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Not Always to Plan

pigeon controller

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I did three hours reconnaissance on Friday to find not much in the way of pigeons feeding, I found lots of fluffed up birds sitting in trees but nothing feeding hard between 13.15 and 16.15.

So Saturday collected DB at 08.00 and I reported my findings of one hundred and fifty birds sitting in trees walk out on the field up and gone. In all the time I was out did not see a flighting bird.

So we decided to look in on the birds we had seen building up on two farms when we drove out  on New Years day. The first farm had one hundred plus straight in on the rape over six fields. The second farm had approx two hundred flighting between two large fields ( Very Large). So we decide to approach the first farm and drove into the yard. Talking to the farmer the gamekeeper had vowed to keep all the pigeons off the rape but they had to go and buy a gas gun yesterday. He had to talk to his brother as he had a shooter coming today and he would get back to us in an hour. So go and look at the other farms rape via the " Greasy Spoon " for DBs breakfast. The other farm was loaded gave the farmer a ring and he said yes but only shoot the one field as the game shoot was active today. Now, it was our intention to shoot both as we would push the birds to one another. 

First farmers brother phoned us, " Yes I did promise the rape shooting to you both" but I promised this young lad on the game shoot he could have a day before I contacted you both. He will be on the farm at approx midday after clay shooting. You can go on for a couple of hours if you want but we have a gas gun on it. So we decide to set up and have a couple of hours in which we could have a good few birds before the other shooter. We chose a spot up on the top of a steep bank or more like " Cardiac Hill". We set up with the twelve decoys as the norm and waited, the gas gun was behind us near the release pens!! It went of with the normal tree bangs and the whole flock just lifted out of the trees in one huge block and disappeared into the distance. In the next hour one decoyed and we left.

The next farm had birds down all over the two fields, there was very little wind so it was difficult to pick up on an actual flightline. The large field we had been requested to shoot has a footpath running across its middle which has a wire fence along its length so we agreed to set up on the fence and shoot both sides. We were set up and running by 12.00 and the first birds came staright in. As we continued a flightline developed across the top of the field to our left and put out more decoys that side to try and draw them to decoy we only managed less than ten percent and it was frustrating as we could not move onto the flightline due to houses and a private road. DB had to be back home by 15.30 so we left the field at 14.45 and I returned later to clear up. So in two hours and fortyfive minutes we had seventyone pigeons and three corvids if only we could have got on the end of the flightline it would have been a different matter.



71 Pigeons ,3 Corvids.


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Our weekly fix was a bit late coming this week but still worth waiting for , I love your 'never say die' attitude and you certainly go the extra mile , if you couldn't get any then most of us would have a very lean time , mind you most of us are having a lean time .

Yesterday we were in what is normally a good pigeon area near Norwich and yet this winter we have saw less pigeons than we have for years , normally now we are pushing the woods out the guns get a few shots at pigeons and one or two are added to the bag , for the last four shoots we have only had one pigeon hanging up and yesterday the rape fields were devoid of pigeons .

When will we be seeing , or hearing about your new canine companion ??



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1 hour ago, marsh man said:

Our weekly fix was a bit late coming this week but still worth waiting for , I love your 'never say die' attitude and you certainly go the extra mile , if you couldn't get any then most of us would have a very lean time , mind you most of us are having a lean time .

Yesterday we were in what is normally a good pigeon area near Norwich and yet this winter we have saw less pigeons than we have for years , normally now we are pushing the woods out the guns get a few shots at pigeons and one or two are added to the bag , for the last four shoots we have only had one pigeon hanging up and yesterday the rape fields were devoid of pigeons .

When will we be seeing , or hearing about your new canine companion ??



With reference to a new canine companion, the wife and I would like to give an abandoned springer or working cocker a full working life. We are regularly scanning the rescue sites and keeping our ears to the ground for a suitable replacement to my Sprocker. 

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5 hours ago, pigeon controller said:

With reference to a new canine companion, the wife and I would like to give an abandoned springer or working cocker a full working life. We are regularly scanning the rescue sites and keeping our ears to the ground for a suitable replacement to my Sprocker. 

GOOD LUCK with your search , when you do come across one , he or she will certainly get a lot of work, and will be very well cared for .

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