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Lyalvale Express Pigeon Power

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During the last week or two i've made two reasonable bags of pigeon on the stubbles, a 73 and yesterday an 80.


I bought a couple of slabs of Express Pigeon Power which are a 12 bore 29 g no 6. Had some stonking kills with these, folded pretty much everything with few runners.


Impressed, so just ordered another thousand. Do try them if you haven't done so already. They are a bit over £50 a slab.


I hope you like my poofy empty carts bag that hangs on the inside of the hide pole. :)



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I thought i'd chop one open and take a closer look.


I don't possess a pair of calipers, so had a count. I found 245 pieces of very nice uniform shot, with a combined weight of 30g


Given that there are 270 pellets in an ounce (29.4g) of UK No 6 and 220 in an ounce of UK No 5 this would indicate Pigeon Power being something pretty close to UK size 5.5


Unless of course you say different.



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Nothing special really, 2.7mm shot which is uk5.5 and passes these days as number 6. B&P wad, a picture of the powder would be nice.


Then why given the rest of society is trying to reduce the use of plastic are we happy to put plastic rubbish all over the country side? Given fibre wads are available.


Thank you for the *** whooping re plastic wads. I use felt quite a bit but i don't think it's as good. At least I pick up all the cases unlike some. As a household we are now free of plastic ******* bags so going in the right direction. Must try harder.............


No powder pictures available as it's all gone down the sink, sorry chum.


Is it OK if I carry on using that filthy stuff called lead? Just wondered.


Sorry if this post is boring you, there's plenty of other drivel on here to get on with.

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My Gloucestershire shooting friend uses them to very great effect and I have seen him kill stone dead birds at some distance.


My own choice is Hull Superfast pigeon, also in No. 6 shot and 29 grams. If I cannot get hold of these the Pigeon Power will be my next choice.

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I thought i'd chop one open and take a closer look.


I don't possess a pair of calipers, so had a count. I found 245 pieces of very nice uniform shot, with a combined weight of 30g


Given that there are 270 pellets in an ounce (29.4g) of UK No 6 and 220 in an ounce of UK No 5 this would indicate Pigeon Power being something pretty close to UK size 5.5


Unless of course you say different.



No quibble from me - it was their UK Sales Manager who told me 5s. With 231 to the ounce, who cares - they work well.

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Thank you for the *** whooping re plastic wads. I use felt quite a bit but i don't think it's as good. At least I pick up all the cases unlike some. As a household we are now free of plastic ******* bags so going in the right direction. Must try harder.............


No powder pictures available as it's all gone down the sink, sorry chum.


Is it OK if I carry on using that filthy stuff called lead? Just wondered.


Sorry if this post is boring you, there's plenty of other drivel on here to get on with.

Oops did not mean to affend you, just that when I looked at the picture the wads and shot together with its size is typical of what I find when I cut open any plastic wad pigeon cartridge and hence choice is a personal matter if it suites your gun then they will all do the same job if you put the shot in the correct place.

With regards the fibre wad again a personal choice, I go for fibre as personally think it is better than spreading plastic across the fields, but appreciate some like the better performance from plastic wads. One day we may get a true fast biodegradable plastic wad.

Have tried steel shot, but that requires plastic wads or very expensive cardboard tube wads.

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Oops did not mean to affend you, just that when I looked at the picture the wads and shot together with its size is typical of what I find when I cut open any plastic wad pigeon cartridge and hence choice is a personal matter if it suites your gun then they will all do the same job if you put the shot in the correct place.

With regards the fibre wad again a personal choice, I go for fibre as personally think it is better than spreading plastic across the fields, but appreciate some like the better performance from plastic wads. One day we may get a true fast biodegradable plastic wad.

Have tried steel shot, but that requires plastic wads or very expensive cardboard tube wads.


Offend? None taken.


Hull cartridge used to make a bio degradable plastic wad but this seems to have been withdrawn. I'm told this was for cost reasons and it took ten years plus to degrade.

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My Gloucestershire shooting friend uses them to very great effect and I have seen him kill stone dead birds at some distance.


My own choice is Hull Superfast pigeon, also in No. 6 shot and 29 grams. If I cannot get hold of these the Pigeon Power will be my next choice.


JD thanks for this. It supports my view of the Pigeon Power. I get a bit fed up when the likes of Gamebore and Eley keep messing about with their pigeon shells. One minute they're the bees knees, the next they change the range and the shell ends up poorer than before.

What's the sense in that? Sticking to one cartridge is sensible advice IMO but not a lot of good when the manufacturers keep "improving" things.


I wound in a good bit of choke the last couple of weeks and killed some stonkers (for me anyway). I'd like to see a trial by muncher and motty !!

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I have used both the plastic and fibre wad in the above cartridges and found them as good as anything I have used on pigeons , my personal choice was the plastic wad , I found the fibre wad shells had a bit more kick and seemed to crack louder , but with my rubbish hearing the cracking louder bit didn't mean a thing .


I bought mine from Churchills in Dereham , went in there about a month ago and they no longer stock them , if they did they recon the price would be nearer £57 /58 a slab than the £50 / 51 I paid

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I have used both the plastic and fibre wad in the above cartridges and found them as good as anything I have used on pigeons , my personal choice was the plastic wad , I found the fibre wad shells had a bit more kick and seemed to crack louder , but with my rubbish hearing the cracking louder bit didn't mean a thing .


I bought mine from Churchills in Dereham , went in there about a month ago and they no longer stock them , if they did they recon the price would be nearer £57 /58 a slab than the £50 / 51 I paid


Appreciate your post mm, there's a few old guns on here that know what they are talking about.


Two key things for me: 1. Stone dead kills a bit further out. 2. Sweet on the shoulder.


BTW you can get these from: http://www.philipwebstergunsmith.co.uk/ or https://www.eastgun.co.uk/store/

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My dear old mum made me that about thirty years ago. I was supposed to put my sandwiches in it.

A nice bag doing a worthwhile job , still look in excellent condition and a tribute to your dear ole mums skill at sewing , will last a lot longer than a TESCO bag for life ,



My sandwich bag is one of those ole fold up canvas ones with a stud on it , I use it to carry the lost spuds from behind the harvester a site more than I do to carry my sarnies . :yes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

A nice bag doing a worthwhile job , still look in excellent condition and a tribute to your dear ole mums skill at sewing , will last a lot longer than a TESCO bag for life ,



My sandwich bag is one of those ole fold up canvas ones with a stud on it , I use it to carry the lost spuds from behind the harvester a site more than I do to carry my sarnies . :yes:


There are some things you'd never part with mm.

I do load my own but have been using them since they came out in my 1/2 choke auto great shell.


Glad you also like 'em ken. I love 'em. Should be having another go on Saturday. The weather looks good!

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