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Deer's head


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I found a severed deer's head up at the fields where my wife keeps horses today. No sign of the rest of it! I'm fairly sure it was a smallish roe deer but I just wondered what might have done it as I thought they didn't really have any natural predators?

Thanks 😀

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There was a spate locally of heads, legs and even guts appearing in hedgerows. Eventually someone got spotted on CCTV crossing the railway line with a black plastic bin bag. Railway cops pounced and found a bloke with a Headless/legless Roe on the way to a car parked nearby. That's what made me suggest Poachers.

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Poachers, my old dog once brought one back to the mother in law, she wasn't best pleased and it wasn't far from the public footpath, I mentioned this in the local pub, saying how she was reporting it to the wildlife officer. Did this to spread the word to the lazy sod who didn't burry or care who found bits of dead deer in the woods.

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