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HW100 Pellet Options


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Evening all, having recently acquired a HW100KS .177 I've had lots of fun pellet testing to see what performs best, so far I've tried Falcon Accuracy Plus, JSB express, JSB exacts 4.52s, JSB Heavies and H & N FTTs. At 30 yards with the express 7.9s I was getting the 'shotgun effect' whereas there wasn't much between the rest of them, at 40 yards the heavies started to pull away as the clearer winner at present. My question is are there any people still using RWS Superfields and have bought any recently? I watched a video where they grouped better than AA fields and JSBs but it was done about 7 years ago, normally I'd just go out and buy some but I've read mixed reports about quality/change of production etc hence my question, cheers.

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There are some guns (especially in .177 ) that will only shoot a bismag /barrcuda match pellet accurately. Bsa s are known for it .the reason (i think ) for this is, if you have a bore that may not have much of a choke at the muzzle or. A Bore that may have a slack spot or 2 along its length .or you may just have a bore that is a touch over sized .then you need a pellet that is a bit bigger (in head and skirt ) than usual crowd .

And thats a bisley magnum .

By contrast the 7.44  grn falcon can have quiet a small head and soft /fragile skirt .that basically just doesnt fit too well up a bore as described above .

I have got a bsa .177 that will only shoot bismags and thier derivatives. And ive shot and owned a few more .


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Had similar issues to what you have described.

The reason my HW100 .177 had a ' shotgun effect ' as it came with some sort of  thick gungy preservative in the barrel.

Once cleaned, as if by magic, it now shoots groups at 55y with JSB Express, JSB Exact and AA Fields, which you could  cover with a 5p.



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Thanks all for replying, looks like I may have to get pellet samples instead of full tins or it could get expensive very quickly! :lol: thought I'd tried enough but looks like I'll have to have more fun finding the ideal pellet. :good:

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2 hours ago, Ttfjlc said:

Thanks all for replying, looks like I may have to get pellet samples instead of full tins or it could get expensive very quickly! :lol: thought I'd tried enough but looks like I'll have to have more fun finding the ideal pellet. :good:

I tried a lot of different pellets in various head sizes in my 177 100K.  Bisley and Weihrauch Magnums worked well, as did RWS Superdome and Field, Daystate Kaiser, H&N Sniper Light, Webley Mosquito Express, and a few others, but AADF in 4.52 worked best of all.

Until I bought a tin with a different die number, and they were all over the place. 🙁

The die and batch numbers is what counts, and buying samples, as I did myself, means you don’t know that information.

The 100K seems to be a particularly fussy little beggar. 

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36 minutes ago, wobbly bob 2 said:

I tried a lot of different pellets in various head sizes in my 177 100K.  Bisley and Weihrauch Magnums worked well, as did RWS Superdome and Field, Daystate Kaiser, H&N Sniper Light, Webley Mosquito Express, and a few others, but AADF in 4.52 worked best of all.

Until I bought a tin with a different die number, and they were all over the place. 🙁

The die and batch numbers is what counts, and buying samples, as I did myself, means you don’t know that information.

The 100K seems to be a particularly fussy little beggar. 

Funnily enough I've read a lot about buying in bulk from the same die and batch. If some people only shoot to 30 yards they'd say it's not fussy at all as most of the pellets grouped nicely at that range, however my garden stretches to 42 yards and that is when I get some rather varied results so I see where you're coming from. :good:

Out of interest were the AADF the 8.4s or express 7.9s?

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They were AA Diabolo Field at 8.4 in 4.52.  I bought a selection box off you know where, and shot bench rested at an indoor range,  and recorded the results, the groups, and flyers. The same pellet in 4.51 or 4.53 was not as good.  I thought with the make and weight of pellet and head size I had it sussed, and went through several tins no prob, then because I knew no better without thinking I bought a different die and batch, and it went shotgun.

I have also tried washing and lubing, and a pellet sizer and found it made no difference to pellets straight from the tin.

For sure, if you find one that works in your rifle buy a few sleeves.  😃



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Well it seems all HW barrels are different so I can't say they will work in yours. I was using die numbers 42 and 44, and yes I am starting the whole process again. Very frustrating.

The tins have a label on the bottom stating the die number, date of production, and a couple of other bits, varies between manufacturers, and of course, a lot of the brands are made by the same people. So JSB make Air Arms, H&N make Bisley and Weihrauch and Daystate I think, but the contracts chop and change.

When you find a good batch you just ask the guy in the shop for that die and batch number,  if you're buying online you will have to ring and ask what they got. 

They all know the score that the pellets vary because pellet production has not yet caught up with improvements in air rifles.



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34 minutes ago, Ttfjlc said:

Thanks for that I'll buy a tin of those to try as well, have you now had to go back to testing again? Might sound a bit daft but how do you try and get pellets from the same 'good' batch? 

One way is find the pellet you like, then have a phone around or ask your local dealer if they stock them and how many tins they have of the batch you want, buy a tin go home and shoot, hopefully all good then go back and buy all you can.

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Exactly what mice .said .

Buy a tin .is it a good pellet .? Yes .

Go back and buy all he has with the same batch number .then forget pellet testing and go hunt .


Ive generally  got in stock (of pellets ) 30.000 at any one time .

Mostly in .177 (as i have a lot of .177 guns) and a few like different brands .

I also have .22 s and .25 guns. 

I buy in bulk 5 - 10 tins at a time (of a single batch.)



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1 hour ago, wobbly bob 2 said:

Well it seems all HW barrels are different so I can't say they will work in yours. I was using die numbers 42 and 44, and yes I am starting the whole process again. Very frustrating.

The tins have a label on the bottom stating the die number, date of production, and a couple of other bits, varies between manufacturers, and of course, a lot of the brands are made by the same people. So JSB make Air Arms, H&N make Bisley and Weihrauch and Daystate I think, but the contracts chop and change.

When you find a good batch you just ask the guy in the shop for that die and batch number,  if you're buying online you will have to ring and ask what they got. 

They all know the score that the pellets vary because pellet production has not yet caught up with improvements in air rifles.



Thanks for that, the reason I asked was because I've been in to get some pellets and sometimes they only have 1 or 2 tins on the shelves of a particular brand. I know what you mean about certain manufacturers making pellets for several companies, weihrauch branded pellets are made by JSB and H&N.

1 hour ago, Mice! said:

One way is find the pellet you like, then have a phone around or ask your local dealer if they stock them and how many tins they have of the batch you want, buy a tin go home and shoot, hopefully all good then go back and buy all you can.

Thanks for that, knowing my luck the best pellet will be last of the batch :lol:.

47 minutes ago, Ultrastu said:

Exactly what mice .said .

Buy a tin .is it a good pellet .? Yes .

Go back and buy all he has with the same batch number .then forget pellet testing and go hunt .


Ive generally  got in stock (of pellets ) 30.000 at any one time .

Mostly in .177 (as i have a lot of .177 guns) and a few like different brands .

I also have .22 s and .25 guns. 

I buy in bulk 5 - 10 tins at a time (of a single batch.)



Trust me UltraStu if you saw some of my groups I would be wasting my time hunting :lol:, seriously though I haven't got permissions yet for air rifle hunting, just wanting to test my abilities to see what I and the gun can do, next will be to find a bit of land to paper punch to 50-55 yards with the chosen pellet and go from there. :good: by the way I thought I was building up a collection of pellets with 5 tins, then I worked out you have at least 60! 

On a side note my RFD gave me these flatheads to try, not sure what is normally the max range for flats but at 33 yards I could cover 5 shots with a 5p coin.




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looks like they'll be good for rats out to your 30yard shooting then they loose it, but once you find the pellet your barrel likes they'll probably be forgotten about.

think I'm down to two tins of accupel now, after buying ten tins of the same batch years ago, i do use bisley pest control occasionally and don't shoot much.

your local gun shop might well have more tins under the counter or in there stock room, if not just buy what you need somewhere else.

enjoy, and be sure to keep posting the pics showing how your pellet testing goes 👍👍 

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8 hours ago, Mice! said:

looks like they'll be good for rats out to your 30yard shooting then they loose it, but once you find the pellet your barrel likes they'll probably be forgotten about.

think I'm down to two tins of accupel now, after buying ten tins of the same batch years ago, i do use bisley pest control occasionally and don't shoot much.

your local gun shop might well have more tins under the counter or in there stock room, if not just buy what you need somewhere else.

enjoy, and be sure to keep posting the pics showing how your pellet testing goes 👍👍 

Thanks for the advice, hopefully this weather turns for the better soon, we're surrounded by open fields so rarely have a proper still day to do any accurate testing but either way I'll post the results when I get chance. :good:

8 hours ago, Robertt said:

Should shoot well with most pellets.

Have you cleaned the barrel ?

No I haven't pal, somebody posted earlier saying he had some gunk in his so I'll look into that as well. :good:

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Id say those groups are pretty good. And especially for a flat head pellet. .accuracy tends to drop off around 25  yds with most flat head  pellets but they are holding out to 30 yds. 

The other thing due to the poor bc of a flat head the retained energy is very low at 30 + so its kind of pointless going beyond that range anyway .

As a general rule high  bc pellets (every think else being equal ) will hold a better group at longer range .

So pellets like bis mags .jsb heavies 10.3    Jsb 8.4   7.9  

Crosman prems 10.3  and 7.9 


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9 hours ago, Ultrastu said:

Id say those groups are pretty good. And especially for a flat head pellet. .accuracy tends to drop off around 25  yds with most flat head  pellets but they are holding out to 30 yds. 

The other thing due to the poor bc of a flat head the retained energy is very low at 30 + so its kind of pointless going beyond that range anyway .

As a general rule high  bc pellets (every think else being equal ) will hold a better group at longer range .

So pellets like bis mags .jsb heavies 10.3    Jsb 8.4   7.9  

Crosman prems 10.3  and 7.9 


Thanks for that info, like I said the RFD gave me them to try as he'd been told they weren't very good and could I try them through my gun and let him know how I got on. I was quite impressed with the accuracy around 30 yards but hadn't considered the bc, I'll be out on Saturday getting more pellets based on all the recommendations, again out of interest, what do the likes of yourself and others do with all the pellets that don't suit your guns? Reason I ask is if I only had one or two tins I'd just use them for plinking but I can see me ending up with quite a few and wondered if people sold/swapped them or divided them up to sell as pellet samples.

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I keep unsuitable pellets .

It doesny take long till ive bought another gun .and then i have plenty of tins to try find this new guns fave .

For example i have a tin of bsa interceptors in .177 a hollow point pellet. I wrote them off as useless as ive tried them in probably 5 of my guns .

Well at the week end i happed to try them in my hw 30 had both gun and that pellet for at least 2 years but hadnt put them together .low and behold they shoot really well out to 20 yds. 


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