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For Mel and all our Dustbin men


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5 minutes ago, snow white said:

Mel the driver giving order leave that he is not a p/ w member

Can you translate that ?

On another forum they mentioned bagging Hoover bags or emptying your bagless Hoover contents into a bag.

When the bin is emptied the dust from hoovers often blows out all over the binmen.

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I missed my fortnightly collection yesterday, the bins full and another two weeks before the next collection, plus I have about 150 frozen pigeons and some rotting decoy birds to get rid of as I cannot get to the dealer, no trips allowed to the tip so fingers crossed the freezers don't pack up or the neighbours are going to be really upset with the stench, I wonder if I can send them to the tip by courier, might be a bit costly though !!!!

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I think its along the lines of :

Mel ..(truck driver) "leave that bin alone as they are not members of the fantastic Pigeon Watch internet group !"

members of the waste removal team.. "Ok " 

I wanted to be a bin man when I was young as they only worked for 20 minutes on a Tuesday...


Stay safe 


Edited by mad1
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2 minutes ago, mad1 said:

I thinks its along the lines of :

Mel ..(truck driver) "leave that bin alone as they are not members of the fantastic Pigeon Watch internet group !"

members of the waste removal team.. "Ok " 

I'll have you know that I hardly ever do that 😅.

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20 minutes ago, lakeside1000 said:

I missed my fortnightly collection yesterday, the bins full and another two weeks before the next collection, plus I have about 150 frozen pigeons and some rotting decoy birds to get rid of as I cannot get to the dealer, no trips allowed to the tip so fingers crossed the freezers don't pack up or the neighbours are going to be really upset with the stench, I wonder if I can send them to the tip by courier, might be a bit costly though !!!!

Are you on Facebook? There is bound to be someone who would take your pigeons either for themselves or ferret food?

Have a look for giving up the game, or advertise them on here?

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9 minutes ago, Mice! said:

Are you on Facebook? There is bound to be someone who would take your pigeons either for themselves or ferret food?

Have a look for giving up the game, or advertise them on here?

Collecting them hopefully will be classed as food shopping too.


32 minutes ago, lakeside1000 said:

I missed my fortnightly collection yesterday, the bins full and another two weeks before the next collection, plus I have about 150 frozen pigeons and some rotting decoy birds to get rid of as I cannot get to the dealer, no trips allowed to the tip so fingers crossed the freezers don't pack up or the neighbours are going to be really upset with the stench, I wonder if I can send them to the tip by courier, might be a bit costly though !!!!

Could it be classed as a food delivery. They are allowed. Might be worth ringing your game dealer to see if he knows.

Edited by loriusgarrulus
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42 minutes ago, lakeside1000 said:

I missed my fortnightly collection yesterday, the bins full and another two weeks before the next collection, plus I have about 150 frozen pigeons and some rotting decoy birds to get rid of as I cannot get to the dealer, no trips allowed to the tip so fingers crossed the freezers don't pack up or the neighbours are going to be really upset with the stench, I wonder if I can send them to the tip by courier, might be a bit costly though !!!!

Morning Alan ....... It would be no good going to the tip as they are shut until all these problems with the virus are back to normal which could be months away .

Catch up with you hopefully  sooner than later ....... STAY SAFE.

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1 hour ago, loriusgarrulus said:

Don't forget to wash the wheelie handle and lid after you put it out and before you bring it back in.
Those brave dustbin men handle thousands of bins.
Protect them and yourself. :thumbsup:


I would imagine the average bin man to be immune to all known (and unknown) diseases and viruses with what they come in contact with. 

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Couple near me completely not bothered about virus or anyone else! Only how where when to get food. Say as we live in sticks virus will not affect us! He retired yet wife work in school. Yeah right! They out and about every day. 

Tried to tell/show them how easy it can spread and anyone can get/spread it after i saw a lad get off local bus from town, making and lighting up a fag and putting his rubbish in there wheely bin as he walked past.  Went right over there head with a shrug!!         NB

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1 hour ago, lakeside1000 said:

I missed my fortnightly collection yesterday, the bins full and another two weeks before the next collection, plus I have about 150 frozen pigeons and some rotting decoy birds to get rid of as I cannot get to the dealer, no trips allowed to the tip so fingers crossed the freezers don't pack up or the neighbours are going to be really upset with the stench, I wonder if I can send them to the tip by courier, might be a bit costly though !!!!

What about fire heap or commercial waste bin on your farms? that where some of mine go.          NB

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1 hour ago, AVB said:

I would imagine the average bin man to be immune to all known (and unknown) diseases and viruses with what they come in contact with. 

It's a novel virus. Nobody who hasn't  had it is immune.


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22 minutes ago, loriusgarrulus said:

So far , we've had one of the lads that went off sick with it about six weeks ago , he came back to work on Monday,  but he's still a wreck and was sent back home . I've also just heard that one of the older guys has got it , and has been taken back into hospital for a second time, that's just yard rumour at the moment. 

I would guess(really ,really ,really hope), that as we're exposed to pretty much everything on a regular basis , most of us have pretty good immune systems , that would hopefully be able to fight this little nasty off . Lots of departments are either closed down , or skeleton staff , but the recycling department are still working , and have been hit quite hard so far . Some of the other sent home departments have been put on standby,  and told that they might need to jump into our boots if things head south.

One of the most unnerving thing about it all , is that the public have started being very very nice to us , it doesn't happen very often , and it's quite disconcerting 😅

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Hope you stay healthy and the nice treatment continues after, in recognition of all you do. 👍

1 hour ago, mel b3 said:

So far , we've had one of the lads that went off sick with it about six weeks ago , he came back to work on Monday,  but he's still a wreck and was sent back home . I've also just heard that one of the older guys has got it , and has been taken back into hospital for a second time, that's just yard rumour at the moment. 

I would guess(really ,really ,really hope), that as we're exposed to pretty much everything on a regular basis , most of us have pretty good immune systems , that would hopefully be able to fight this little nasty off . Lots of departments are either closed down , or skeleton staff , but the recycling department are still working , and have been hit quite hard so far . Some of the other sent home departments have been put on standby,  and told that they might need to jump into our boots if things head south.

One of the most unnerving thing about it all , is that the public have started being very very nice to us , it doesn't happen very often , and it's quite disconcerting 😅


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On 01/04/2020 at 12:59, mel b3 said:

So far , we've had one of the lads that went off sick with it about six weeks ago , he came back to work on Monday,  but he's still a wreck and was sent back home . I've also just heard that one of the older guys has got it , and has been taken back into hospital for a second time, that's just yard rumour at the moment. 

I would guess(really ,really ,really hope), that as we're exposed to pretty much everything on a regular basis , most of us have pretty good immune systems , that would hopefully be able to fight this little nasty off . Lots of departments are either closed down , or skeleton staff , but the recycling department are still working , and have been hit quite hard so far . Some of the other sent home departments have been put on standby,  and told that they might need to jump into our boots if things head south.

One of the most unnerving thing about it all , is that the public have started being very very nice to us , it doesn't happen very often , and it's quite disconcerting 😅

I think you bin men are fantastic, I worked for Anglian water sewage for 15 years repairing all the equipment that deals with bodily waste, not pleasant either but it was a good paying job and I have a tough constitution, My bin men come round, rain or shine all year round, never complain and always have a smile for me , even when I take liberties with what goes in the bin, they are always polite and friendly and I know we would be well in the **** without them.

Just as a footnote, I was in Italy some years ago when the bin men were on strike, it had been going on for weeks, and people just piled their rubbish in the streets , there were rats everywhere, plagues of flies and the smell was unbelievable, and it took weeks to clear it after they went back to work, so we should count ourselves lucky we have such a great service, even through these tough times, thank you all so much !!!

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2 hours ago, lakeside1000 said:

I think you bin men are fantastic, I worked for Anglian water sewage for 15 years repairing all the equipment that deals with bodily waste, not pleasant either but it was a good paying job and I have a tough constitution, My bin men come round, rain or shine all year round, never complain and always have a smile for me , even when I take liberties with what goes in the bin, they are always polite and friendly and I know we would be well in the **** without them.

Just as a footnote, I was in Italy some years ago when the bin men were on strike, it had been going on for weeks, and people just piled their rubbish in the streets , there were rats everywhere, plagues of flies and the smell was unbelievable, and it took weeks to clear it after they went back to work, so we should count ourselves lucky we have such a great service, even through these tough times, thank you all so much !!!

thankyou on behalf of all the binmen that wont see your generous words :good:.

binmen can be a miserable bunch of **** at times , but who wouldnt be if youre walking the streets at 6am in the rain and sleet , or biting cold wind on a dark january morning , but , i dont think ive heard a single complaint for weeks at work , everyone is just getting their head down , and getting stuck in.

after this current mess were in is over  , and world finances get reset , i also hope that we also have an attitude reset , yes we need financiers , bank managers , professional footballers etc , but i hope everyone remembers , hospital nurses and doctors , that are really risking it all , paramedics that are ferrying desperately ill people into hospitals , hospital cleaners and kitchen staff ,  that are doing there best to keep the nhs machine moving , lorry drivers that are working around the clock to keep shelves stocked with food , shelf stackers and till operators that keep that food moving to people that need it , care home staff and carers  that are looking after our elderly ,  police officers that are getting loads of stick for trying to keep people safe , binmen that are trying to keep the streets clean , bus /train/taxi drivers that are getting keyworkers to work and back , sewer workers that must be having more blocked drains than ever , teachers and caretakers that are still working to look after keyworkers children and vulnerable children(including during the coming holiday)   , and all the other people that are working around the clock to get us out of this mess.

i hope that in the future , all of the above people (and the many that i didnt mention) , get remembered as the ones that really stepped up to the plate , when we were in it up to our ears.:good:


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Amen to that, my youngest son is self employed and trades on the internet, his business is still ok ( not great ) but he has virtually closed it down and become a local volunteer, shopping for local oldies, running errands, generally looking out for anyone in the village who may need help, he does all our shopping, phones us three or four times a week to check on us and comes round at least once a week with our granddaughter who's just 9, they stand at the end of the drive so we can catch up on everything, she just wants to give us both a hug but knows its not safe, its heartbreaking but that's just how it is and we have to grin and bear it for now, 

My thanks goes out to all the ordinary people like my son who have put others first, volunteering for anything and everything to help out,  that community Spirit still exists thank goodness.

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37 minutes ago, lakeside1000 said:

Amen to that, my youngest son is self employed and trades on the internet, his business is still ok ( not great ) but he has virtually closed it down and become a local volunteer, shopping for local oldies, running errands, generally looking out for anyone in the village who may need help, he does all our shopping, phones us three or four times a week to check on us and comes round at least once a week with our granddaughter who's just 9, they stand at the end of the drive so we can catch up on everything, she just wants to give us both a hug but knows its not safe, its heartbreaking but that's just how it is and we have to grin and bear it for now, 

My thanks goes out to all the ordinary people like my son who have put others first, volunteering for anything and everything to help out,  that community Spirit still exists thank goodness.

tell  your lad , absolutely top darts :good:. its people like him thatll drag is through the mess that were in at the moment.:good:

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