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Brexit airbus now BMW


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On ‎23‎/‎06‎/‎2018 at 22:56, Paul1440 said:

Being in the EU is proven.  Remember the 1970s. Strikes. Power cuts. 3 day eorking week. 98% tax etc.  Predictions are what Brexiteers gave us of a vision promised land. (and £350m)

But like it or not that what was decided has been. We have now shot our bolt and need to get on with it and make sure we don't get screwed. Otherwise I really am not looking forward to a career change from technolgy to Crop picking.. but hey ho. 







The strikes and power cuts, three day working etc in the 70s was nothing to do with us being in or out of the EU. It was a concerted effort by the hard left (through the Trade Unions which they had infiltrated ) to bring down the country and create an environment where they could take over. The much prophicied "Revolution". 

Russia was behind it , secretly funding it, pulling strings etc. Their aim was the spread of Communism. Maggie Thatcher, (and Neil Kinnock rather surprisingly), put paid to them

Nothing to do with the EU, 

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23 minutes ago, Vince Green said:

The strikes and power cuts, three day working etc in the 70s was nothing to do with us being in or out of the EU. It was a concerted effort by the hard left (through the Trade Unions which they had infiltrated ) to bring down the country and create an environment where they could take over. The much prophicied "Revolution". 

Russia was behind it , secretly funding it, pulling strings etc. Their aim was the spread of Communism. Maggie Thatcher, (and Neil Kinnock rather surprisingly), put paid to them

Nothing to do with the EU, 

That is quite right, and they are trying again through Corbyn, Abbott, MacDonald, McLusky and their Momentum and Union pals.

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1 hour ago, Vince Green said:

The strikes and power cuts, three day working etc in the 70s was nothing to do with us being in or out of the EU. It was a concerted effort by the hard left (through the Trade Unions which they had infiltrated ) to bring down the country and create an environment where they could take over. The much prophicied "Revolution". 

Russia was behind it , secretly funding it, pulling strings etc. Their aim was the spread of Communism. Maggie Thatcher, (and Neil Kinnock rather surprisingly), put paid to them

Nothing to do with the EU, 

Vince if only you could get today's youngsters to believe that!

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22 minutes ago, old man said:

Amazingingly, a lot of people like the brand of unelected euro politics much more than democracy?

Not much hope then?

That's because a huge chunk of the population are sheep, especially the younger generation. Someone starts a trend and everyone jumps on board, I'll give you a couple of examples

The floor is lava

Silly Salmon

Sheep trying to become rich famous through social media, couldn't have a unique thought if they tried.

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21 minutes ago, Newbie to this said:

That's because a huge chunk of the population are sheep, especially the younger generation. Someone starts a trend and everyone jumps on board, I'll give you a couple of examples

The floor is lava

Silly Salmon

Sheep trying to become rich famous through social media, couldn't have a unique thought if they tried.

but thats how you get on in life, post carp videos and pout at the camera?? Muppets.

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With respect to BMW. Rover Cars had a factory in Romania producing Maestro's and it was always on the cards that if we left .The EU would impose tariffs for cars built outside the EU. Land Rover looked at its key markets and built plants in China and Africa. It's a matter of economics build them where you sell them.

The Chinese/ Japanese  companies will be tempted to move into the EU but it depends on the "incentives " they are offered??

Edited by pigeon controller
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37 minutes ago, pigeon controller said:


The Chinese companies will be tempted to move into the EU but it depends on the "incentives " they are offered??

They'd have to chuck the minimum wage out the window for starters!

Chinese workers get a 10th of European wage's if theyre lucky.

The Chinese copy what we make, and sell it back to us for half the price, still make a healthy profit, there is no need for them to move to Europe

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