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Because it's Christmas...


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What are the things you have to eat or drink just because it's Christmas? The 3 things I can think of right now are:

In our house we HAVE to have Buck's Fizz in the morning. I can't abide champagne as it gives me heartburn before it's even gone down - but I oblige "because it's Christmas."

I flatly refuse the sprouts with lunch though. My mrs rarely eats them, but she does at Christmas "B.I.C."

Once we are settled in for the evening we have to have a glass of Bailey's "B.I.C." Luckily the beer soon takes the taste away.

A Very Merry Christmas to all. :santa:

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We're on a cream liqueur called Amarula at the minute. Try sprouts with very small chunks of a good sausage, wild boar or something strong, with a few chopped walnuts. Only drop the sprouts in boiling water, bring back to the boil, cool, then toss all ingredients in butter at the last minute. You may be surprised. Over cooking the sprouts is the biggest mistake. We don't normally do chocolate or biscuits, but we have them available, more cheeses than usual but that's ok. We do bucks fizz as well. I drink too fast so the orange juice helps. Excess of spending is possibly the worst thing though, but if you don't want to be a Grinch, what choice do we have. 

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1 hour ago, walshie said:

What are the things you have to eat or drink just because it's Christmas? The 3 things I can think of right now are:

In our house we HAVE to have Buck's Fizz in the morning. I can't abide champagne as it gives me heartburn before it's even gone down - but I oblige "because it's Christmas."

I flatly refuse the sprouts with lunch though. My mrs rarely eats them, but she does at Christmas "B.I.C."

Once we are settled in for the evening we have to have a glass of Bailey's "B.I.C." Luckily the beer soon takes the taste away.

A Very Merry Christmas to all. :santa:

Champagne Breakfast.     I Just love Sprouts.

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