for me? I find myself dealing with loads of humane trapped squirrels, magpies, foxes, and generally use a .22lr for the foxes and an air pistol/rifle for the magpies and squirrels. It works ok, but something more discreet would be handy for the foxes, and more effective for smaller vermin that often won't keep still! Of course I could pull the small animals out of the traps alive and deal with them, but it's so much easier and nicer for them to kill them in the trap then clear them out.


What's the legalities of these things and is it reasonable to assume it would deal with a fox close up (under a yard lets say)? I believe from what I've been told that they are pretty hopeless beyond about five yards, but that in fact would be perfect as it's much more safe than a .22 bullet when used in urban gardens. The way I see it they should be easier to get than a dispatch pistol, safer than any other option including a regular shotgun, and also sod all use to a criminal/risk to the public if it was stolen?


I can imagine it could be a bit of a battle with the firearms dept, so is it worth it? They look really handy and I've seen a few about, but I've never used one to know.


Feedback from users or people who know someone who owns one would be much appreciated. My renewal is due in a couple of months so I'm thinking of tagging one on depending on opinion. "I don't see the point" posts aren't needed. Unless you've used one and found it hopeless of course!

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I have had a .410 shot pistol for over 20 years ,on my last renewal I asked for it to be conditioned for shooting trapped mink as the chairman of the local fishing club I have been responsible for vermin control on our waters ( we have trapped over 70 in the last two years ) . The old certificate was only conditioned for shooting vermin in or around farm buildings . Lincolnshire Police turned my request down for the human despatch of trapped mink . I now have to go round the waters carrying a long gun slip which causes problems with antis and dog walkers .

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Iv heard that most police forces don't really like people owning them, one of the keepers I know had one, for shooting vermin around farm buildings and destruction of livestock. He said every time his renewal came up they repeatedly asked him if he really needed the .410 pistol, and how often he used it etc. In the end he sold it to a collector. He said it was a handy bit of kit, and safer than a .22 rifle/pistol. So probably spot on for trapping

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A .410 as has been mentioned, will do for most livestock. We have used it for sheep and cattle in the past; albeit in shotgun form and not pistol.

Dependant on what we were doing while clearing traps we've used either a .22 air pistol, a .22rf or a .410.

A .410 shot pistol will be much louder than a .22rf in an urban setting, if noise is a consideration.

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Thanks. Some interesting replies to ponder. My favourite RFD is a section 5 dealer luckily and having just looked on their site they stock a .410 pistol. I may have to go and have a look at it!


I can see why the police don't like them. They're relatively easy to conceal, although at times that is going to be very useful for work! I can provide details of numerous customers who rely on me to trap their pests. Part of my business is marketed in that direction so I like to think I can prove it's a need rather than a novelty.


I do some rat control around farm yards too. Hadn't really considered one for that use, but I suppose it could be handy for tight spots. It's good to see some of you have them. That means it's not impossible to get. Not being a true section 5 gun it should be easier to justify.

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