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Fiocchi confused?

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21 minutes ago, daisyrob1 said:

Hi all returning to shooting after a 30 absents ,wife thinks it's a mid lifer! Looking at fioochi game loads size 6 r these a uk 6/2.6 mm or italian 6 /2.7 mm?Only bit of info i can get is on Norgas website & they have them as 2.6 mm! Many thanks Tim

She might well be correct!

As Figgy says, what difference will it make, they will both, 2.6mm or 2.7mm kill, if the gun fits and you do your bit properly.

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30 minutes ago, daisyrob1 said:

Figgy cant find any info on their website that's why ive posted the question!so So does o.2 mm between a 5 & 6 matter?plus for a **** shot like myself won't there be a greater pellet count per ounce between a 6 and a 6.5? And ye penelope they r the f3 cheers

It largely depends on what you've got and what you're doing with it. More often than not it's better to start with the target and your proposed maximum range. This will decide what shot size and necessary pellet count that you'll need and the only way to be sure is to go to the pattern plate. This has the advantage of changing a **** shot into a better one. Yes, 0.2mm can matter and the 30 odd pellet count between a 6 (2.6mm) and a 6&1/2 (2.5mm) per ounce similarly particularly if you're using an ounce plus.

Come to think of it, delete "more often than not" and substitute it with 'always'.

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With fiocchi I find it best to look at the box label for the actual size in mm, 2.2 .23 are usually both marked as 8 on the box, I have some TT1's marked 8 that are actual UK 8's  (2.2) my TT2's are also marked 8 (2.3) are actually UK 7.5 where as my FBLU marked 7.5 are nearer UK 7 (2.4), all clay rounds.

It pays to check if it's a specific size you're after. Good confidence inspiring ammo for all that. 

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Some of the Fiocchi offerings are specifically loaded for the UK market.

The tell tale is UK in the description.

To obtain UK sizes from Italian sizes deduct 1/2 size from Italian number .

Much less confusing if you refer to the mm sizes.


Edited by webber
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I have used the Fiocchi PL28 and 30 fibre wads in 6 shot through my English S x S for a couple of years now. I really do not care what size the shot actually is, they kill most things that I shoot at and that is good enough for me. A bit dirtier that some other makes BUT the price is as good as the performance.

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