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Bat behaviour

mel b3

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Hiya guys.

At around 4pm yesterday , the good lady and myself, watched a bat flying around in bright sunshine . It struck me as odd behaviour, firstly because it was daylight ,and secondly because I thought that bats would still be in hibernation at this time of year. I haven't got the foggiest idea what type of bat it was ,but the body looked very ginger ,and it was much bigger than other bats that I see (but that might just be because I've never seen them in bright sunshine before). I'd been cutting up a downed oak earlier in the day , could it possibly have been hibernating in this and ive disturbed it ?.

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8 hours ago, islandgun said:

Being disturbed sounds like the most feasible, can you be a bit more specific about the type/description

I can't im afraid ,it just looked bigger than any other bats that I've seen over the years , and it's body was very furry and ginger.

It's was a real surprise to see a bat in bright sunshine , and although the sun was shining, it was still bitterly cold.

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5 hours ago, TIGHTCHOKE said:

Last sighting too!

:) A couple of years ago a workmate told me he kept finding dead bats outside the front porch of a barn he was living in while he carried out conversion work, but couldn't understand what the cause was. Loaned him a trail camera and we found the point of entry/exit high up in the eaves so placed the camera there. A week or so later, and still more dead bats we had a look on the SIM card and there was his cat sitting quietly on the neighbours garden wall. Turns out she was swatting them out of the sky as they left or returned. :)

I am currently working at the house of a lady just two doors away from him, and some bat society or other has recently done a survey of the number of bats she has in her loft. I don't know how they count these things but they told her she has over 350 bats in her belfry. :yes:


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I had a bat in my spare bedroom a few years ago, I walked into the room and there it was flying around and perfectly silhouetted against the streetlight shining through the window.  I'm rather ashamed to say that I behaved like a big feardy for a moment or two at the appearance of Dracula flying around my room in bat form.  I had to give myself a good talking to for being such a Jessie.

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3 hours ago, grrclark said:

I had a bat in my spare bedroom a few years ago, I walked into the room and there it was flying around and perfectly silhouetted against the streetlight shining through the window.  I'm rather ashamed to say that I behaved like a big feardy for a moment or two at the appearance of Dracula flying around my room in bat form.  I had to give myself a good talking to for being such a Jessie.

I imagine most of us would do the same, wife had a buzzard just appear next to her in the garden the other day, said she screamed a bit and wasn't sure who was more scared.

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We had one in the house two summers ago - a bat not a buzzard. I’d gone to fetch something from Doncaster and halfway there got a phone call like Mrs BTJ was fending off a murderer. Once she calmed down and explained it all she said she was going to bed and I was to deal with it when I got home. Many hours later about 2am when I’d got home, I’d got it pinned down to two rooms and a hallway and managed to shoo him out of one of the French windows. They remind me of flying mice ?

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