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An "offer" from Belgium


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I see that a very kind offer from Belgium has been made to the English people who are working directly for the EU......these traitorous parasites have been offered Belgium passports so that they can continue to enjoy the benifits and in return,continue to guzzle upon the diseased rear end of the EU after Brexit has happened........

So what will happen when the old EU hits the skids and these traitorous swine try to come back home to dear old blighty...........?   refuse them entry i say.....they hate Britain that much then they can all ****** off and become foreigners.....their ancestors must be turning in their graves.......appalling......

Edited by ditchman
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3 minutes ago, ordnance said:

You can have a British or Irish passport here, allowing you have the benefits of the EU and the UK after leaving the EU. 

well i think that is wrong..................to draw a topical parrellell its like an ac/dc person who ...on depending what day of the week it is and how it can benifit you....is gay the whole week cept tuesday morning and thursday evening when they are straight.......

its just plain greedy...

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6 minutes ago, ditchman said:

well i think that is wrong..................to draw a topical parrellell its like an ac/dc person who ...on depending what day of the week it is and how it can benifit you....is gay the whole week cept tuesday morning and thursday evening when they are straight.......

its just plain greedy...

Bloody hell Ditchman, I didn't know you could turn it on and off again!

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17 minutes ago, ordnance said:

You can have a British Irish or both passports here, allowing you have the benefits of the EU and the UK after leaving the EU. 

Makes you wonder what all the big hoo haa is about the border then doesnt it ? Give all people who live on the Island of Ireland dual nationality.
No hard border, free personal use customs allowance, pretty much same as you have now.

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4 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Makes you wonder what all the big hoo haa is about the border then doesnt it ? Give all people who live on the Island of Ireland dual nationality.
No hard border, free personal use customs allowance, pretty much same as you have now.

and what will happen when the EU kicks the bucket ..?...............your suggestion will turn our Irish cousins into a nation of smugglers...big time everything from BMWs Merc's engineering parts...fags booze................

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3 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Makes you wonder what all the big hoo haa is about the border then doesnt it ? Give all people who live on the Island of Ireland dual nationality.
No hard border, free personal use customs allowance, pretty much same as you have now.


Have u any idea how 50% of the population would react to that??

Could quite easily bring back the 'troubles' and the westminster government would fall considering its being kept in power by them.

Never going to work.


To be fair some of u are ut of order, just cause someone works for the EU doesn't make them bad or wrong, most likely  just trying to cover the mortgage back home like every body else.

I'm sure they're will be loads of normal folk who were offered a good deal to work there in wot ever field they work in

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1 minute ago, ditchman said:

and what will happen when the EU kicks the bucket ..?...............your suggestion will turn our Irish cousins into a nation of smugglers...big time everything from BMWs Merc's engineering parts...fags booze................

Probably already happens now, their cost of living is way above ours, and if the EU kicks the bucket ,everyone will suffer for a while, including us.
So I reckon it would be the least of our/their problems.


2 minutes ago, scotslad said:


Have u any idea how 50% of the population would react to that??

Could quite easily bring back the 'troubles' and the westminster government would fall considering its being kept in power by them.

Never going to work.


To be fair some of u are ut of order, just cause someone works for the EU doesn't make them bad or wrong, most likely  just trying to cover the mortgage back home like every body else.

I'm sure they're will be loads of normal folk who were offered a good deal to work there in wot ever field they work in

No idea, why has no one thought of asking them ?

Instead of creating a problem about 'the border' why dont we look at solutions.
Ill tell you why, because its not in the EUs interests, its IS  in Eires interests ,but their idiotic government is just doing what Brussels tells them.

Do you have a solution Scotslad ?

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No but i do have a bit of a clue about politics in NI. I doubt u really have to ask them either


Without getting into relegion, which is almost impossible in NI politics. I doubt very many if any prods/unionists would sign up to carry an Eire passport, most would see it as a massive betreyal by UK.  Would magine might be enough a few loyalists might even dig up there AK's, and if1 side gets busy with the shovels u can bet the other side will too

I'm sure most would see it as handing back the 6 by the back door.


To be honest the only solution is a hard border, really don't see the big deal, probably why most in NI voted to remain. And UK politicains/leave campign were wrong to promise anything different as its not wholely there decision to make.

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19 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Makes you wonder what all the big hoo haa is about the border then doesnt it ? Give all people who live on the Island of Ireland dual nationality.
No hard border, free personal use customs allowance, pretty much same as you have now.

 There is already a border , if it is to become a hard border it will be because the EU demand the Irish government put border controls in place.  



Nationality and citizenship. Northern Ireland is part of the UK. However, under the Belfast Agreement(external link opens in a new window / tab), also known as the Good Friday Agreement, people born in Northern Ireland can choose to be British citizens, Irish citizens or both.


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20 minutes ago, scotslad said:


Have u any idea how 50% of the population would react to that??

Could quite easily bring back the 'troubles' and the westminster government would fall considering its being kept in power by them.

Never going to work.


To be fair some of u are ut of order, just cause someone works for the EU doesn't make them bad or wrong, most likely  just trying to cover the mortgage back home like every body else.

I'm sure they're will be loads of normal folk who were offered a good deal to work there in wot ever field they work in

understand what you say......we are not getting upity...just 'avin a bit of a "dig"..:good:


7 minutes ago, scotslad said:

No but i do have a bit of a clue about politics in NI. I doubt u really have to ask them either


Without getting into relegion, which is almost impossible in NI politics. I doubt very many if any prods/unionists would sign up to carry an Eire passport, most would see it as a massive betreyal by UK.  Would magine might be enough a few loyalists might even dig up there AK's, and if1 side gets busy with the shovels u can bet the other side will too

I'm sure most would see it as handing back the 6 by the back door.


To be honest the only solution is a hard border, really don't see the big deal, probably why most in NI voted to remain. And UK politicains/leave campign were wrong to promise anything different as its not wholely there decision to make.

come crunch time its going to be that i rekon................

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10 minutes ago, scotslad said:

No but i do have a bit of a clue about politics in NI. I doubt u really have to ask them either
You doubt it ? Maybe thats what we need to gauge what they would like to see.
Doesnt mean they will get it , but is it not down to the Irish people to decide what they want, or the EU ?
And when I say the Irish people, I mean all of them.


Without getting into relegion, which is almost impossible in NI politics. I doubt very many if any prods/unionists would sign up to carry an Eire passport, They wouldnt have to carry it ! They could just have a stamp or something in their existing passport, that gave them access to Eire, effectively the same as it is now. most would see it as a massive betreyal by UK.  Would magine might be enough a few loyalists might even dig up there AK's, and if1 side gets busy with the shovels u can bet the other side will too

I'm sure most would see it as handing back the 6 by the back door.

Why would they want to undo everything they have fought and bled for ?
You make it sound like they cant wait to get back at it.
I really dont believe that to be the case.


To be honest the only solution is a hard border, really don't see the big deal, probably why most in NI voted to remain. And UK politicains/leave campign were wrong to promise anything different as its not wholely there decision to make.


If anything the hard border would be the thing to really annoy both sides, it isnt the only solution, but its definitely the WORST solution.

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Without getting into relegion, which is almost impossible in NI politics. I doubt very many if any prods/unionists would sign up to carry an Eire passport, most would see it as a massive betreyal by UK. 

A lot of unionists would be happy to have both passports, having a Irish passport dose not change their constitutional position  in their UK. They would see it making sense to have their feet in both camps. 



The leading Northern Ireland Unionist, Ian Paisley Jr, has advised constituents to get a Republic of Ireland passport if possible. An MP with the Democratic Union Party (DUP), Mr Paisley campaigned for Brexit ahead of the referendum.But he said on Twitter: "My advice is if you are entitled to second passport then take one. I sign off lots of applications for constituents.



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1 minute ago, scouser said:

If it comes down to a hard border and the provo,s kick off, all the one,s that where released under the good Friday agreement should be straight back to clink, and the boy,s from Hereford let off the lease to sort the rest out.

I think weve moved on a bit from the 70s to be honest, why would the 'provos' kick off ?
Because they couldnt do a run over the border to get some cheap groceries ? :lol:

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I can't see it sitting well with the very vocal minority of the 'no surrender' brigade.


Rewulf wot good is having a referendum?  To be fair the last referendum (basicaly england) is forcing this issue as NI over whelming voted to stay in, no doubt they could see the issues

With the politics and religous divide, how would the more 'hard liners' feel if they were forced that may because of the vote from down south??

Plus at end of day it shouldn't really matter wot the people want, wot ever way u cut it it is a border between a EU and non EU member state.

The only referendum i can see changing that is if NI merges to form a unitied ireland so all EU

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22 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

Isnt that what I said?

Yes, the only ones talking up the border problems are anti brexiteers and others using it to cynically push their different agendas Tony Blair Irish Government etc. But they are playing with fire talking up a possible return to terrorism here. 

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Just now, ordnance said:

Yes, the only ones talking up the border problems are anti brexiteers and others using it to cynically push their different agendas Tony Blair Irish Government etc.   But they are playing with fire talking up a possible return to terrorism here. 

:good: They would probably like to see that happen, then they could turn round and say 'Look what happens when you leave the safety of the EU' 

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The better half is a pretty staunch unionist but has still applied for an Irish passport as her employer needs her to fly back and forth to the mainland Europe often at short notice. Without an Irish passport she would potentially be out of a job when Brexit completes. 

A schoolmate has married a German and moved his business to France as 80% of his sales were to mainland Europe (and let all his uk staff go), a few colleagues whose partners work in the republic have been looking at working down south if the border becomes problematic, a couple have already moved... 

My work is uk based and beyond any Brexit impact on people's ability to spend I won't be directly effected, but for my better half to continue her career (essentially covering a Western Europe territory spanning the uk and parts that are not uk for a New York based company who deal with international drug trials) there is a very real chance we will have to look at either the Republic of Ireland or further afield depending on the fallout of whatever deal is struck. 

Given the situation I would absolutely take another passport under the circumstances, either anything European or Australian. National pride comes distinctly second to keeping a roof over our heads. 

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2 minutes ago, Rewulf said:

I think weve moved on a bit from the 70s to be honest, why would the 'provos' kick off ?
Because they couldnt do a run over the border to get some cheap groceries ? :lol:

 Ur showing a bit of ignorance to NI politics, i would imagine it would be the loyalists not the provo's kicking off. It might be all the same to u down south.

And to be honest i can see how they could reguard it as a betreyal, if u did believe the way they do. I know of a few scots who wouldn't be happy if that happened.

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1 hour ago, ditchman said:

and what will happen when the EU kicks the bucket ..?...............your suggestion will turn our Irish cousins into a nation of smugglers...big time everything from BMWs Merc's engineering parts...fags booze................

Smuggling has always been rife across the Irish border, that's hardly new, People from the South come to the North to stock up now, I don't know if that counts as smuggling but there is definitely a price differential between the two parts.

In the last hundred years Ireland has paid a terrible price for its independence. Their economy has always lagged far beyond ours and millions of Irish people have been forced to emigrate in search of work and to escape poverty. To be honest they are a basket case with very poor prospects for the future, the EU is their lifeline.

Edited by Vince Green
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1 minute ago, scotslad said:

 Ur showing a bit of ignorance to NI politics, i would imagine it would be the loyalists not the provo's kicking off. It might be all the same to u down south.

And to be honest i can see how they could reguard it as a betreyal, if u did believe the way they do. I know of a few scots who wouldn't be happy if that happened.

Youve lost me a bit here..
I was sort of making fun of the 'provos kicking off' comment, and Im quite sure I know the difference between Unionist militia and the IRA .

Why would any of them kick off ? Its a ridiculous argument.
If they are that interested in NOT having a hard border, where are their voices ?

12 minutes ago, scotslad said:


Plus at end of day it shouldn't really matter wot the people want, wot ever way u cut it it is a border between a EU and non EU member state.


Now thats really done me! Why ? The people of Ireland need to have their say on the matter, North and South.
Who amongst them is going to say ' Yeah ,give me a hard border, the harder the better, fences, checkpoints the lot '


16 minutes ago, scotslad said:


The only referendum i can see changing that is if NI merges to form a unitied ireland so all EU

Madness, you might as well roll the clock back a hundred years and start again.

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Yes, the only ones talking up the border problems are anti brexiteers and others using it to cynically push their different agendas Tony Blair Irish Government etc. But they are playing with fire talking up a possible return to terrorism here. 

ordnance - decent post.

Rewulf - I haven't a clue why you are taking stick.


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