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Billy No Mates, Gamebore Pure Gold and midges.


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Today I was only interested in looking at one field which was the one I was disappointed by on Tuesday when it was being tedded. Yesterday it was tedded twice and baled and I thought the disturbance would be too much for pigeons and expected them to have gone elsewhere. My hopes were not high which is why I went solo again.


From my vantage point at 1pm I could see very little movement and for once I didn't dive in without a complete assessment of the situation. Once I had seen a few I drove over and set up on the corner of a wood with a very good breeze from behind me. I was in complete calm. My set up was the rotary and two pigeons on it and nothing else. Soon after starting I had more and I set them up on sticks. Pigeons decoyed fairly well but at the last moment lots peeled off but too late for them and I shot a few corkers as they tried to bypass my position. After two hours of shooting I ran out of cartridges, a recurring theme with me it seems.


I had used all of my normal Hull Superfasts and returned to the car to find that I only had Gamebore Pure Gold 30 gram no. 6 given to me by a grateful farmer. Still I had 250 of those which was something. However I did not get on very well with them and found them lacking at range. I placed an order for more of my normal cartridges from my hide.


The shooting was good, not quite as good as the flight line on Tuesday but still good as not every pigeon by any means attempted to come to the pattern and lots were shot avoiding the issue so to speak.


At 4pm the wind dropped completely and I was immediately enveloped by midges, huge clouds of them and they bit me and Jasper. After ten minutes I just had to pack up to get away from the buzzing hordes. I picked exactly 90 pigeons.


Below I will attempt to post pictures of my hide position showing two sides of the wood and the pattern in relation to my hide. If any of the pictures come out distorted I am giving up on imgbb.










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