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ive been dragged into a meeting by HR and my new line manager who by all accounts is a compulsive liar and i think im going to record it on my phone but i dont know if i should just come out with it and put my phone on the table or just put it on record and put it in my shirt pocket ?. if i need to use anything said in the meeting does it make a difference ?.

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If you are minded to record then ask for an agenda, ask who is going to take minutes and if they are to be circulated and signed off as accurate and correct by all attending.


However be careful and really think of things are getting that bad, any of the above such as recording etc is escalating to a high level

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If you are minded to record then ask for an agenda, ask who is going to take minutes and if they are to be circulated and signed off as accurate and correct by all attending.


However be careful and really think of things are getting that bad, any of the above such as recording etc is escalating to a high level

This, and you take someone in with you to represent you and take notes.


Don't record it without consent.

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If it's a proper HR meeting there should be someone taking notes. Especially if serious enough for you to consider recording the proceeds. As above I had to be interviewed as part of a disciplinary process of another work colleague. I was asked if I wanted to take trade union rep or another to interview. I was also given a copy of the notes taken during the meeting and asked to sign agreeing that was what was discussed etc.

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If the notes of the meeting are taken on by or on behalf of management, they will say what management want them to say! The only way to ensure the minutes reflect the meeting fully and truthfully is to insist on verbatim minutes, if they refuse then advise the meeting you wish to record the meeting and produce the minutes yourself!.......If you are subject to the companies disciplinary procedures ask for a copy so you can ensure it is followed correctly and if your job is at risk, take a union representative.

As others have said, do not record the meeting covertly!

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You should take 2 recordings - 1 on your phone and 1 in a breast pocket (a standard Sony mp3 dictating machine off the bay for £30 will have good pick up but check and test its operation before and make sure the SD card is big enough).


Then if they say no recordings make a big thing of turning your phone off.


You are only recording yourself as an aide memoir of what you said......


And in my experience the notes never ever ever ever match the meeting. Never; why? Because whoever has the final say will edit / spin them (or just plain old add some revisionist history), and so as to cut the cloth to suit the real chosen agenda.


Edited by Mungler
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well i had my meeting and i finally took the wife after she got a couple of hours off and im glad i did . The Hr lassy spouted her stuff and really didn't say much then my boss started and he said occy health wont let me back and the best i can do is get the same grade job im on for three months , walk away now , or be classed disabled and figure out my pension . So my wife says after three months in another job would i get back to my old job and my boss said no he would be leaving as there's no a job for him ?? at which point the HR lassy drew him a dirty look she looks about 16 but obliviously knew to say anything . So the kept blaming occy health who after checking is going on a report from a doctor thats 8 months old and says i walk with a stick , A stick my physio took off me in April as i was to dependant on it and have been walking about without it since then . So im back at occy health on the 16th and i now sitting with the specialist report who says if i stick to my meds and keep loosing the weight i will be fine , And one off my own doctor saying much the same that if i take the 8 weeks off that she gave me and allow the new tablets to work i should be fine to go back to my job . So much for 20 years working there and i will never trust anybody in management there again

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Sounds like a tough day and a pyrrhic victory sadly.


With notes, based on what you have just said you should be able to build a case and prove constructive dismissal if you needed to, not exactly a cause for celebration but a moral victory none the less.


May be worth getting an hour of someone legals time as if they want to negotiate you out, now is possibly the best time to start - I say that not understanding age / likelihood of future employment / pension benefits etc.


However, if as the boss has confirmed the gloves are off and the scene is set it may be better for your health and stress levels to see what they will do in terms of lost pension benefits, cash payment etc to ask you to walk through the door. Certainly something I would get advice on due to the concern that if the eyes are directed at you my concern would be they will seek to find reasons over the next few months to say goodbye. If you have a Union join it now and get their help.


Sorry not a nice place to be.

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So my wife says after three months in another job would i get back to my old job and my boss said no he would be leaving as there's no a job for him ?? at which point the HR lassy drew him a dirty look

"... he would be leaving as there's no a job for him" sounds like redundancy.


A company large enough to employ HR staff may well have an official written policy on redundancy. In the case of an ill-health retirement the company can presumably appoint somebody else in your place, but if your post is being made redundant that may not be permitted. That could explain the dirty look from HR person. Expert advice needed. Perhaps worth contacting the CAB.

Edited by McSpredder
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As others have said it sounds like there trying to punt you, which these days is very difficult so there trying to put you in a position where you walk. My sister had this a while ago, after her maternity leave was finishing they said her job wasn't there anymore but had another position for her, it was nothing like the same, lots of the usual but eventually she got them to make her redundant.


Certainly don't walk away unless you can afford to, does the same grade job not get you working and being paid?


Some other good advice above, not a fan of unions but in this instance they could be useful, also has this sort of thing happened with other people at your work??

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I always thought that it was OH's task to provide any form of aid that would assist in you doing your job? In my experience their sole purpose was to keep you working at all costs - if not then they are supposed to find you a similar job. If your Doctor, however, has decided that you are unable to continue with your particular occupation then I would consider retiring on medical grounds and letting your present company pay you a pension - it wont stop you getting another job.

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