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The Tunnel


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So has anyone been watching The Tunnel series on Sky Atlantic? English and French detectives; querky mix of characters that each have issues and come across some challenges with the people who cross their paths, be it criminal or otherwise. I won't do any spoilers, but it's well worth a look and this final series was a real roller coaster of emotions. Bit different from your average cops and robbers.

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9 hours ago, getthegat said:

So has anyone been watching The Tunnel series on Sky Atlantic? English and French detectives; querky mix of characters that each have issues and come across some challenges with the people who cross their paths, be it criminal or otherwise. I won't do any spoilers, but it's well worth a look and this final series was a real roller coaster of emotions. Bit different from your average cops and robbers.

Yer watched them all, defo second gettheat recommendation.


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2 hours ago, Pigeon Shredder. said:

Yes good series.

How about Spiral on BBC4 ?, another one to get into if you enjoy French drama series.

And then of course McMafia on BBC1.

Both on iplayer if you have missed them.

You can see l'm retired, and if it's to wet to shoot it's net surfing or tv.

hello, avid watcher of spiril, have seen every series:good:

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44 minutes ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

hello, avid watcher of spiril, have seen every series:good:


44 minutes ago, oldypigeonpopper said:

hello, avid watcher of spiril, have seen every series:good:

No, but l shall be very soon as my son is downloading the whole lot onto Plex for me.

Feet up for a few day's when the weathers rough.

Yourself OPP have you been viewing them since they came out in 2005/6.

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2 hours ago, Pigeon Shredder. said:


No, but l shall be very soon as my son is downloading the whole lot onto Plex for me.

Feet up for a few day's when the weathers rough.

Yourself OPP have you been viewing them since they came out in 2005/6.

hello, yes i have watched all the series as many other very good dramas like the bridge, the swedish detective?  and most from walter presents, while there have been some very good british dramas i still prefer those like spiril, hope you enjoy to pidgeon shredder

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40 minutes ago, Dunkield said:


Not convinced by McMafia it seems like style over substance so far

It's a strange one but for now I'm sticking with it,

Still can't figure out why it's called McMafia though, I thought it may have been like a Scottish type mafia thing


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12 hours ago, shaun4860 said:

Still can't figure out why it's called McMafia though, I thought it may have been like a Scottish type mafia thing

As explained by one of the characters in an early scene, the Russian mafia operates all over the world as a sort of similar franchise to McDonalds hamburger joints - can't quite see the analogy myself.

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3 minutes ago, Ollieollie said:

While we’re throwing them out there, I enjoyed ‘Hinterland’ on bbc Wales I believe. Anyone seen it?

hello, yes i watched this Ollieollie, today my dear son came and put me on Netflix, now i can catch up on what some PW members have recommended, and being there are so many repeats on TV have some good films to, cheers 

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Also, going off at a slight tangent, anyone started on this new series Dark Sun? Seems quite good so far. Threw up a question for me and the missus; what what you do if we knew for certain there was only 5 years left before earth's extinction? Could we go and visit all those bucket list sites, or would there be no planes, no fuel, no food etc because nobody would bother to work anymore? Would the world fall into anarchy? Keep plenty of ammo stored guys?

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46 minutes ago, Longchalk said:

Massive fan of both Spiral and The bridge. But you really need to start with series one  if you can, due to the characterisation. Particularly with Sprial.

hello, please note the BRIDGE final series is on in 2018 on BBC2, ( MAYBE JANUARY ) i have not seen anything to say when but i will most certainly be watching. i would say it has been one of the Best DRAMAS on TV, 

36 minutes ago, Pigeon Shredder. said:

As l had a busy schedule yesterday, not, l watched seasons 1 and 2 of Spiral, by god it's toxic sitting down to a recommended series's.

Have OPP to blame for that, top man.

Today l'm going Clay Shooting, and then maybe season 3 might get a viewing when l get back!

hello, sorry about that :rolleyes: , PS good luck clay shooting,

Edited by oldypigeonpopper
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On 14/01/2018 at 10:47, oldypigeonpopper said:

hello, please note the BRIDGE final series is on in 2018 on BBC2, ( MAYBE JANUARY ) i have not seen anything to say when but i will most certainly be watching. i would say it has been one of the Best DRAMAS on TV, note another good drama from walter presents, this friday 9 pm on MORE 4 ARTIC MURDER

hello, sorry about that :rolleyes: , PS good luck clay shooting,


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